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FM receivers


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Old April 12th, 2011, 18:21   #1
Mplanters's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Montréal, Qc
FM receivers

hi all, i did some research in the faq and the search tool on asc and after all i'm still without answer to my question. so here it is, i own a FM HK416 but when people ask me wath's the brand... i usualy say its systema because most of the internals are it.. does full metal are made by airsoft company? or are they real receivers?

i also tried to search on google my uper receiver serial number and still no answer.

thank you all for the help
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Old April 12th, 2011, 18:28   #2
L473ncy's Avatar
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I would say it's custom built....

I'm not actually sure on the brand of my rifle either. All I know is that it's custom built cause the seller didn't have any info on the internals for me or anything.

Also, you shouldn't say your rifle is a SystemA. In my eyes that implies that it's a PTW. You should probably say that it's built with SystemA AEG internals.

Just like if you had an Aftermath but swapped every single part it's not really an aftermath anymore. Sure it may have been the base gun but if everything inside is Prometheus for example, and the externals have all been swapped out (ie. body for an Element receiver, furniture is new, etc. (except maybe a few random screws)) it's not really an Aftermath anymore and more akin to building a gun from scratch IMO.
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