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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:06   #16
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Originally Posted by PracticalTacticalBC View Post
my budget is 800-1000. I have good boots what would you recommend me getting

Thanks for all the help, I really do appreciate it
Buy used. You'll save 25-60%. People sell their gear end of the season and buy over the winter for the next season. Lots of guns sell for $200-500 with 5-10 mags and batteries. People getting out of airsoft are more likely to do deals, people looking for something new are more willing to trade, and people without access to the AV section of ASC tend to go on craigslist and get stabbed. JK.

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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:09   #17
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the closest age verifier is a solid 6 hours from me
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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:11   #18
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If you fill out your location, we may be able to help. If you are looking to get into milsim, there are AV reps at most games.

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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:15   #19
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I honestly don't know about milsim, kind of discouraged. I may just try and find a cqb field or just skirmish's for now. we will see
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Old September 6th, 2015, 01:51   #20
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Originally Posted by PracticalTacticalBC View Post
@reddot that's an order for 3 people.. not for just myself.... and @superhog I am putting my surefire fury 1000 from one of my firearms on the airsoft gun so I wouldn't say it was cheap. also I was going to get the G&G combat machine to practice with and train with then I was going to get a vfc down the road and make my G&G my backup....
I have a Surefire on my G&P. Good quality light.

You should go for the VFC now. Forget the G&G
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Old September 6th, 2015, 02:05   #21
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my friends going to take me to a milsim and i will see what i want for gear from that
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Old September 6th, 2015, 02:47   #22
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Lots of scenario games that get played on a weekend can be pretty equivalent to a scenario paintball game. When we say "Milsim", we mean "weather-enhanced boredom".
The kit you listed covers all the beats you need to hit if you can access your car a few times throughout an event, but none of the ones you need if you'll be sleeping uncovered on the ground for a total of 6-8 hours over 48. That's why you got dogpiled.
Don't forget to pack extra extra batteries, and another extra for the guy who didn't bring enough!
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Old September 6th, 2015, 03:03   #23
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i guess i dont want to "milsim" then. i just want an objective based game that has military tactics and squads. that lasts a couple where i could camp in a tent etc like op iceback. my dream game is op lionclaws or op faded giant stuff like that
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Old September 6th, 2015, 03:10   #24
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IMO, either make sure you're primary is reliable as well have at least basic knowledge of how it operates in case you'd need in-field repairs, and/or have a back up weapon. It really sucks to break the gun within first engagement on a long operation (happened to me, luckily my Glock was there).

Originally Posted by PracticalTacticalBC View Post
i guess i dont want to "milsim" then. i just want an objective based game that has military tactics and squads. that lasts a couple where i could camp in a tent etc like op iceback. my dream game is op lionclaws or op faded giant stuff like that
As far as I am concerned, there are no games of such kind that are NOT MILSIM, however, could be wrong. I'm with the other guys here: get a kit first, play around with it, then start building for a MILSIM. Throughout the process, you'll see what works and what doesn't, and what needs to be added. Just my $0.5.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 10:35   #25
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I'm pretty sure you are a smart guy. With real steel, betcha you don't buy junk and maybe you even reload with a Dillon and not a RCBS.

With airsoft, forget wasting money on a second "cheapo" back up rifle. That money can be put into a pistol or upgrade parts into your primary.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 15:52   #26
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OK so scratch off most of your list.

Leave on the boots and eye pro.

Load up for a drive to Calgary or Edmonton or Red Deer for a shopping spree at airsoft stores and tac gear stores combined with a face to face with to get age verified at one of the spots.

Even if you don't buy and just nail your sizing it'll pay off in the long run. Consider also getting vetted for one of the AB forums too.

If you're getting a pistol get a secure hard shell holster, probably a RS one. The number of mags and whole pistols lost from sloppy soft holsters is unacceptable. Even with a hard holster consider a pistol lanyard.

If you're going AEG go LiPo or LiFe on the battery and get a proper charger.

Spend some time with the locals. If they're all in MC or woodland and you show up in an off spec pattern you'll be the guy who gets seen and shot first.

Think about how you'll carry water and other supplies on the field. Think about a radio. Think about a case for your rifle and pistol for transport.

When your verification tag goes live you'll see other used items on here for sale and you can find great deals on gear that doesn't wear out like charges or load bearing rigs.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 16:19   #27
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Milsim is a mindset, not a kit list.

There should be a rule that any and all posts about milsim need to open with that sentence. (and obviously follow through in the post)
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Old September 6th, 2015, 19:30   #28
"bb bukakke" KING!
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how about you play some more and find out what gear you are constantly finding you need to have with you so you can accommodate for it?

How "MILSIM" are you going? Are you going to casual combatsim that boils the experience down to squad cohesive force on force, or do you want to hump through the bush for 36 hours and not see another soul or shoot your gun at someone but be shot at constantly?

most milsim games in canada don't require you to pack in all the shit you will use plus overnight gear and rain gear.

I find it interesting that you list "GOOD eyepro" as a need... so you don't need that same level of quality eye pro for a casual skrim day? you need GOOD eye pro period. Same goes with footwear.

If you're throwing this kind of list together in such a fashion, you're showing you have very little play experience. You should know what you need to play at the basic 8 hour game level. 12-18-24 hour games scale from there.

Play more... figure out what you have, what you need, then go and get it. Play more.... figure out if you bought the right thing or not. Analyze your situation and decide if you need something or not, at a certain level of quality or not.

I see lots of guys who just went out and dropped 2k on a bunch of shit that show up at a field, they get shot the fuck up cause they don't know how to play and they bought all this crap they don't need to be carrying with them, that goes from skirm days to milsim days equally. These guys gas out halfway through the game because they're overloaded, overheating and getting lit up every time they step out of a safe zone cause they can't move for shit.

Amount of shit you want to hump with you depends on the game, how far will you be operating from a point where you can safely leave gear to eat, reload, hydrate, etc? How often can you access that point? Every game is different, and most experienced players will tell you the kit they bring is generally tailored to the style and duration of the event.

If you're asking what you need to get started in the hobby, then you compiled the wrong list and asked the wrong question. lol.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 6th, 2015, 21:50   #29
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Okay, I understand. thanks for all the help! I will take your advice
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Old September 6th, 2015, 22:12   #30
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Just based on that response, I can see that you'll do well.
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