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Info regarding your shooting technique.



View Poll Results: What kind of shooter are you?
Monocular (Use one eye when aiming) 203 21.90%
Binocular (Use both eyes open when aiming) 296 31.93%
Right handed dominant, right eye dominant 424 45.74%
Right eye dominant, left eye dominant 69 7.44%
Left hand dominant, left eye dominant 57 6.15%
Left hand dominant, right eye dominant 17 1.83%
Relatively ambideterous (either fully both side or 100% on one side and 50% the other 212 22.87%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 927. You may not vote on this poll

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Old November 8th, 2005, 13:58   #31
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I've found that I need to keep the dot brightness turned WAY down on my RDS or it glares in the lense and I can't see shit. But yes. Love the RDS. Worship the RDS. Sex the RDS.
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Old November 9th, 2005, 20:19   #32
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aiming with boths eyes open seems weird. So does being right handed, but left eye dominant.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 15:30   #33
I shoot with both eyes open and I never use my aim point. I have used my gun enough that I rarely need to actually aim, I just point and shoot and can get the BB's where I need them to go. No I am not trying to sound like a super star, it's just the way I shoot. Once in a while I do a single shot to see how my gun is reacting and then I am good to go.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:15   #34
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Originally Posted by Lapdance
I shoot with both eyes open and I never use my aim point. I have used my gun enough that I rarely need to actually aim, I just point and shoot and can get the BB's where I need them to go. No I am not trying to sound like a super star, it's just the way I shoot. Once in a while I do a single shot to see how my gun is reacting and then I am good to go.
You use the tracer "walk onto target" technique. Instinctive shooting is a skill many have, but far more wish they had. I'm pretty good with it as well, but I'm no Jesse James, so I aim for whatever part of the body is best for my BBs to hit. If it's just a head 80-100ft away, oh well, nature of the game. Just sucks when the guy turns into an idiot and shits on you for his exposing his head.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:27   #35
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Hmmm, it all seems to come together now. Makes sense. I can see how you would need to be prepared in certain situations to use the other side in the Police Force or Military. I always knew of this but I think I'm going to start practicing more of these combinations of shooting.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 18:23   #36
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Originally Posted by Wiretaps
Hmmm, it all seems to come together now. Makes sense. I can see how you would need to be prepared in certain situations to use the other side in the Police Force or Military. I always knew of this but I think I'm going to start practicing more of these combinations of shooting.
Exactly! Think about CQB or room clearing, the less of your body you expose the less of a target you become. If you can shoot from the exposed side around a doorway, you will be able to hit the other guy and give him less of a target. Approach door jam so it blocks your right side, switch to left and put only gun and eye around the jam to acquire target and fire. Keeps your entire body behind the wall. Plant your non-shooting side foot at the base of that wall as a body reference point, then pop around the corner, acquire target, knock off a couple rounds then back off. Works most of the time, and chances of getting hit are slim. Great stuff this technique thing!
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Old November 11th, 2005, 04:21   #37
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CAR system eh? You on Lightfighter, Stalker? Drop me a PM if you are.

Some LEO and MIL guys commented how while the CAR system was great for super-tight areas (like... a car ) or sitting down, it's not the end-all system like Castle promotes it. Notice how the bladed stance exposes his entire side torso, making most vests and plate carriers useless. Oh, and two of his students have shot themselves in accidents during training.

Paul Castle is getting a show on A&E though supposedly. Drop me that PM if you're on LF! :cheers:
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Old November 11th, 2005, 10:19   #38
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Sorry, not on Lightfighter?

Ya, as with any system (or martial art for that matter) it's always best to find out what techniques work for you, what is natural and can be implimented with reaction, and adopt them into your 'Bag of Tricks'. Not every technique in a system is good for everyone, so it's up to the individual to soak up everything he can and make use of what suits him/her best in the time of need. You develop your own personal style that way, and makes what you do natural.

Ya, I noticed the exposure presented in his blade stance, presenting the ballistic chest plate away from the threat. Looks to me that if a hit is gonna take place dead on, the supporting arm with take the hit and help offer a bit of protection for the underarm area. Notice the arm is tucked close to the ribs, much like a boxer does to protect them? I think part of the benefit is reduced target area, and if a hit were to occur off center on the chest, the trauma would be less as it'd be a glancing blow instead of a full frontal shot.

Overall with CAR, I'm fasciated mostly with the system and dealing with left & right equally, the recoil absorbing 'center axis' techniques and the methods of dealing with strong side hand and opposite side strong eye useage. I tend to hold my pistol close to my body and laterally a fair bit, but use the right hand and right eye to place the front sight on my target and double tap. I've loosely tried right hand/left eye and it just doesn't do much for me. BUT, I'll be working on left hand/right eye to see how it works for me. Gotta get my left hand trigger finger up to speed to knock of rapid fast double taps. Hey, winter is coming and I gotta do something airsoft related, right?
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Old November 12th, 2005, 01:57   #39
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Cool man. I can recall tucking the pistol in close a cpl times myself around tight corners.

