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Emerson Combat Pants Opinions?


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Old April 24th, 2015, 10:21   #16
Join Date: Mar 2010
I have a pair of Emersons in vegetato.

Stitching is the worse part about these pants (IMO), most of the stitching is single stitching. I've had to get mine repaired twice. Once on one knee as I slid and the stitching just disappeared, the second on the pocket. For something that I would think is supposed to be durable, it's stitched poorly.

Another issue I had was with the zippers. I found that they are VERY low quality. I just had one of the side zippers break from opening/closing it to fix the fact that it wouldn't close the zipper properly. The metal wore out (cheap metal) and sheered off.

The pads I had also needed modding to bend properly at the knees and arms. I basically had to cut them V2 style.

I've owned these pants for about a year and probably put these pants through about 3 18+ hr milsims and probably a handful (maybe 10 at the most) of skirmishes. So I would say there isn't any longevity in them at all

I have other pants (mainly Propper) in other camos and have yet to rip or tear any of them. Most of them I've owned before this Emerson set.

For the price and the camo type (vegetato) it's ok, but I wouldn't bank on these for quality.
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Old April 25th, 2015, 14:58   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Pickering/Toronto
This is the type of information I was worried to get.

I might have to spend a bit more and go with a pair from UR tactical. Seems like most of those are in the $100 range.
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