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Degradation of Civility between players



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Old August 24th, 2011, 01:57   #31
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Originally Posted by Armed Infidel View Post
Outstanding post Brian

I dropped an impact tornado genade at some guys feet behind a door during Rhino and he preceded to tell me that since he "didn't feel it" it didn't count and promptly shot me in the face..
Wow thats retarded.

In hotbox I run past a room with 2 guys who took shots at me, eventhough I didnt feel any hits I called myself out because chances are I was hit. As I later found out they were aiming at the legs so they could have missed, but I guess they did it so they wouldnt hurt someone in such confined space.
If I wouldnt have called myself out, maybe next time they would be aiming for someone's face. So while I lost 2 minutes respawning I might have saved someone's tooth.
Getting hit is part of the game, people have to accept it more.
This also bring me to another point, whining after getting hit. Airsoft is about shooting eachother with plastic balls, you should expect to be shot and to feel some pain... if you cant take it, dont play.

Also, I have a feeling some people dont call their hits because they were "lucky", like thru really small hole or really far away. Cheating is cheating no matter how you try to think about it. Plus calling out these lucky shots would make the other person so much happier. Wouldnt you want to feel same way when you get some lucky kills?

Last edited by ViR; August 24th, 2011 at 02:03..
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Old August 24th, 2011, 04:44   #32
Jayne Finch
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Location: my field mostly. seems that way at least.
as a player most of the time i just yell profanity and tell them if they got a good shot on me or a good position. haven't had an issue yet.
as a field owner and host i have seen some of this activity but thankfully not much. the worst case i have had yet is 2 individuals who were intentionally using my field photographer as cover and as a way to keep others from shooting back at them. if anyone knows the callsigns of said players i would really love to know since i wasn't told about this until well after the game.
"bitches don't know 'bout my killing zombies!"

"Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

"i don't have a license to kill. but i have a learners permit!"
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Old August 24th, 2011, 04:55   #33
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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+1 on commenting nice shot, it does happen to me too from time to time, and you just have to comment the person for the effort lol

The thing that really gets me though, is when people yell "call your fucking hit" when it REALLY doesn't need to be yelled, or spoken with anger. Especially when the person they're shooting at is actually out of their range lol
Granted, sometimes people are cheating on purpose and you have to unfortunately shoot them in the sensitive areas or yell at them. But it's even happened to me, where I was crawling through thick bush and got shot in the back by a sniper and just didn't notice it while crunching through deadfall. But, as a courteous player should, he simply called out to me and informed me in a calm fashion that I was hit, and I called myself out.

It's also happened to a really good guy I know who's played for years and years. I shot him in the arm while he was running and he just didn't notice, so I called his name, told him he was hit, and he called himself out.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; August 24th, 2011 at 04:57..
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Old August 24th, 2011, 04:57   #34
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i like the idea of calling your self out and approaching the other player who may not have called on his hit. i do however have a big issue with someone who obviously knows they got hit, doesn't call them selfs out, and when asked for their name and ASC handle, they tell you off and walk away.
how would someone deal with that? in a small game it wouldn't really be an issue, but in larger games these few supermen can get away with it easy. im sure that following the person in question around until you can reach game staff, could instigate a confrontation.
this is one of the reasons why i opted to get a head cam. at least the situation can be recored and posted on ASC, and would make avoiding a confrontation easier. the person can later be identified and dealt with for future games.
it would be nice if the Picton complex had some cameras to record the games. if anything, knowing that there are cameras watching would make these would be supermen think twice about trying to get out of taking their hits.
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 10:52   #35
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I find walking over to the player can cause that aggressive response. Even if an admin was on hand, often they do nothing. Not because they are lazy, but because constantly spanking players brings the game down. Also they have to be certain a player is cheating, but they do keep an eye when questions arise. They really don't like whining either. Everyone wants to get their voice heard out there. I agree with ThunderCactus though. Aim low, aim high, let them know you mean business. If you hit them once, you can hit them again. Close the distance and remind them of why you want to play honerably. Don't injure intentionally of course. A player should never do that.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 11:04   #36
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by ViR View Post
Wow thats retarded.

In hotbox I run past a room with 2 guys who took shots at me, eventhough I didnt feel any hits I called myself out because chances are I was hit. As I later found out they were aiming at the legs so they could have missed, but I guess they did it so they wouldnt hurt someone in such confined space.
If I wouldnt have called myself out, maybe next time they would be aiming for someone's face. So while I lost 2 minutes respawning I might have saved someone's tooth.
Getting hit is part of the game, people have to accept it more.
This also bring me to another point, whining after getting hit. Airsoft is about shooting eachother with plastic balls, you should expect to be shot and to feel some pain... if you cant take it, dont play.

