the old VA guns with the reinforced polymer bodies were worth the trade in tinted vs metal the new ones they're getting from CA are just clear shitty abs. The old bodies could take a hammer hit without so much as a scratch, try that with a potmetal receiver.
I understand why TAS stopped producing the nicer ones... it's about price point. Why offer a tinted gun at the same cost you can get a full metal m4 now even with a stronger body... it doesn't make sense because people believe that the metal is better. The market in canada has changed vastly in the last 8 months.
The advantage to getting the VA guns has all but vanished unless you absolutely cannot afford it but if that's the case, you shouldn't be getting into airsoft if you can't pay 50 more for an entry level gun on top of all the other gear you're going to need. Look around the web reviews on CA sportline guns all say the guns are garbage. even if they're putting in proline level gearboxes that shitty plastic receiver will give up the ghost in no time with any real usage.