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Scopes, what are they good for?


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Old July 13th, 2009, 22:36   #16
Reckless's Avatar
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okay this is comming from a guy that did buy a 4x scope for first rifle based AEG .. so I've made my noobie mistake and such.. heh

30mm red dot ... you can pick up a 2x magnification unit that slips on the eye peice for outdoor if needed

unless you can punch past 200ft an aimpoint or reflex style of reddot .. and/or more then 2x magnification isn't really all that useful with the exception of scouting .. even around 150ish feet... 2x seems to work quite nicely.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 03:02   #17
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Another question:

Does anyone know how these sights work?

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Old July 14th, 2009, 11:29   #18
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Pretty much like this:

I believe it's a laser that's shot at a mirror that's reflected to the "screen" and you see the reticule that way.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 11:48   #19
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Originally Posted by highny View Post
Another question:

Does anyone know how these sights work?
It acts like a laser pointer that can only be seen by looking through the screen.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 12:26   #20
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Originally Posted by highny View Post
Another question:

Does anyone know how these sights work?

I've had one, didn't like it though, the sight itself is quite small. I like something with a larger lens.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 12:42   #21
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Well, I'm not sure if this is out of place or late to say, but i've used a 4x scope for my M24 ever since I got it. A lot of people think magnifying scopes for any type of airsoft rifle are useless. But its far from the case. If you can get a nice, crisp lensed scope, It will help your shooting 'drastically'.

When shooting without a scope, you can follow a white bb pretty easily to an extent, but you can only see so far before it simply dissapears to your eyesight (Unless you're got incredible vision. I'm not so lucky myself)

But, with a scope, you can pretty much track the path of your bb from the second it leaves your gun (Or comes into your sight picture) 'till it hits whatever you're aiming at.
This is really, really nice for when it comes to correcting your shots. And if you can get a nice, fancy reticule for your scope, you can use the crosshairs and markers as reference points for tilting your gun against the wind for more accuracy. Do this unscoped? Sure, you could see it, but like I said, only to an extent.

This is just coming from a snipers point of view, I use my scopes for my bolt action rifles, I don't see much use of them for when it comes to AEGs unless they're upgraded like hell.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 14:21   #22
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Originally Posted by Roko View Post
As far as scopes not working in indoor games, I beg to differ. You can't use a scope at an instant
Untrue. With an illuminated scope, all you have to do is close a non-clear front lens cap. Close the front cap, turn on the scope, shoot with both eyes open but still looking through your scope. It's called the Occluded Eye Technique, and it works just fine at CQC range. Just ask Bennie Cooley.
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That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 17:16   #23
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That's a good idea, but wouldn't it be a little off because the eye your looking through the scope and the eye you look out is about 3-4 inch apart, so depending on how far your target is, the closer they are, the chance of missing is higher than you were to shot a further target. Am I right?
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
Occluded Eye Technique
How a sight works is by looking thought the rear sight and make sure it's inline with the front sight. that requires two points you need to look through. So the further apart the two point, the more accurate you will be. Am I right?

scopes has two lens, which acts like the front and rear sight on the gun, but with magnification which is optional.

But this red dot sight has only one point, how could you be accurate with only one point? That's what I don't get.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 17:52   #24
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Occluded Eye sighting is a bit of a more advanced technique but one everyone should try/use. It's very useful for quick acquisition. I'd recommend reading up on how a red dot sight works first and then it might make more sense as to why occluded sighting works so well.

Also, scopes don't work like iron sights. The front lens is not equivalent to the front iron sight nor is the rear lens like a rear iron sight.
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Old July 14th, 2009, 20:05   #25
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I use 4X ACOG in woodland terrain. Honestly, I have to say that it's too hard to see anyone clearly with RDS unless the target is within 30m.

But in city warfare, my statement is only true partially.
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