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Old August 15th, 2006, 00:23   #61
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Originally Posted by Droc
masks are for pussys
Anyone want to bet that this guy has a trophy stash of parts of other playes he's knocked off, and is upset his supply might get curtailed? I think I saw something like it on one of those forensic shows once

MadMorbius your caption might be correct, but there's two things you can do: Complain, or Act. I believe that I'm responsible for my own well-being, period. I'm a man, and I play with other adults who should be old enough to look after themselves too. Little children can feel better by saying 'it's not my fault' when they get hurt, but when we grow up the hard fact is that is is our fault. My father uses the expression 'dead right', as in the person who crosses the street and doesn't look both ways, he's in the right being a pedestrian with right-of-way, but he's dead because he's stupid to expect traffic to flow around him. Hence 'dead right'. Same with any aspect of well being, everything that happens to you can be influenced by you, and therefore you are responsible for shaping the outcomes, and that means even if you're 'in the right' it's STILL your fault if the outcome isn't what you want. It sucks, but that's the way it is. It's actually empowering, when you drive past a golf course and a ball hits your car, instead of complaining about it, one can analyse the situation, and come up with an intelligent solution to avoid it happening again, hence acting like a man.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 00:07   #62
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I've lost 1/2 a lower tooth to a bb at a fair distance with a stock gun. I suggest getting a boxing mouth guard (one that covers the top and bottom teeth). I was wearing a mouth guard at the time but it only covered the top teeth. I also now wear a shemagh around the neck i find it works well to help against neck/mouth shots and it looks pretty badass.

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Old August 25th, 2006, 12:38   #63
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i use this ninja mask made from a protect neck and mouth and the back of the head.

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Old August 25th, 2006, 13:11   #64
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and trust me...glasses don't cut it
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Old August 25th, 2006, 14:12   #65
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Originally Posted by BBS
and trust me...glasses don't cut it
You got only 1 eye?
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Old August 25th, 2006, 14:54   #66
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Originally Posted by meuhey
i use this ninja mask made from a protect neck and mouth and the back of the head.

I take it as you don't really play in the hot summer days?

But shirt ninja is pretty damn cool!
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Old August 25th, 2006, 18:23   #67
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I choose my face cover according to what I'll be doing. Sniping, I use a pair of JT Spectra goggles cutout of the cheap CT face mask. If I am going closer I will put on my full face JT's with thermal lenses and fan. I have yet to fog that thing up and I sweat alot. I also use two bandannas (one for my head to keep sweat from dripping and one around my neck or lower face). In the winter or cooler climes I will use a black double wool balaclava. The ONLY thing that stops BBs from hurting on the face is the full face mask, the others I use when the risk is smaller for getting shot in the face. ON a side note, I use a ffm because I hate dentists and even thinking about going for a cleaning makes me anxious for some reason, fractures, cuts, bruises, sprains I can handle, but don't go near my fucking teeth or I'll kill you.

EDIT: Yes I have used the balaclava indoors and on hotter days (25+)
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Old August 26th, 2006, 02:37   #68
Ministry of Peace
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Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat
Originally Posted by Droc
masks are for pussys
Anyone want to bet that this guy has a trophy stash of parts of other playes he's knocked off, and is upset his supply might get curtailed? I think I saw something like it on one of those forensic shows once
No Droc isn't collecting torsos or anything, but he is right in this case.
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Old August 26th, 2006, 10:33   #69
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You already HAVE a sheild for your face, its your gun!

Look, masks make it; hard to breath, hard to see, make a ton of noise in the bush (damn trees), and make your face stand out in th open. And if you use a mask, you can't get down lown and use the sights on your weapon.

If you get into a proper stance and mode, your rifle shouldered and at the ready while you move looking down your sights. Your weapon will cover a good deal of your face, your mouth from most angles.

The best solution to preventing head injuries, is to simply never go for the head shot. Specially for the face. Back of the head doesn't hurt all that much, ((Stalker, quiet, that was my neck and you were on my team damnit!))

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Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old August 26th, 2006, 18:12   #70
HaZarD SFD's Avatar
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If you feel more confortable with a full face mask and dont want to loose a tooth
then I would suggest wearing one.. If you dont mind ballistic goggles or lenses then
go for it but a general rule for that would be "DOnt Smile"


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