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Eye protection: Ballistic glasses?


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Old August 22nd, 2006, 15:39   #16
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Location: Downtown Toronto
I've got a set of JT Proteus II's. Nice wide field of view and they fit glasses alright(I've got big Buddy Holly-style frames, too). The only problem I've had is, while the mask itself won't fog, my glasses will. ^_^;;
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 18:04   #17
Join Date: Jan 2002
I have a pair of shooting type balistic glasses with a rating. They will stop any BB. The parts that go around your years have adjustment and ability to tilt downwards, when properly adjusted to the users they will NOT fall off and are extremly comfortable, so much so that I kept forgetting I had eye protection on.

That said there are some disadvantages...
-They are not allowed on many fields
-They have not been accepted by the Canadian airsoft community and hold a sort of "taboo" and many players frown upon their use and discourage others from using them.
-I would not be comfortable wearing them in certain situations including;
Dedicated "skirmish" type games, games with alot of newbies or players I didint know

I have only used them once at Task Force charger and was much impressed. Of course there is that slight chance that a BB could force through around the edge and hit your eye; however I doubt they could be shot off if properly adjusted. Players in other parts of the world have widely accepted these types of glasses without much problem, anyways its your eyes so just be safe and know the limits of your kit.
The glasses are better for milsim events with less direct action and serious players. For DA and CQB esspecially with lots of new players, goggles are probably best.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 19:00   #18
Captain Awesome
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Location: Greater Grande Prairie (greater than vancouver)
bolle t-800 have an rx adapter, you wont be dissapointed. the rx adapter can usually be transferred to other brands/makes, not sure if this is applicable to the bolle adapter tho.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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