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the never ending quest for an airsoft hand grenade


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Old June 13th, 2005, 03:23   #16
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Old June 13th, 2005, 06:37   #17
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Considering the power source (blanks) it's not bloody likely to make it here.
Blanks are (duh) explosives. That would guarantee it could not be used in many places, if at all.
And to whoever said 150db does not matter, talk to me when you're over 30 and the results of the 'harmless noise' have taken some effect. I do shoot real guns, and I'll be damned if I want to submit myself to that level of noise without hearing protection; that's just retarded.

I'd love to see the end of grenade (accessories) discussions in the General part of the forum. We have an Accessories section for a reason.

I'm also a bit tired of seeing every possible hairebrained grenade idea being promoted.
There is no currently available cheap solution to the problem that is safe and legal. Cope with it.
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Old June 13th, 2005, 13:05   #18
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Originally Posted by Greylocks

I'd love to see the end of grenade (accessories) discussions in the General part of the forum. We have an Accessories section for a reason.

I'm also a bit tired of seeing every possible hairebrained grenade idea being promoted.
There is no currently available cheap solution to the problem that is safe and legal. Cope with it.
If you're so tired why don't you stop typing all your complaints.

As for the discussion of grenades in the general section, i can imagine how troubling that must be for you. Posting in the wrong sections keeps me up at night as well.
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Old June 13th, 2005, 13:19   #19
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Originally Posted by Cortexburn
Too loud...if you shoot real wear hearing protection so that isn't really an accurate statement.

It's also too expensive...
Funny, I've NEVER worn ear protection while firing real steel. My hearing is perfectly fine. Those little grenade's would be damn fun to use.

I'd have to say my stereo in my bedroom will probaly damage my hearing a hell of a lot sooner then those things there would.

IF they can make it through custom's, I'd more then likely be up for a group order.
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Old June 13th, 2005, 14:55   #20
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In the ranges that I have been to, it is manditory to wear Eye AND Ear protection before shooting commences. Infact, ALL shooters have to step behind the firing line with weapons unloaded and open until everyone has the above two conditions satisfied... only then do people approach the benches to load their weapons and open fire.

But now that I think about it, BC_K is right. The Range officers and gun owners are all idiots, they don't need hearing protection, they'll be fine!

BC_K, have you ever fired a full stripper clip of 8mm Mauser rounds through a Yugo Mauser? Or how about a full clip in an M44 Mosin? No? Hmmm....

Glock Glock... Who's there?
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Old June 13th, 2005, 15:03   #21
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Some people choose not to wear hearing protections, personally I wear it, and I think it would be dumb not to wear it indoors especially do to echo's, plus there really is no reason not to, its not like your at war and fighting for your life, your just shooting paper targets.
If I write weird shit late at night, its probably because I'm drunk.

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Old June 13th, 2005, 15:43   #22
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Originally Posted by Donor
In the ranges that I have been to, it is manditory to wear Eye AND Ear protection before shooting commences. Infact, ALL shooters have to step behind the firing line with weapons unloaded and open until everyone has the above two conditions satisfied... only then do people approach the benches to load their weapons and open fire.

But now that I think about it, BC_K is right. The Range officers and gun owners are all idiots, they don't need hearing protection, they'll be fine!

BC_K, have you ever fired a full stripper clip of 8mm Mauser rounds through a Yugo Mauser? Or how about a full clip in an M44 Mosin? No? Hmmm....

No, I can't say I have fired those weapons. I mainly shoot smaller arms. Sigma's, 629's, Glock 17/21's & 96D's. Can't really say that I am a fan of larger arm's such as the M44. Tho the odd time I'll use the M305 or M311. (Gotta love Norinco *Sarcasm*)

Wouldn't mind getting on an MP5 some time, Gotta go down south some time soon. (Yay for yank relatives.)

Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
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Old June 13th, 2005, 16:00   #23
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Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
Ah yes, the very reason why nearly 90% of the people at ranges wear electronic ear protection that blocks out noise above a configurable DB level, while allowing the lower DB... such as important commands from the acting Range Officer

The other 10% wear the foam inserts or regular ear muffs.

You really don't go to a range much do you? You really don't even own those firearms you mentioned do you? Hell, I bet a friend let you pop off a couple rounds which obviously makes you an expert now :nod:
And yes, Norinco is the shit! :lol:

Sorry BC_K, feeling a bit shit-flingy today... slow Monday at work. I don't mean to offend you! Feel free to retaliate, I deserve it by now

Alright, Alright, Back on topic
Glock Glock... Who's there?
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Old June 13th, 2005, 16:38   #24
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by Donor
Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
Ah yes, the very reason why nearly 90% of the people at ranges wear electronic ear protection that blocks out noise above a configurable DB level, while allowing the lower DB... such as important commands from the acting Range Officer

The other 10% wear the foam inserts or regular ear muffs.

You really don't go to a range much do you? You really don't even own those firearms you mentioned do you? Hell, I bet a friend let you pop off a couple rounds which obviously makes you an expert now :nod:
And yes, Norinco is the shit! :lol:

Sorry BC_K, feeling a bit shit-flingy today... slow Monday at work. I don't mean to offend you! Feel free to retaliate, I deserve it by now

Alright, Alright, Back on topic
Hahaha. No, I dont go the range that often.
No, The firearm's are not mine.
Yes, Friends, actually my cousins let me use them. Put a LOT of round's through them.
Me an expert? Hah, far from.

Hehe it's all good man. Gotta congrat you on the snappy remark. Very well done. Accurate as well.

Alright back on topic. So is there anything like the first mentioned grenade available in Canada? I'm guessing no, but ya never know.
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Old June 15th, 2005, 21:25   #25
PTE. Pyle
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well i just got the e mail back from 21 centuary airsoft and at this time they cannot ship these devices to canada. so that puts an ebrupt end to our debate
To live is to Die
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Old June 16th, 2005, 01:17   #26
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Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
For now anyways heh

These grenades from 21C are interesting but are ~ $10 each use, ~ $40 each for the first three.

There are some from the UK that use blanks .. look interesting. Think the best suggestion I have seen would be to get one of those and stick in a .22 adapter and use starter pistol rounds or the like.

Those top out at 110 decibles in an enclosed space at 3 feet, so that feels in the "safe zone" for use as an airsoft flashbang type device (which is what the 21C Safe T Bang devices are). Plus the rounds are fairly readinly available and legal.

Eamonn aka eggman
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Old June 16th, 2005, 01:57   #27
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Well If its gonna be too loud and have a chance at damaging my hearing I would not play with something like that

Like its like running around with a fogg horn as a sec weapon sneaking up on someone and blowing out their ear drum
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Old June 19th, 2005, 04:29   #28
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Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
Ok, it's your hearing, you're the one who'll have to live with the consequences.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 08:45   #29
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Look here at
Some spanish guys developed a working airsofthandgrenade, the have two retailers in the USA.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 11:25   #30
We should have made some videos from the Foxden game last night. Quantis was tossing our gernades like mad. More explosions going off then airsoft guns being shot.
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