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KWA M11A1 - last shot before selling it for parts!


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Old December 19th, 2011, 20:43   #1
Bolt's Avatar
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KWA M11A1 - last shot before selling it for parts!

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to look at this post.

Last summer I picked up a KWA M11A1 (NS2 model). Upon receiving it, I opened it up, lubed it well (I'm aware how notorious these things are for lubricating), and reassembled it again. I put about 30 rounds through it to adjust the hop up, and then stored it for a while. All was well.

Upon the next time I tried to fire it fired it, I had trouble getting gas to release from the mag. The bolt would slide forward, load a BB, but no gas would be released. I opened it up again, checked to see that everything was in working order, and reassembled it. After a few tries it worked again, and since it was a colder day I chalked the problem up to cold gas.

The next time I tried to fire it, it wouldn't release gas at all. The bolt slides forward, chambers a BB, but gas is never released from the magazine.

This gun has since been through two gun docs, the magazine checked, the gun cleaned, lubed to heck, gutted and every part inspected for damage, and the diagnosis is still inconclusive. There is no damage on the gun whatsoever, and yet the problem persists.

On some tries, you can hear a little bit of gas being released, but not enough to blow the bolt back. From this, it is suspected the problem is with the hammer assembly, but I'm not able to see anything wrong from several reference pictures (in addition to the gun docs diagnosis that nothing appeared broken or out of place).

I'm at a complete loss, but I want to give this poltergeist gun once last chance at redemption before I put it up for parts in the classifieds.

I can provide pictures if anyone believes they may be able to spot the problem.

Any and all help is appreciated!
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Old December 19th, 2011, 22:03   #2
voorhees -FWA-
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An easy way to check if it's your striker valve is to press it.
Does it release gas?
Yes... then it's your hammer assembly. Purchase parts and get to rebuilding.
No... then it's your striker valve. Purchase a striker valve and replace.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 22:20   #3
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If you dont get it figured out ill buy it!!!

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