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KWA MP7 Jamming/hop-up issues


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Old July 3rd, 2011, 09:23   #1
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KWA MP7 Jamming/hop-up issues

Hey guys.

I bought a KWA MP7 (GBB) a while back. I took it outdoors two or three times, and every time, it jammed before I could get through even a couple magazines. I would then clean/lube everything, only to have to do the same thing again.

So I decided to stop taking it outdoors and just use it for XT or other indoor fights, to prevent dirt from fucking up the barrel and whatnot again.

I took it to XT and it performed flawlessly for one whole game. The first time ever!

However, my real concern begins when I was at a friend's place, doing some test shooting (adjusting hopup and such) the other day. It was working fine. But I wanted to adjust the hop-up. Literally the moment I even touched the hop-up in the SLIGHTEST, guess what it starts doing yet again? *pull trigger* *no BBs fire* :/

Not only that, but when I DID get it to fire (occasionally, it did), the hop-up seemed to be stuck at full on. My MP7 had become quite the effective Pidgeon-shooter, as the rounds would fly straight up, no matter how far/which way I turned the hop up.

I'm going to be taking it apart for umpteenth time, and cleaning everything.

tl;dr, my questions are these:

-Am I doing something wrong? I find it very perplexing how unbelievably finicky this gun is. I take very good care of it, and it constantly gives me grief. Besides keeping the barrel clean, lubing gas nozzles/intakes, etc lightly and occasionally, is there something else I can do to get the damn thing to cooperate? Or is this just the nature of the GBB beast? :/
-The fact that I crank the hop up both ways to no avail is very concerning to me. Is it possible I accidentally bumped up too hard against the bucking when I used an unjamming rod and busted it? I've also heard that the things can sometimes absorb too much silicone oil and become bloated and crappy (meaning, replacement. Nbd, seeing as they're like $5). But before I go trying to pry off and replace the bucking, is there anything I should look for that would be a sure sign of damage or something?

I'm going to tear this thing apart and try firing off a mag or two and see where that gets me with the jamming and hop up... But my two questions stand. Any tips on getting your prima donna GBB to play nice, and hop up woes. Solutions?

Thanks ASC, you're always ridiculously helpful! :salute:
Let's get out and pew pew!

Last edited by Brockavich; July 3rd, 2011 at 09:25..
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 10:31   #2
a.k.a. Morgothor
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it's probably the hop up rubber... it seem to soak up in silicone and then swell so no bbs pass through...

you have to replace the rubber and then don't use any silicone oil (spray or light oils) near the rubber...

that's what I have found with many kwa gbbs...
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 13:47   #3
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Same, change the rubber and it's good to go. You can get them direct from KWA USA or you can get Falcon ones from eHobby. Get a couple so you'll have a spare.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 16:17   #4
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That's what I was afraid of D:
Let's get out and pew pew!
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 23:59   #5
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dont ever lube your hop up bucking.... ksc and kwa bucking works good when its dry. You should read more in KWA forums allizard would tell you the same. Its the bucking and now you have to find an allen key to open everything up.

you can actually fix it, by taking the bucking out and soak it with hot water with detergent soap, then just let it dry out. But, if your bucking is worn out then I suggest you need to buy a new one. PS. its the same bucking as their M11A1 SMG
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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