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New Airsofter in Montreal


Newbie Tank

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Old March 4th, 2015, 21:22   #1
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Montreal
New Airsofter in Montreal

Played paintball for quite some time 3 years ago. Kept my gun, and all my gear. Was a, M107 tippman A5e-trigger replica. Anyhow...

After countless of youtube videos, website reviews, and to be honest so much confusion on airsoft in general :banghead:
I came to a conclusion and bought myself a, WE Tech MSK gbbr.

Now, i've read some conflicting reports between WE Tech, that i have no idea who to believe. I came to the conclusion that it depends on preference to the person, and said screw it and made the purchase.

With my "initial" airsoft purchase i bought myself,
WE Tech MSK, 2 extra MSK mags, some guard dog goggle kit (even though i do have a SLY profit back from paintball days), Airsoft Innovations GunGas kit, 100 round speed loader BB <=- without the adapter for my mag... was wondering why it wast working out lol... Silicon oil spray, and some gun grease

Yesterday was my first time using the gun, and had a problem. My gun jammed 1 or 2 times.

Another issue, i wasn't able to shoot a full mag with a propane refill. At first i thought maybe i wasn't filling it up enough. Anyhow, i ended up doing some research and learned that cold climate and propane is not fun. After abit more research i learned i should of taken my propane tank and put it in warm water and that'll help with a full real fill. I came to the conclusion the problems are from climate. I did shoot in doors however so wasent that cold. (fathers warehouse)

Every day im learning more and more and hoping for the best. Im not going to go out there and play a skirmish until im pretty sure i know what im doing with my gun, and no exactly how to maintain it.

If anyone has some useful links to really pay attention to, ill gladly read on it, and if i have already read it - ill read it again. This is quite the learning experience not going to lie opcorn:
Even some necessary upgrades i should do, as in steel parts.

Ill post a picture of my final set up later on, once i have my sights on it. (using what i had on my M107 basically)
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Old March 4th, 2015, 21:34   #2
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Salut et bienvenue au forums d'airsoft.

Firstly, you should try to get age verified:

Second, your WE gbbr will need upgradable parts to be usable indoors since the feet per second travel of bb's are too high for most indoor arenas.

Third, for every 10 magazines you fill with propane, you should drop 2 drops of silicone oil in the propane tank to help maintenance the o'rings in your equipment.
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Old March 4th, 2015, 21:44   #3
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Ton GBBR ne fonctionnera jamais vraiment efficacement en dehors de l'été. Le propane n'aillant pas une assez grande pression pour fonctionner Ã* basse température.

Si tu veux jouer par temps plus froid, t'es beaucoup mieux avec un AEG. C'est moins dispendieux aussi, car les mags sont moins chère.

Oublie pas, quand tu rempli un mag de propane, tu dois le faire la bombonne Ã* l'envers. (mag en bas, propane en haut.) Tu veux le liquide dans ton mag et pas juste le gaz.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old March 4th, 2015, 22:17   #4
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
Salut et bienvenue au forums d'airsoft.

Firstly, you should try to get age verified:

Second, your WE gbbr will need upgradable parts to be usable indoors since the feet per second travel of bb's are too high for most indoor arenas.

Third, for every 10 magazines you fill with propane, you should drop 2 drops of silicone oil in the propane tank to help maintenance the o'rings in your equipment.

I will be doing the age verifications shortly.
I read that aswell that my guns fps is to high for indoors. Exactly what upgrades must i purchase so its indoor legal? Also, any good discriptive videos or links so properlly maintaing an GBBR considering theres so many out there.

Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Ton GBBR ne fonctionnera jamais vraiment efficacement en dehors de l'été. Le propane n'aillant pas une assez grande pression pour fonctionner Ã* basse température.

Si tu veux jouer par temps plus froid, t'es beaucoup mieux avec un AEG. C'est moins dispendieux aussi, car les mags sont moins chère.

Oublie pas, quand tu rempli un mag de propane, tu dois le faire la bombonne Ã* l'envers. (mag en bas, propane en haut.) Tu veux le liquide dans ton mag et pas juste le gaz.

(Mon francais est pas merveilleux mai je vais essaye!)
Mon prochain gun va etres un AEG mais pas a instant. Je voulais vraiment le GBBR au cause de réalisme. Peut etres lhiver prochain
Aussi jai faites rempli mon mag la bonne façon aussi, je suis sure la raison était a cause du froide temporaire dans mon auto pour 1 heure.
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Old March 5th, 2015, 00:28   #5
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Stouffville / Markham / Ottawa
You need an NPAS kit so you can adjust your FPS to make it playable indoors...

Go get the AI Oil Pump kit to permanently lubricate the propane tank so you don't have to remember to do drops all the time, this way you permanently prep the tank for use... Click on the link and you'll see what you need to make refills alot more efficient...

Welcome to the game.. I just joined myself after playing paintball for sometime... I got myself the RA TECH CUSTOM WE M4 AAC 300 LV1 as my first gun... I myself like GBBR than AEGs coz they're more realistic, they carry 30 rounds per mag, the recoil is significantly harder and the WE TECH guns are like the Honda Civics of airsoft, a lot of parts to upgrade them and are readily available...

