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So N00Bly, I've gotta ask.


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Old November 20th, 2012, 15:38   #31
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Its all about exposure. He can take what has been said here and use it in games in the future. We have only told him what might happen if he might attempt certain things. As for the gear you are looking for indeed check out your local arena and shop for prices and details. Thats a good want list for what you want to start out with. I would suggest getting the sniper last because (Not knowing what indoor facilities you have out there in PEI) some indoor fields are either to small or have FPS limits that most if not all snipers go over. I would focus solely on getting your SMG skills up to snuff as well can getting your kit up there with your mag pouchs and radios(If you join a team). Then worry about expanding. Get good with the basics then advance.

You say that you have only done Skirmishes with your friends. Its a bit different when running scenarios or attending milsims. You hav eto get good with what you know then expand into other roles. You sound more like a recon/scout with how you said you like to play. So gear for you might be a battle belt with a few pouchs and a dump pouch, so you can stay fluid and move more efficiently. This can be brought up at your local store and the owners can direct you to the shinies from there.

If you need any help just PM me.
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Old November 20th, 2012, 18:27   #32
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Seeing as most of the guys at RIA have a plethora of stuff,why don't you come out to a game for a meet and greet...we are probably playing this Sunday at 15:00 weather permitting
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Old November 20th, 2012, 18:43   #33
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Silent Fox View Post
THe only reason a knife slice was an idea was because a few of my friends are military, and when we play around, they like to do full combat sim, but minus simunition, and real rifles, obviously. I was just looking to bring that added aspect over, and try to intensify the game a little bit more.
The standard knife kill in airsoft is a tap of the side of a rubber knife on someone's shoulder or across their rig.

I personally don't take too lightly when someone reaches for my throat. Not that I would necessarily take a swing at you or stick your lipstick coated blade when the sun don't shine, but you'd have to expect at the least a stiff 2 handed shove to get you off/away from me.

Last edited by coach; November 20th, 2012 at 18:45..
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Old November 20th, 2012, 21:41   #34
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Thumbs up

Silent Fox, I'm a friendly lol, check out these pics. Were you thinking something like this? I just recently got a knife, not because I'm dying to get a knife kill though. I'm all for realism as well, like gas grenades, lights, lasers, real caps, mid caps, tactics ect ... and knives, and i personally wouldn't mind how you were to use it, but as you can tell, there are a lot of different people who play airsoft, many different personalities, some take stuff very seriously, hell, there was one guy who said his reaction would be to pull out possibly a real knife and stab you with it, WTF? Then there are others who are more easygoing , but never the less, be considerate to ALL the players around you and keep in mind that you could offend someone with those actions, and how one may respond to certain things. It's good to keep that in mind, not just in airsoft, but anywhere in life.

Now for the setup, were you thinking something similar? I personally wouldn't use it how it is currently setup there, just displaying it for the picture. I would never use a light on my helmet or anywhere that i couldn't quickly shut off. Why, because people will shoot at that light, especially in the dark and BB's will mainly be directed towards your face. I recommend a light attached to your rail system that you can quickly turn on and off by having a switch close to your hand or a pressure pad attached to it is also great.

When you get age verified people will be able to tell you where to buy stuff and from what retailers. As you can see, I also need to get age verified. :P

Last edited by nstahl.19; November 20th, 2012 at 23:08..
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Old November 21st, 2012, 12:36   #35
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LOL flashlight on the helmet... DO IT!!!
I wanna be hiding somewhere when a guy comes at me with a flashlight on his helm.. Thats where im aiming
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Old November 21st, 2012, 13:12   #36
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I put a flashlight on my helmet for a game in the dark once. It was a game of zombies, so no one would actually be shooting at me.

It was actually really uncomfortable. It only shone where I angled my head, and the rail angled down a bit (to aim where you're walking), so if I wanted to look up ahead, I had to tilt my head back. Having the flashlight on your gun, or even in your hand (as much as it gives up stability on the gun) is a lot more practical in a hot environment than on your helmet.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 13:22   #37
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What's awesome about that lighthouse setup, is that model of flashlight has a laser on it too...


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Old November 21st, 2012, 13:43   #38
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Before the whole "light on a helmet" saga escalates let's not forget some folks run a headband light like a Petzl or some other small LED setup clipped on a rail or otherwise so you've got a small signature lamp for hands on tasks. Then you can see what you're doing without flooding the area with white light from a weapon light.

And then there are the SEAL guys who hang 2-3 strobes on their lid.

A light just like anything else requires discipline to use. Leave it on all them time and you're a BB magnet, plus you do truly piss of the rest of your team who don't enjoy being blinded or spotlighted when you look at them.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 15:16   #39
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
What's awesome about that lighthouse setup, is that model of flashlight has a laser on it too...

Like I said, I never run a light on my helmet, just trying to show silent fox it's not very convenient up there. I like to have my hand on the switch or close to it. Just grabbed it off a gun and attached it for the picture.

Last edited by nstahl.19; November 21st, 2012 at 18:30..
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Old November 21st, 2012, 16:28   #40
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by nstahl.19 View Post
Like I said, I never run a light on my helmet, just trying to show silent fox it's not very convenient up there. I like to have my hand on the switch or close to it. Just grabbed it of a gun and attached it for the picture.
A helmet mounted light is not uncommon. It's primary task would be more so as task lighting like reading a map or when you need both hands for something else. A weapon mounted light would typically be brighter and serve as a source of light to illuminate your path or a room when clearing and for spotting or distracting OpFor.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 16:35   #41
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
A helmet mounted light is not uncommon. It's primary task would be more so as task lighting like reading a map or when you need both hands for something else. A weapon mounted light would typically be brighter and serve as a source of light to illuminate your path or a room when clearing and for spotting or distracting OpFor.
Quoted for the noobs who feel that head lights are useless. Maybe not good in scirms, but definitely works well in MILSIM!!!
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 18:21   #42
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This is how I like to operate lights. You can't beat a pressure switch, and as you guys mentioned earlier, having a head light could come in handy as well.

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Old November 22nd, 2012, 18:58   #43
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We're not allowed to tell you what websites you can find guns at.
There's also a thing called Google, It's not hard to use.
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Old November 22nd, 2012, 19:38   #44
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Figure you realize now its much better to do a lot of reading on this forum rather than ask a question. There is a lot of good info on here and a lot of helpful members, there are also the few, the opinionated, the elitist that will flame you no matter what you ask. So google, read, research, play some organized events and talk to players. You'll be less likely to be shot down

Although I must admit I do enjoy reading the "experts" stating the same opinion post after post on the same subject lol.
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Old November 22nd, 2012, 20:28   #45
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Originally Posted by JerryMcGoulBerry View Post
We're not allowed to tell you what websites you can find guns at.
There's also a thing called Google, It's not hard to use.
Where might it say we cannot recommend sites?
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