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Old December 16th, 2005, 01:40   #16
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Armyissue wrote:
Hi count good rating no problem. Low count, bad ratings Buyer be ware.

low doesn't mean be aware. i'm trying to build my rating but i only have so much money to buy and things to sell. i think people should read the feedback and decide.
That's right bitch! Don't make me mercy you again
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Old December 16th, 2005, 02:25   #17
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Sounds like Allstarr pulled a Wenzel. He needs to read this before he trys to pull that crap again. or

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Old December 16th, 2005, 12:50   #18
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Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Armyissue wrote:
Hi count good rating no problem. Low count, bad ratings Buyer be ware.

low doesn't mean be aware. i'm trying to build my rating but i only have so much money to buy and things to sell. i think people should read the feedback and decide.
That's right bitch! Don't make me mercy you again

Ahahahaha !! Mercy Bitch, Oh my what a big pistol you have!

low doesn't mean be aware. i'm trying to build my rating....
I mean to say use caution around low rates. Hey I had a low rate once, I never burned anyone, however its wise to not presume that the deal will go flawless or super quick. reality is most people have lives that do not solely rotate around ASC and or sales related to it. My business allows me to focus on the players and making deals and maintaining a solid sales reputation.
( :cheers: The drunken debauchery really has no bearing. not even that incident with Duff-man-in-cadpats 8O )
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Old December 28th, 2005, 16:46   #19
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Contact with Allstarr has died off, no updates in a while and the line WE set is coming up this Sunday.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 17:53   #20
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Never assume a low rate means anything. For example, I got all my guns and stuff before the rating system existed.
A negative rating, however, is another matter.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 19:23   #21
Originally Posted by Cushak
I did leave negative feedback, and the only way I'll change it to neutral with a warning to buyers is if I get the money back. I left the feedback when I started this thred.

This is WRONG. You don't use the feedback system as leverage, you use it to warn others of UNTRUSTWORTHY INDIVIDUALS.

Say your deal worked out in the end, and although it takes weeks to get there you decide to change your feedback to neutral. You've now put your reputation on the line and glossed over the fact that the individual tried to fuck you in the first place.

BAD SELLERS GET BAD RATINGS. Don't feel like you're obligated to leave good feedback! If you're not completly satisfied with the transaction, FUCK 'EM.

Cause I'll tell ya, if I make a sale or a purchase based on good feedback and later start reading posts about people who had bad deals and didnt take the time to warn others, you'll get bad feedback from me for MISLEADING me into trusting the individual in question.

The system is in place to warn EVERYONE, and if you gloss over a bad deal by leaving positive feedback, you're almost as bad.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 19:33   #22
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BAD SELLERS GET BAD RATINGS. Don't feel like you're obligated to leave good feedback! If you're not completly satisfied with the transaction, FUCK 'EM.
Although that is true, the other person you are doing buisness with has the right to return the favour. (which in the end can make both people look bad) I have done buisness through ebay and had to wait 4 months for a stupid computer chip to finially reach my house (the seller was located in Canada. So it should have reached my door step in 2 weeks not 4 months) I sent him a money order Express post which made it to his house in 2 days according to the Canadapost tracker, and he claimed payment was not recieved quick enough, so in the end be both got negative ratings. But finially after I contacted Ebay and explained the whole story to them, they agreed to erase the negative feedback all together. However even though I did end up winning that one, it took almost a month before my feedback rating was changed back to normal, and one seller on ebay wouldent sell to me because of that.

I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 15:29   #23
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I agree with MadMorbius, you can't let things slide, if a deal goes badly, give a negative rating and leave comments.

Allstarr isnt a bad guy, he jsut gets excited about something and jumps on it before thinking. I remember the past summer he bought a TM MP5 A4 from someone locally, like 3 days later he was back in the forums selling it. I asked him if something was wrong with it, he said no it was in perfect working order, he just decided he didn't want a mp5 anymore he wanted a m4 (i think) instead.

But the Buy/Sell ratings arent for rating the people as people, they are about rating them as people to deal with, someone could be the nicest guy you ever met and be a nightmare to deal with, another guy could be a total jackass of a human being but be a great seller.

Luck favors the prepared
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Old December 29th, 2005, 15:46   #24
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Hey guys I have these uber leet airsoft guns for sale, full metal, each come with 50 mags and hell I'll even throw in a shit load of expensive gear at no charge. All I want is $1000 from each of ya.

Of coarse I don't actually have any of these items but from the way things operate on here I can jerk all you suckers around for months, if not years interest free. That is assuming I even return your money.

Stop being suckers.

You know why I'm pissed off? I hate seeing decent people (although your partly to blame) allowing themselves to be screwed around endlessly. Eventually I'll get burned aswell because I have no way to know if someone I'm dealing with is a scumbag because no one can leave a negative rating.

My dog died, I got into a car accident, I got herpes from my girlfriend who just broke up with me ... fuck off. These excuses are lame and so played. Fucking pathetic. I like how no one "has any time" ... They must work 24 hours a day. I have three jobs, and I still have time.

Leaving someone a negative rating will not detroy their F-ing life, it will just warn others that a transaction had complications. Stop being so afraid you pansies.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old January 1st, 2006, 12:39   #25
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The feed back you received is to show how you performed on your end of the deal. I have erased retalitory feedback in the past. If you are a buyer and you send the money quick and in full you should get positive feed back for it. If you are the shipper and you ship things out in a quick manner and the item is exactly as described you should get positive feed back for that too. anything different then what's agreed on the deal should get neutral or negative feed back depending on how badly things go.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 01:50   #26
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Just an update: Still nothing. Been told many times it would be shipped, been told many times it would have to wait a while. Just curious, if it takes much (I'd say two weeks) longer, is small claims court worth $115?
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Old February 5th, 2006, 02:06   #27
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no but the police would like to hear about it, as sad as it would be to take it that far. But ya technically what he has done (and im no expert) is comitted fraud.

so ive been told by an officer, if youve made a binding contract and he has failed to uphold his end of the bargin its fraud. but as far as i understand you need all records of the deal (all pms) a name (age verification should have records) and phone # (you must have attempted to at least call 3 times i think?) and then they can make a case. hopfully after a call from a constable hed get his ass in gear, then the charges get dropped.

again dont bother flaming, ive never been through this, this is what i was told when i inquired about it.

Freedom fighter is right, leave neg feedback instead of no feedback, but as Lisa implied it has to be justified.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 02:12   #28
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When it comes to things like this small amount of money is not the most important thing to me. Teaching scammer a lesson is. At least that's how I see it.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 03:25   #29
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Just compiling all the PM's now. One of the reasons for late delivery he used was that he accidentily mailed it to the wrong address. I'm going to assume that it of it did happen, it would have been someone on here who was also buying something from him at the same time. Because if it was a total stranger, it'd be hard to contact them, because you wouldn't have record of where it was shipped. Is this confirmable by anyone? Did anyone mysteriously recieve a modular CADPAT vest in the mail and return it to sender? Also, anyone who's in the area of Allstarr, would you be able to pick it up from him (talk to me, I'd tell him you're coming) and ship it to me? I'd pay you for shipping (yes I'd pay shipping twice, if it meant someone possibly a little more reliable would be doing it)
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Old February 5th, 2006, 04:21   #30
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That said in his last communique he promised some extra gear to make up for it. If it goes through, I'll consider it even and that he made up for taking longer than expected, and will be back to good terms.
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