Last edited by SuperN35; March 5th, 2015 at 14:24..
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Old March 6th, 2015, 11:30   #6
Join Date: Feb 2013
Originally Posted by SpecialEffect View Post

With my "initial" airsoft purchase i bought myself,
WE Tech MSK, 2 extra MSK mags, some guard dog goggle kit (even though i do have a SLY profit back from paintball days), Airsoft Innovations GunGas kit, 100 round speed loader BB <=- without the adapter for my mag... was wondering why it wast working out lol... Silicon oil spray, and some gun grease
My opinion on this:
2 extra mags is quite few to play, it might be good for some quick skirmish games but if you plan on getting into more games where you carry the same loadout for hours and more around a lot you'll see that 3 mags is just too few. There is more and more game that dont allow for reloading on the field to keep an ammo limit.
I would drop the sillicon spray as it is not the best lubricant. Use the oil that came with the oilgas kit to lube inside the mags. As for the grease verify that it is a good silicon grease.

Originally Posted by SpecialEffect View Post
Yesterday was my first time using the gun, and had a problem. My gun jammed 1 or 2 times.

Another issue, i wasn't able to shoot a full mag with a propane refill. At first i thought maybe i wasn't filling it up enough. Anyhow, i ended up doing some research and learned that cold climate and propane is not fun. After abit more research i learned i should of taken my propane tank and put it in warm water and that'll help with a full real fill. I came to the conclusion the problems are from climate. I did shoot in doors however so wasent that cold. (fathers warehouse)
Cold is very bad for GBBR, the vapor pressure of propane drops and it make the gun very hard to use. Also with each shot you cool-down your mag even more and it make it harder to cycle. Filling in cold or warm weather makes no change, it is the temperature of the liquid propane in the mag that matters. Under 15C the performance of a GBBR starts to drop. Dropping a full mag on a GBBR can be done, but is not recommanded, you'd better shot in bursts of 3-4 bb as it reduces cool-down. If you play semi-auto it's even better. Also check that the bolt is well lubed.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 11:31   #7
Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by SpecialEffect View Post
I will be doing the age verifications shortly.
I read that aswell that my guns fps is to high for indoors. Exactly what upgrades must i purchase so its indoor legal? Also, any good discriptive videos or links so properlly maintaing an GBBR considering theres so many out there.

(Mon francais est pas merveilleux mai je vais essaye!)
Mon prochain gun va etres un AEG mais pas a instant. Je voulais vraiment le GBBR au cause de réalisme. Peut etres lhiver prochain
Aussi jai faites rempli mon mag la bonne façon aussi, je suis sure la raison était a cause du froide temporaire dans mon auto pour 1 heure.
Ton francais est pas parfait, mais il est tres compréhensible
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Old March 9th, 2015, 20:57   #8
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by Comeau-SCS View Post
Cold is very bad for GBBR, the vapor pressure of propane drops and it make the gun very hard to use. Also with each shot you cool-down your mag even more and it make it harder to cycle. Filling in cold or warm weather makes no change, it is the temperature of the liquid propane in the mag that matters. Under 15C the performance of a GBBR starts to drop. Dropping a full mag on a GBBR can be done, but is not recommanded, you'd better shot in bursts of 3-4 bb as it reduces cool-down. If you play semi-auto it's even better. Also check that the bolt is well lubed.
that is what i figured when i first used it. thanks for the info, any good links to information or videos to the lubing of your gbbrs?

as for the grease, i will search it up
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Old March 9th, 2015, 21:12   #9
Join Date: Feb 2013
A good thing would be to go through the sticky/ FAQ of different gas blow-back in the forums. Some are pretty old but it will give you an idea, I remember going through the 50pages or so of the KJW thread when I got my KJ,M4 it takes a while but if you take your time and some notes down youll have much more information then I could write here.
Also many online retail sites are starting to put basic maintenance video for GBB.
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Old March 9th, 2015, 22:19   #10
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Montreal, lachine QC
if you need some help you can pm me on facebook frederick dupuis since ive own a msk and can give you some tips . My facebook pics is me and mi little girl
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Old March 10th, 2015, 13:48   #11
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New Airsofter in Montreal

Dont worry too much about gbbrs and cold weather (i.e Fox's comment): firstly the number of winter games are extremely limited, many being indoors where the fps limits are lower. And you can use MAPP/Pro gas instead of propane in cold weather.

The NPAS is an inexpensive (~$15) upgrade which is invaluable, specially when running alternative gases. You'll also need a decent propane adapter.
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Old March 12th, 2015, 20:19   #12
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by Privateryan32 View Post
if you need some help you can pm me on facebook frederick dupuis since ive own a msk and can give you some tips . My facebook pics is me and mi little girl
I added you on facebook. Its kickass knowing someone who has the same gun as me. Lots of questions to ask

Drake, i saw your a retailer... What store is it?
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