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M24 hopup adjustment?


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Old February 28th, 2007, 17:06   #1
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M24 hopup adjustment?

I was just wondering how to set the hopup on this girl? I was told i can push the barel down and access the hopup screw but i wanted to conferm this befor i tryied.

It is a SOCOM if that changes anything.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 18:14   #2
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I'm gonna make some assumptions here and say it's a Classic Army M24 Socom V2?

If it is then the hopup adjustment screw is located in the mag well. To get to it you'll have to pull the bolt all the way back till it's cocked and won't come flying forward anymore. Then you'll see a tiny little hole in the track the air nozzle travels in before engaging the hop-up chamber. You'll need to find yourself a very small Allen/hex key with a decently long handle as it's a pain to get to.

For more hop-up you turn the screw so it starts to come out of the hole, careful it doesn't protrude too much or it will either A) get in the way of the air nozzle and you'll break the nozzle or the screw or B) it falls out completely, a huge pain.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 18:49   #3
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Originally Posted by Edmode View Post
I'm gonna make some assumptions here and say it's a Classic Army M24 Socom V2?

If it is then the hopup adjustment screw is located in the mag well. To get to it you'll have to pull the bolt all the way back till it's cocked and won't come flying forward anymore. Then you'll see a tiny little hole in the track the air nozzle travels in before engaging the hop-up chamber. You'll need to find yourself a very small Allen/hex key with a decently long handle as it's a pain to get to.

For more hop-up you turn the screw so it starts to come out of the hole, careful it doesn't protrude too much or it will either A) get in the way of the air nozzle and you'll break the nozzle or the screw or B) it falls out completely, a huge pain.
Would have said the same thing myself! Good one, you beat me to it.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 18:54   #4
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I have a question that "relates" to this one. The PDI M24 adjustable hop up, is that the same as the PDI APS hop up? I ask this because I've not found a definitive answer and when I look at the images of the two they look 1:1 scale of each other. Like perfect matches.

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Old February 28th, 2007, 18:58   #5
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I'd have to say yes.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:01   #6
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But I'm wondering if there is some stupid thing that would prevent it from going in between? Like some asshole putting a little peg just to fuck it up.

Well, worse comes to worse, dremel.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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