Also, I have a feeling some people dont call their hits because they were "lucky", like thru really small hole or really far away. Cheating is cheating no matter how you try to think about it. Plus calling out these lucky shots would make the other person so much happier. Wouldnt you want to feel same way when you get some lucky kills?
Lest people misconstrue let me clarify...I don't think he meant to shoot me in the face...he was shooting through those little windows in the doors and I am sure regardless of what he said he was rattled by the grenade so aiming probably was problematic, what bothered me most was not the hit in the face but the entitled attitude of the little spud.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 11:08   #37
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I had a situation where I shot a player who was crawling through the bush with a ghillie on. He didn't call hit, so I just kept shooting till he did. Took half a mag, on full auto, but he eventually felt the hits and called it.
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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Old August 24th, 2011, 11:16   #38
Brian McIlmoyle
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One of the largest problems with people taking hits is caused by the shooter and not the person hit.

Many people will fire a couple of shots .. see them hit .. and then start yelling for the guy to "take his hit"

The guy may not have felt them.. these bbs weigh less than half a gram.. even a fold of fabric will catch the energy and stop a person from feeling it.

I have always promoted a "fire for effect" approach.. in that the target continues to receive fire until they acknowledge the hit. This has resulted in some guys getting mad for being "shot too much" but I don't care about that at all. When I shoot someone.. they get shot.. and they know it.

Usually I get this kind of response, "HIT HIT HIT.. OW Fuck the first 5 were good"

you can't trust one or two bbs to effectively transmit your intent into a target. Often it takes many more. Sometimes it takes too many.

but just like in real life .. some people are harder to kill than others.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old August 24th, 2011, 12:01   #39
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Has any thought been given to increase the FPS limit from 400 to 450-475? We use to play in the 450+ range because everyone was always wearing full gear and never felt the hits until you were like 10 feet away.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 12:07   #40
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Cs View Post
Has any thought been given to increase the FPS limit from 400 to 450-475? We use to play in the 450+ range because everyone was always wearing full gear and never felt the hits until you were like 10 feet away.
each field owner/ host sets their own limits

I run at 350fps for indoor close quarters play at TTAC3, and I run at "less then 500 fps" for field play
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old August 24th, 2011, 12:17   #41
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
each field owner/ host sets their own limits

I run at 350fps for indoor close quarters play at TTAC3, and I run at "less then 500 fps" for field play
350fps for close quaters makes sense. I know we use to get a little jumpy when we did CQB.

I know its really frustrating when you pepper someone in full auto and they don't call their hits but I can't imagine what it must be like being a sniper when you hit someone from far and watch them look around and go "meh I didnt see anyone"
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Old August 24th, 2011, 13:46   #42
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I used to say 'toleration is a form of consent'.

Not sure why perspectives should be different now than what they were years ago in this community. Certainly you don't have to be best friends with everyone here but at the very least respect that they are a member of the same community you are a member of.

Ask yourself how you wish to be recognized - there's a huge wall of shame that is scattered about threads on this forum with redonkulous tales and unbelievable, disgisting lows that account the times of these individuals who essentially shit all over their own yard with their actions. Where are they now...

Alot of the bitching and arguing about FPS and calling hits - its been going on for 15+ years now. In a game comprised of volunteers at events on their free time in a *me* world where self direction is paramount, what are the chances that we all come to the game with the SAME positive attitudes? Yeah right I thought so. least we have games to go to. least we have a sport to enjoy with so many unique individuals. least we can actually PURCHASE Airsoft which is considered 'Prohibited' by some accounts.

It's not a perfect community but damn it's something to be proud of all things considered. If you are not enjoying it, they ask yourself why. Perhaps go back to basics - do what it takes to get the enjoyment back.
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Old August 24th, 2011, 13:49   #43
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I always played outdoor with either stock guns (280fps) or CQB guns (350fps) and never had a problem with range or people not feeling hits.
My sniper rifle shoot 450fps and with a good shot placement, never had a problem. The occasionnal mover in thick wood might not feel it, but even with a super hot gun, it would be the same.

I regularly play with people wearing body armor. It has no effect. They hear the hit if they don't feel it. I think the worst gear is cameback. In noisy environement, you might not feel or hear the hits. So shoot for the legs, arms or helmet.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old August 24th, 2011, 13:49   #44
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Cs View Post
I can't imagine what it must be like being a sniper when you hit someone from far and watch them look around and go "meh I didnt see anyone"
The shooter still knows he got his kill. Even if the player pretends it did not happen.

My approach to this game is not competitive, for me it's about personal challenge. If I know I got a clean shot on a guy.. and he used the stimulus of getting shot by me to locate me and shoot back.. I know who got the better of that exchange, and I'm content that I achieved my goal.

I also know that that guy is reacting.. and it has not clicked with him that the reason he is feeling like he needs to turn and look to his left is because some .3g bbs are bouncing off his left arm.. He won't realize this.. until he turns and shoots back.
Then he will realize he was hit.. at about the second he sees his return shot hit me. He will see that I took the hit.. and he will think to himself.. Geez.. I think that guy got me first.. while he walks to the spawn.

We all get to respawn, and no one is really keeping score, and there are no cash prizes for "winning" so I see no need to bring my EGO to games.
I try to do my best, and I don't permit those with testosterone poisoning to ruin my fun..
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite

Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; August 24th, 2011 at 13:55..
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Old August 24th, 2011, 14:02   #45
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
no cash prizes for "winning"
Post this in every game thread. Epic.
86 Tactics Change.
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