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WE PDW mag BB jam - Issue solved


Doctor's Corner

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Old December 28th, 2010, 04:05   #1
AoiShikaku's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Toronto, Ont.
WE PDW mag BB jam - Issue solved


Have an issue with one of my WE PDW mags (the plastic ones). I have a jam going on with one of my mags I can't seem to fix. I'm a little paranoid about popping the plastic open in half to see what exactly is the problem since they are held by glue so I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this.

The only way to make the BBs unjam is the give it a good smack (not a very good solution, but still an alternative to that one problematic mag). I find it to be a waste of gas and a potentially good shot you might have to find out if your shooting blanks.

Things I've tried so far that didn't fix it:
- oiled up the BB area, and spring
- added a 2nd spring for more tension
- cut the spring to see if less tension would work

Things I'm paranoid of doing because it requires me to rip apart the mag that could potentially break it completely
- sand down the walls with a high grit sand paper

Any help would be good to salvage a mag.

So since no one got back to me I ended up taking another crack at it by myself. It ends up that the internal metal mag part was applying too much presure to the plastic area where the BB's were being stored causing the jam.

What I did was is sand down the metal wall of where the gas is stored and that solved the issue. It ends up that the internal gas part of the mag should simply slide in and out freely or just right. If you have to jam the mag it then you might run into the same issue that I have.
... Just call me Blue ...

Last edited by AoiShikaku; January 7th, 2011 at 16:32..
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