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Outer Barrel Wobble


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Old June 3rd, 2012, 19:34   #1
AirsoftChewy's Avatar
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Outer Barrel Wobble

Outer barrel on my NEW Diablo has a light wiggle. I thought when I was inspecting this in the store that it was just the rails and I would be able to tighten them up easily enough.

Turns out, this is actually outer barrel wiggle, which as we all know means the inner will wobble as well, and, well, there goes my accuracy.

I have the outer barrel off the gun, cleaned it all up, and cleaned the inner barrel as well (it was actually dirty).

So, I would need some advice on how to secure the outer barrel, and prevent this from happening again.

I would also like some advice on a replacement hopper for the Diablo.

Thanks for your time and advice!
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 20:30   #2
MaciekA's Avatar
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It is completely normal that it is a little bit loose when it gets to you. It is possible to adjust and tighten everything so that it's absolutely solid and immobile.

You will need a *metric* 3.0mm hex driver and 2.5mm driver. It is super important you have the right size.. I strongly recommend using high quality hex drivers instead of wrenches. (btw this is the set I use: ). Once you have the right size of hex drivers it's really easy to apply a decent amount of hand torque to the screws without the risk of stripping anything.

Before you start I'll also mention that I have not glued, threadlocked, or otherwise applied any adhesive to any of my Diablo's RIS setup. You don't need any adhesive to make it very solid.

Ok.. Once you have your hex driver you need to remove the screws from each of the RIS rails. Don't worry about the 3 bottom rails that have the QD sockets on them. Those can stay on, but take the hex screws out.

Next up, there is a block at the front of the ris that wraps around the front of the barrel (which the hex screws were screwed into). Slide the whole block forward. There is a faux gas tube attached to it that goes all the way to the back of the RIS. Yank it out. That's attached to the rear block with an o-ring.

Take this opportunity to tighten the castle nut that wraps around the outer barrel. Make sure to press the outer barrel towards the receiver while doing this, and try not to over-tighten. I recommend just tapping it with a mallet and with a soft pin made of plastic or wood. It's not necessary to over tighten it to secure it.

Grab a bright LED flashlight. Look into the hole where you yanked the gas tube out of. In that hole is a 2.5mm hex grub screw. That screw should be sticking out the other side and going directly into your upper receiver. Unscrew the screw with your 2.5mm hex driver until you see it come out of the receiver. Now you've got a good idea of how long the screw is. Not too long. It doesn't need to be DEEP in the upper receiver, just enough to ensure your RIS doesn't rotate relative to the receiver. Mine came from the factory without the grub in the hole. You're going to tighten it a little bit so that it's in a couple millimeters.

Now put everything back together. Tighten the hell out of the 3mm hex screws. You'll notice that your rails may still be a tiny bit loose. This is fixed by putting the flash hider back on the outer barrel and securing it very tightly against the RIS.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old June 3rd, 2012, 20:33   #3
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MacieKA - thanks for this great response! Detailed and very helpful - thanks for your time and for being cool!
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Old June 5th, 2012, 20:20   #4
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Ok finally got a chance to do the work - it was as easy as one could hope it to be. I cleaned the inner barrel as well.

I think that it's still not as accurate as one should expect. What kind of spread at 50 feet should one expect as normal for an airsoft gun?
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Old June 5th, 2012, 22:04   #5
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Originally Posted by AirsoftChewy View Post
Ok finally got a chance to do the work - it was as easy as one could hope it to be. I cleaned the inner barrel as well.

I think that it's still not as accurate as one should expect. What kind of spread at 50 feet should one expect as normal for an airsoft gun?
Go to a game and compare with other guns, and have an experienced player show you how to adjust hopup correctly. This is key. It will be nothing like a pellet gun or real firearm, but will be very good for the game. I strongly urge you to play for a season and try other people's well-tuned guns before making any conclusions about your hardware.

Lastly, I recommend you use heavier BBs like 0.25g or 0.28g.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old June 6th, 2012, 09:11   #6
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
Go to a game and compare with other guns, and have an experienced player show you how to adjust hopup correctly. This is key. It will be nothing like a pellet gun or real firearm, but will be very good for the game. I strongly urge you to play for a season and try other people's well-tuned guns before making any conclusions about your hardware.

Lastly, I recommend you use heavier BBs like 0.25g or 0.28g.
Thanks Macie.

Ya, .25's are in the house I think it's 'OK' for CQB at this point, and yes, I've not learned about the hop up enough yet, so perhaps that will be my next educational endeavor.
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