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Old July 26th, 2005, 02:10   #61
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This topic is a good example of why I'm for weapon education in school, if they fear weapons so much, they should atleast know some stuff about weapons. Another positive thing about weapon education in school is what if you one day have to pick up a weapon to save your life, what happens if you don't know how to fire it?
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Old July 26th, 2005, 02:23   #62
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Originally Posted by Kevin32
Another positive thing about weapon education in school is what if you one day have to pick up a weapon to save your life, what happens if you don't know how to fire it?
That's right cause you never know when Zombies will attack!

I guess if you don't know how to use one your SOL and the thereoy of only the strong (and smart) survive will remain firmly intact.....
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Old July 31st, 2005, 08:03   #63
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Thanks for the update Boneman. The artical you wrote was a good one. It was short and to the point. I may have pointed out that we have been in contact with the government in the past regarding our sport, and have submitted a Stakeholders brief addressing our concerns for safety and control of sales as well. Although that may have been to premature to do so.......I hope you get a positive response from the public.
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Old August 1st, 2005, 01:36   #64
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Thanks for the feed back.

Yeah, there was a lot more that I wanted to mention, but was restricted to 300 words.

I just received an email from Const. John Price on Firday in response to our phone conversation a few weeks ago. As follows:

"Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I would be interested in meeting with you in early Sept, when I am back from my leave. Please contact me in Sept and we will set a meeting time. Thank you again for contacting me."

We will see were it goes. In the big scheme of things this is very minor step, but at least it may be a step in a positive direction. I will continue to post updates here.
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Old August 1st, 2005, 11:38   #65
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When CTV reported the incident about two kids having bb guns in their pants
at a mall in Calgary,CPS requested"All though not illegal,anyone in possesion of thease guns to turn them in".I went to the 14st police station and had a breif chat with a sargent on the report.Their concern wasn't on airsoft but the chep $30 dollar store version any kid could buy.He said he thought airsoft was fine as long as its left on the feild and some common sense is used.He didn't feel that there is any reeason to ban anything.He also mentioned that any of the other CPS members he had spoke to felt the same.They actually wanted to try it sometime.

Yes this is off the current topic a bit,but what I getting at is there will always be negative stories to freak people out.

When it comes to informing the public,most people seem to think leaving it underground is the answer.I disagree.The more people know of our hobby,the more one sided reports like this will have a negative affect on most people.
At least people will have knowledge of our veiw of it anyway.The tactical to practical episode was a perfect example showing the fun side to airsoft.

I say get a profensionally well done advertisement on product and the game
for the whole community and introduce the the game as a legit sport to the public.People will scream and cry and many others will join and become airsoft gamers.But advertising should be done from club orginizers and not taken up by just anyone.

My 2 cents
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Old August 1st, 2005, 14:36   #66
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I say leave the "advertising" of airsoft up to each local club. Maybe us a general template of having some approved material that should be included on the advertising. This way each club can custom tailor the advertising to their individual club needs (milsim, run&gun, re-enactment, etc.). Not to mention that what might eventually be 'acceptable' or approved say in Calgary, may not be accepted in Ontario and so on. Each Province and even municipality, will differ on their views and outlook of airsoft.

I think the best thing we as airsofters can do is to properly and responsibly represent ourselves, airsoft and our local clubs when dealing with the public. Be somewhat pro-active if you can. I think most police and general public won't have a huge issue if they know that clubs use airsoft guns in a safe and controlled enviornment. None of this 'back yard counter-strike' BS goes on. In fact I'm sure it's a huge help to them that we do play airsoft in this manner. After a while, they (police) will know that if there is an incident with an airsoft gun in public, that it's a very good chance that you and your local club members have nothing to do with it.

The BCAC have a great rapport with the local police and RCMP in Vancouver to the point where they have contacted the club asking for assisitance in tracking down "offenders" of airsoft guns. This has even lead to discussions of having an "open house" where the local police and media would be invited out to view and partake in some skirmishing. So far this has just been in discussion within the club.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 13:01   #67
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Just face it guys, Canadians are left wing nannies. Real gun owners take the shit for every bozo that goes crazy and shoots someone. Canadians are growing more immature as time goes on. "what do you need those for"

They're even attacking airsofters? :roll:

"eeeeek! Military assault rifles" :-|

Here's an idea : Mind your own business

I was just appauled at how airsofters face the same problems we do. It's wearily similar
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 13:06   #68
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What the hell does that mean? Just because people here play airsoft, doesn't mean they don't have real steel. You talk more like a 12 year old kid trying to look like umm.. a gangster.
You've only been here for an hour and you under estimate us.

WE post this stuff, to warn how a lot of stupid people threaten the sport of airsoft.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 13:10   #69
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Sorry, I meant to edit it before I posted there bud. I'm just pointing out how ignorant people can be. It's bad enough firearm owners are being attacked but airsoft?

It's pathetic. There will be a day when they ban toy guns. Look at the UK, they want to ban replica firearms :-?
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 13:16   #70
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Did you read the whole story? No on is using airsoft guns to rob some one, its in the news because people report kids jumping around with guns in the park.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 13:26   #71
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Yeah, that's bad :sad:
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 18:41   #72
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Originally Posted by Boneman
I say leave the "advertising" of airsoft up to each local club. Maybe us a general template of having some approved material that should be included on the advertising. This way each club can custom tailor the advertising to their individual club needs (milsim, run&gun, re-enactment, etc.). Not to mention that what might eventually be 'acceptable' or approved say in Calgary, may not be accepted in Ontario and so on. Each Province and even municipality, will differ on their views and outlook of airsoft.

I think the best thing we as airsofters can do is to properly and responsibly represent ourselves, airsoft and our local clubs when dealing with the public. Be somewhat pro-active if you can. I think most police and general public won't have a huge issue if they know that clubs use airsoft guns in a safe and controlled enviornment. None of this 'back yard counter-strike' BS goes on. In fact I'm sure it's a huge help to them that we do play airsoft in this manner. After a while, they (police) will know that if there is an incident with an airsoft gun in public, that it's a very good chance that you and your local club members have nothing to do with it.

The BCAC have a great rapport with the local police and RCMP in Vancouver to the point where they have contacted the club asking for assisitance in tracking down "offenders" of airsoft guns. This has even lead to discussions of having an "open house" where the local police and media would be invited out to view and partake in some skirmishing. So far this has just been in discussion within the club.
REally BCAC has open houses with the police? this i got to see, when is it? i only played with op-for so i wont know about it.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 19:11   #73
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Hell i can say that i have played with current member of the local police and even the RCMP that are avid airsofters and well quite frankly, they have no problem with it. As long as we don't attract negative attention to our sport, we should do fine. Word of mouth is probably how most of us got started in the sport. But as long as stores like Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire sell "softair" guns and start to bring cheap guns to underage thugs, there are going to be problems.

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Old August 2nd, 2005, 20:50   #74
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Word of mouth works but it is a slow way to build.Plus sweaping shit under the carpet is no way to hide from a growing problem.I played paintball for
16years and through positive advertising,even when thease lefties screamed
and marched to town hall to remove us war mongers they finally gave up.It took them 10 years but they gave up(sore lossers).Take airsoft down the same path and people will know it,and not fear it.After all if we expect to play our sport "in the shadows" on some corner of a paintball feild or private setting don't expect people not to look at us as a shady community.Anyhow I won't carry on.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 23:00   #75
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And when all those little fucktard kiddies from Paintball that think "oh n03z k00l CS gunZZZ s0 r3ali5tic" come flooding in, what are we supposed to do?

Just a thought.
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