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Airsoft Pellet Stuck In Skull / Head


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Old December 30th, 2008, 15:23   #16
megaman's Avatar
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ive had to pop a bb out of my lip after being shot from about 3 feet infront of me by a 380ish fps gun! sucker bled and oozed for a few hours!
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Old December 30th, 2008, 16:07   #17
Brian McIlmoyle
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Such injuries are always the fault of the injured party.

Consenting to be shot includes consenting to the risk of Injury.. BBs penetrating the skin are possible even at "stock" FPS I've seen it.

If you choose to play unprotected.. then you choose to accept the injuries possible.

Complaining about being shot at an event in which the entire point of the endeavor is to be shot.. is like whining about getting wet at a diving competition.

I always tell people once ... that they should play covered up .. most do but some have to shed some blood or have to perform "self surgery" to extract a bb before they get it. Even then some still play with bare arms and no face protection...
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; December 30th, 2008 at 16:54..
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Old December 30th, 2008, 16:13   #18
formerly carl05229
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ouch, i think that was from a bolt action sniper point blank lol!
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Old December 30th, 2008, 18:05   #19
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Originally Posted by carl05229 View Post
ouch, i think that was from a bolt action sniper point blank lol!
according to the comments video he was wrestleing or something and was dropped on his head where the bb was on the floor and it pushed into his head
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Old December 30th, 2008, 20:52   #20
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in my case me and the other player scared the shit outta each other coming around a corner and ended up almost face to face,for some reason be it lack of experience or just plain stupidity he chose to shoot above the is that my fault?

who's complaining?

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Such injuries are always the fault of the injured party.

Consenting to be shot includes consenting to the risk of Injury.. BBs penetrating the skin are possible even at "stock" FPS I've seen it.

If you choose to play unprotected.. then you choose to accept the injuries possible.

Complaining about being shot at an event in which the entire point of the endeavor is to be shot.. is like whining about getting wet at a diving competition.

I always tell people once ... that they should play covered up .. most do but some have to shed some blood or have to perform "self surgery" to extract a bb before they get it. Even then some still play with bare arms and no face protection...
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Old December 31st, 2008, 00:34   #21
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i saw someone got shot at the nose,the bb got through pierced the nose and stuck inside, then he popped it out by himself, it bled soo badd... i think he was shot at around 7 meters with 530++ FPS during a woodland game... well he wasn't wearing any mask / balaclava / shemagh or anything to protect the face... only safety glasses... whose to blame??

the person shot him violated the field rules which only allowing us to bring max 500 fps gun with 0.2 gram bbs... for me no matter what you play whether it's a stock or upgraded guns, i always wear a mask and eye pro, with a baseball cap for my forehead...
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Old December 31st, 2008, 00:52   #22
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
according to the comments video he was wrestleing or something and was dropped on his head where the bb was on the floor and it pushed into his head
I was just going to say

Originally Posted by Taken from Youtube
Fighting with my friend, had me in a headlock, dropped him on the cement and this little bastard got stuck in my head
So he was in a headlock, droped his friend on the cement and the bb got stuck in his head...... I don't get it.
Originally Posted by Lisa
Forums are a repository for info, not spoon feeding your sorry ass.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 02:09   #23
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by megaman View Post

in my case me and the other player scared the shit outta each other coming around a corner and ended up almost face to face,for some reason be it lack of experience or just plain stupidity he chose to shoot above the is that my fault?

who's complaining?
Not saying you are complaining..

But its a very possible outcome of this activity... if protection had been worn.. there would have been no issue.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 31st, 2008, 02:45   #24
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yeah but its all about the looks.... you cant wear a face mask and look like a leet commando! :kill:


its personal preference in the end. some are willing to sacrifice a little blood and get some cool scars, maybe lose a tooth or two!
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Old December 31st, 2008, 03:31   #25
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Not saying you are complaining..

But its a very possible outcome of this activity... if protection had been worn.. there would have been no issue.
I disagree on two points, trigger and barrel control. If people expect that snipers should follow MED rules with 400 or 450+ fps guns, then why is it not expected of others? IE. there is a high likely chance that the round shown here, judging by the penetration was one of two things, close range and high FPS, or both. I can recall times when people were upset because I turned, and called a "surrender" using my bolt action, instead of firing that is, simply because the weapon should not have been used at close range when the simple fact of the matter was simply that it was in my hands and no possible realistic time permitted to draw the pistol. In CQB, I aim low and for the waist for two reasons, the primary being a reduction in injury rate to face/head shots, two because the waist is generally a lot bigger than peoples heads. However I have noticed in many CQB games where people do not aim for the chest, they FPS_Doug it the entire time.

I find it hard to believe that all injuries are purely the "victims" fault. I do agree that there is a certain expectation to injury in everything we do, ie. when I cross the road I have a certain expectation that there is the possibility I could possibly get hit by a car, would that make it MY fault that a bus runs a red light and makes me pudding? A player breaking a rule causing additional injury with malicious or even accidental intents does not make the victim at fault simply because he was there to receive said injury.

All that said, protection is a must, I just can't stand face masks because I've YET to try one that doesn't fog in 10 minutes, and no one understands me as is, so mouth guards don't work that well. But I have found my weapon proves to be ample protection if I get my rifle up and move with the barrel always where it needs to be, forward. It cuts the window of "opportunity" for rounds to sneak in and catch a tooth greatly.

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Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old December 31st, 2008, 04:05   #26
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Can you all just stop wasting any time on this stupid thread?

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