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Bringing home the gun


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Old June 1st, 2010, 18:12   #16
Ministry of Peace
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I hesitate to write this, as I don't want to come off as an ass; but seriously read your own posts back to yourself; you sound like the quintessential "millenial" Numerous persons who are in the know keep telling you that it's verboten to bring back an airsoft rifle; best to just let the matter die. Sell it there, mislabeling it and sticking it into your family's household goods could (on the off chance it's caught) cause problems for your father; it's his name on the shipping manifest, not yours.

Calling military personnel, who have nothing to do with your airsoft gun not being allowable to import is only going to piss off people and possibly have blowback on your father. I know that if I was manning the desk when your call came in , and I had to listen to someone going on about how "you should totally let me bring back my toys, even though CBSA says no. My Dad's a Lt Navy so it's all good." I wouldn't lift a finger, or worse case might get it in my mind to call your father and let him know that you're name dropping over a trivial and bullshit issue.

Your are not entitled to diddly squat in this situation, no matter how many "reasons why they should let me through".

On a positive note, you're coming back to Canada at a time when airsoft has picked up a bit in popularity, and no matter where you end up you shouldn't have a hard time finding a good community to players.

Last edited by Kokanee; June 1st, 2010 at 18:16..
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Old June 1st, 2010, 19:03   #17
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Now that's an excellent piece of advice! But a thought occurred to me, would it be possible for me to ask a Canadian retailer to let me mail him my gun and pick it up in store?

I just realized I completely wrote my last post in the wrong terminology, it made it sound like I was gona call up my dad's boss or something and force him to get it back for me, what I meant rather was, that I was gona call up one of the highers for better advice concerning how to get it brought in, and that I have a good long list of numbers which I can use to help me gather such information, and hopefully some permission.
Sorry about that

Last edited by Stiggs; June 1st, 2010 at 19:07.. Reason: Correcting myself
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Old June 1st, 2010, 19:15   #18
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You might wanna get his name off this board as well. We all have callsogns for a reason, and more than just airsofters lurk here....
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Old June 1st, 2010, 19:18   #19
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Most people state their real name when they introduce themselves on the board, and if someone really wanted that sort of information it's not hard to gain. But what exactly are you referring to?
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Old June 1st, 2010, 19:50   #20
Ministry of Peace
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He's referring to the fact that if someone was so inclined, they could easily look your father up via one of many military databases and give him a ring in London.... Do you think he'll be happy that you're name dropping him all over and talking about trying to smuggle replica firearms into the country under his name?

Or how you've posted a lot of info about him (most of it may be bs, but maybe not) his name and rank, where he is working, that he has "special training"... all good info for people who may have ulterior motives. In the military we are constantly harping on persec (personal security) and you are royally screwing your father over in this regard.

CBSA/RCMP etc also monitor these boards, and it's not a small stretch of the imagination that someone working for an agency like that could have your family flagged so when you come back in two years, bam your entire shipment is searched.

Stop posting about wanting to become prime minister to make airsoft legal and telling us that your daddy is an officer, and spend more time reading these boards and educating yourself about airsoft in Canada.

Last edited by Kokanee; June 1st, 2010 at 19:54..
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Old June 1st, 2010, 20:13   #21
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Two words you should take to heart, OPSEC and "dox" don't be dropping your dox or you may see unfortunate things happening from people with malicious intent (ie. $700 worth of pizza to your doorstep is the least of your worries).

Also no, retailers cannot import special packages only what's available to them. You might be able to get someone to "custom order" for you however you need to be AV'ed (EDIT: Also, usually these custom orders come from established retailers in Asia and the US so you're pretty much SOL).

Honestly you sound like you're 15 or something and with the attitude you have I would say definitely less than 18. It may be fine and dandy that you play over there in Scotland and it's got a good community there but if you want to play in Canada you have to play by our rules.

Same as I do. I'm going to the UK next year and buying a gun and just selling it off when I leave, simple as that. I've already done my research (IRT the UKARA scheme and "skirmisher defense" in the VCRA) and everything is set. I suggest you do the same and take a pander through the FAQ section as well.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; June 1st, 2010 at 20:16..
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Old June 1st, 2010, 23:30   #22
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In the UK (Scotland being part of the UK currently) under 18 is a no go to own a RIF as they are called over there (Realistic Imitation Firearm).

This is turning into another one of those nothing adds up threads.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 00:41   #23
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People took this kid seriously and now it is revealed that he is full of it, that's all.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 06:02   #24
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I don't own this gun myself, in all reality it's being stored as the club's stock rifle, so any one can use it, it just happened to be the one which I desired to bring back with me when I returned. It seems pretty impossible though, so I'll probably just have to save up my pennies and buy a new gun when I return home. And no, I'm 17 shortly turning 18, and I didn't post where he was working.
I think I've become misunderstood with the context of my writing, as I had no intent as to seem boastful or a braggart. So I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Last edited by Stiggs; June 2nd, 2010 at 06:25..
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