+1 on the bag of tricks.
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Old November 12th, 2005, 12:15   #40
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I'm one of those oddball shooters,

when i'm shooting with a pistol, i shoot right handed, both eyes open and but aim with my left eye. When i hold up a gun and put it on target, i close each eye to see which one it lines up with, and everytime, i've lined it up with my left eye.

but when i shoot a rifle, i shoot right handed, and when i bring my rifle up i automatically sight it in with my right eye, and still shoot with both eyes open. It's quite odd.
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Old November 12th, 2005, 12:28   #41
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Originally Posted by Wiretaps
So does being right handed, but left eye dominant.
This is me.

The reason for my apparently odd style is that, obviously, I'm right handed, and unfortunatley, my eyesight it my right eye is completely shot (no pun intended).

So I'm forced to look funny whilst tilting my head at a rather awkward angle
(Not that I don't look funny to begin with :roll: )

Anyways, good poll!

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Old November 12th, 2005, 19:45   #42
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Originally Posted by p.phresh
I'm one of those oddball shooters,

when i'm shooting with a pistol, i shoot right handed, both eyes open and but aim with my left eye. When i hold up a gun and put it on target, i close each eye to see which one it lines up with, and everytime, i've lined it up with my left eye.

but when i shoot a rifle, i shoot right handed, and when i bring my rifle up i automatically sight it in with my right eye, and still shoot with both eyes open. It's quite odd.
When I started archery at age 11 (am 2 weeks to 34 now) my instructor punched a small hole out on a peice of paper, told me to hold it at arms length with the target centered, then slowly draw it back to my face while maintaining the bull in the hole. Each time it went to my right eye. Dirt simple clarification that I am right eye dominant (curiousity though, that according to my mother, I was left hand dominant before I started school, and that was back in the '70s and it was common place to force students to learn to be right handed. I was one, as well as my sister.)

Reason I brought this poll up was purely based upon my studying the CAR system, and the reasons given for canting the firearm to the oppposite eye from the shooting hand and such, also because I know what I am good at regarding shooting, so was curious what the rest of the community was like, and am super happy I've so far gotten 337 responses, as well as a superbly integration of techniques, discussion regarding some aspects of technique, and hey, this thread in itself made my old bud Greylocks actually CALL me to discuss airsoft, technique and real steel!!!! I'd like to thank each and every one of you for participating in this, it's been an education to me about you, and hopefully some of the stuff I've said and posted will help you learn your own technique and excell at it, as well a good look at the complexities of shooting techniques and the mentality behind certain stances/systems. Been a great asset to AirSoft Canada and wouldn't be a bad idea to sticky this for fun, since only the mature airsofters replied.

Thanks again to ALL of you!

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Old November 13th, 2005, 00:16   #43
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Originally Posted by mirage13
Originally Posted by Wiretaps
So does being right handed, but left eye dominant.
This is me.

The reason for my apparently odd style is that, obviously, I'm right handed, and unfortunatley, my eyesight it my right eye is completely shot (no pun intended).

So I'm forced to look funny whilst tilting my head at a rather awkward angle
(Not that I don't look funny to begin with :roll: )

Anyways, good poll!

thats what HE says, but im pretty sure he aimbots
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Old November 14th, 2005, 00:49   #44
I shoot the same way I shoot real steel.
both eyes open, its an easy, relaxed way to shoot. one eye means your forcing the other closed....not to mention depth perception and view range.
picture in a picture
being able to focus through your optics on a small area while still being able to keep focus with the other eye on your periferal(sp).
Deer hunting, always use both eye. for a moving target, lead, watch it with both and as it drifts into focus with your shooting eye in the optics, all is well, while keeping view of the surrondings.

heck, best way to describ it is the old Delta Force games.

though in hardcore airsoft combat, with the low fps and terrible accuracy, optics arnt always needed. aiming with a stream of BBs works too.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 03:13   #45
PTE. Pyle
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Originally Posted by Droc
I shoot the same way I shoot real steel.
both eyes open, its an easy, relaxed way to shoot. one eye means your forcing the other closed....not to mention depth perception and view range.
picture in a picture
being able to focus through your optics on a small area while still being able to keep focus with the other eye on your periferal(sp).
Deer hunting, always use both eye. for a moving target, lead, watch it with both and as it drifts into focus with your shooting eye in the optics, all is well, while keeping view of the surrondings.

heck, best way to describ it is the old Delta Force games.

though in hardcore airsoft combat, with the low fps and terrible accuracy, optics arnt always needed. aiming with a stream of BBs works too.

what game is that
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