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Hop-Up/Inner-Barrel Inquiry


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Old April 22nd, 2012, 21:54   #1
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Hop-Up/Inner-Barrel Inquiry

Hello Gentlepeople,

Last year I acquired a G&G M16A3 from a local seller here and immediately fell in love with the gun. Without any upgrades it performed quite well, being both fairly accurate and having decent distance, however I'm not quite sure what the FPS is (I think it's around 400fps). I feel as though the internals are all alright as of now, but I would like to upgrade my hop-up unit/rubber and inner barrel for increased distance and accuracy.

From my research, I can't seem to understand which type of rubber (soft/hard) would be good for a mid-range FPS (Not CQB, but not a Sniper Rifle either) and which brand to go with. I hear the Clear Guarder ones are pretty good, but I get mixed results in comparison with some other ones like the prometheous ones.

Also, since I am just running it as more of an assault rifle rather than a marksman rifle so, from my research, the inner-barrel should be a bit less tight than a marksman rifle would be for decreased chances of jamming or something. Can anyone suggest a good barrel/diameter that would be suitable?

Lastly, who makes a decent hop-up UNIT, or is the G&G one alright to just toss a new rubber into?

Thanks for the halp!

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Old April 22nd, 2012, 22:19   #2
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Originally Posted by Dooms View Post
Hello Gentlepeople,

Last year I acquired a G&G M16A3 from a local seller here and immediately fell in love with the gun. Without any upgrades it performed quite well, being both fairly accurate and having decent distance, however I'm not quite sure what the FPS is (I think it's around 400fps). I feel as though the internals are all alright as of now, but I would like to upgrade my hop-up unit/rubber and inner barrel for increased distance and accuracy.

From my research, I can't seem to understand which type of rubber (soft/hard) would be good for a mid-range FPS (Not CQB, but not a Sniper Rifle either) and which brand to go with. I hear the Clear Guarder ones are pretty good, but I get mixed results in comparison with some other ones like the prometheous ones.

Also, since I am just running it as more of an assault rifle rather than a marksman rifle so, from my research, the inner-barrel should be a bit less tight than a marksman rifle would be for decreased chances of jamming or something. Can anyone suggest a good barrel/diameter that would be suitable?

Lastly, who makes a decent hop-up UNIT, or is the G&G one alright to just toss a new rubber into?

Thanks for the halp!
The G&G hopup unit is pretty decent. The real action is in your chamber where the bucking, inner barrel, and nozzle interact. If you can get your hopup sealed up against the gearbox and ensure your bucking makes a very good seal around the inner barrel, your G&G unit should be just fine. On our team we have passed around a G&G unit as a temporary replacement between a few guns and it performed quite well.
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 22:35   #3
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ARS Bucking
Prommy Purple/Soft
Guarder Clear

Can't really go wrong with any of the above 3 but the stock G&G isn't actually that bad.

If you're going to go all out then maybe the Modify hop up chamber or Prommy Neo chamber. Keep stock barrel IMO, no real need to upgrade that unless you want to upgrade it as well, while you're in your gun. In which case the Guarder 6.02's aren't bad and that's what I run (363mm) with pretty good results.
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 22:42   #4
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Wow, Thanks guys!

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 10:12   #5
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If you're upgrading the barrel, ideally stick to 6.03 to 6.05mm
Anything tighter is just increasing FPS slightly and doing nothing for additional accuracy.
The accuracy derived from your barrel comes from the consistency of the bore, not the actual diameter.
One could say the downside to a 6.01 or 6.02mm barrel is that the dirt that accumulates in the barrel will have a more adverse effect on your accuracy than it would in a 6.05
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 10:52   #6
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What BB weights are you normally using? If less than 0.28g, changing to a heavier one would be the cheapest upgrade you could do.....
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 19:24   #7
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I've only been using .2's for the past little while (Yes, I know that's light) and I always assumed it would be better to go with .25's but I guess .28's are the way to go for consistency in Outdoor play?

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 19:33   #8
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Modify Accurate Hopup.

That is all.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 20:02   #9
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
Modify Accurate Hopup.

That is all.
The only effective advantage of this hop-up unit that I have seen over others is that the inner diameter is made to tighter tolerances. For the price of a foot of dental floss and teflon tape one could achieve the same effect with another hop-up. The rest is clever marketing.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 22:49   #10
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Originally Posted by Dooms View Post
I've only been using .2's for the past little while (Yes, I know that's light) and I always assumed it would be better to go with .25's but I guess .28's are the way to go for consistency in Outdoor play?
Explains a lot, you have no idea how much of a massive increase in range and accuracy 0.28g have over 0.20g (yes, even over 0.25g)! Switch to those, then look to upgrade the hop up unit and rubber.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 23:25   #11
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
The only effective advantage of this hop-up unit that I have seen over others is that the inner diameter is made to tighter tolerances. For the price of a foot of dental floss and teflon tape one could achieve the same effect with another hop-up. The rest is clever marketing.
That and Internal gear and orings for firm and stable hopup setting. Teflon tape is always a good call anyways, I use it with this hopup unit anyways.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 23:54   #12
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Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
Modify Accurate Hopup.

That is all.
I like mine as well.
Very easy adjustment, very fine. Keeps right on the spot I leave it
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Old April 24th, 2012, 13:12   #13
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Explains a lot, you have no idea how much of a massive increase in range and accuracy 0.28g have over 0.20g (yes, even over 0.25g)! Switch to those, then look to upgrade the hop up unit and rubber.
I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. The heavier the BB the shorter the range. I tried .28's this past weekend compared to my normal .2 or .25 and noticed a marked reduction in range - it was actually quite frustrating as I couldn't reach targets that I normally take out with ease.
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Old April 24th, 2012, 14:16   #14
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Well proven fact actually (especially for snipers like myself, and even a proven fact using heavier rounds in a GBB to get increased range), but it depends on your preception of maximum range vs. effective range. You'll get longer effective range with a heavier BB, but farther landing spot with the lighter BB (may be 20ft off to the side though). Big discussion recently, will find the thread, but I could easily get 200ft (about a 4ft grouping) shots with my 360fps MP5A5 a few years back. And once had my M24 set at 340fps, and could float 0.30g BBs out to 300ft easily too...... without adjusting for elevation.) Lighter BBs lose velocity quickly, are more affected by air densities, and don't retain much energy past such and such a distance, where heavier BBs plow though easily and keep going. Will have to tweak your hop up, and at longer ranges maybe adjust for elevation...... but they work.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; April 24th, 2012 at 14:21..
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