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Event Attendance: No Shows and Bails, discussion.



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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:18   #16
A Total Bastard
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Okay Droc so I guess the question is what did you/we learn and how would we handle it differently next time? This thread isn't about specific instances - you can address those with Atreyu. What we are looking for here is a viable way of guaranteeing a posted attendence or, barring that, giving the host reasonable notice of cancellation...
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:26   #17
its not really possible to garentee attendance.
Honestly, I dont think there is a specific action thats gonna make any differnce.

The only way to improve is to look at a situation like this one, and rember the grief it caused.

i donno
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:31   #18
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Originally Posted by Droc
its not really possible to garentee attendance.
Honestly, I dont think there is a specific action thats gonna make any differnce.

The only way to improve is to look at a situation like this one, and rember the grief it caused.

i donno
Thats a good suggestion - awareness.

I think you're partly right, you cannot guarantee attendence, but, you can do your best with a set of policies and expectations so that you minimize it from happening at a large event.
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:31   #19
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Goddammit! I just split the trashed thread!!

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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:31   #20
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as much as a deposit/prepay system would help assure attendance or commitment to an event, wouldnt it also mean a new increased logistical facet to a host's list of things to do?

could public scrutiny into "repeat offenders" resulting in a public list of chairsofters after x no shows or making a list of people that belong to a default "tentative" list help? ie, you bail or no show x number of times or show a repeated pattern of such behavior and become a permanant "tentative" for any game that you post as "in".

not to say that there arent any number of legitimate reasons for one to not make it but to not inform people or not to acknowledge such an action publically is....inconsiderate to say the least. one can hardly be LEET if one never shows up to be leet. it could even be given some humiliating name like....ummm.... the list of Politicians since they make promises that they dont keep on a regular basis.
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:32   #21
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For a place like the plantation, I wouldnt mind seeing something like a seasons pass, or tickets, where you pay a sum upfront for X number of games?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:35   #22
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Hey 'Crow, Very good initiative of posting here. At the risk of a lot of flaming and bad language, i think this conversation is important and must be attended by the community.

To stay constructive about this, i like paypal, or some other sort of wire transfer for money. I understand that paypal does cost money to the receiving hand tho, but that's life ... and only 5%... or so.

Anyways, the big idea would be for everyone who wants to attend, to prepay. The fee for the game would be fix; say 25$ since it seems to be the average price. To 'attest' your attendance, you send the 25$ via paypal. If you do not 'reserve' your place 'online' (25$), the door price is bumped up to 35$. Like Punisher said, if you are to cancel, its 48hrs or more... or no refund.

I do understand that this could cause the number of attendees to drop, but it could also help secure the engagements the players place on the organisation.

I'd gladly paypal my games, as it allows me to show up without actual 'Cash' in my pockets.

my 2cents.

edit: Forgot to mention, it could perharps be possible, if people think the paypal idea is good, to allow some 'pay via paypal' buttons in the forum; in the game's thread to be precise. Then use Tru's super $paid$ technique in front of the attendees...

gahh its late
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:40   #23
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Originally Posted by Goldman
For a place like the plantation, I wouldnt mind seeing something like a seasons pass, or tickets, where you pay a sum upfront for X number of games?
I've thought about that for an indoor place to help pay for the venue, much like martial arts clubs.
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:41   #24
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Originally Posted by Adrian
Goddammit! I just split the trashed thread!!
*lol* I just merged your split thread with this one. So now it'll be just one. People can refer to the first couple of posts in this thread to get an idea of what transpired prior.
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:48   #25
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Originally Posted by Phalanix
Originally Posted by Adrian
Goddammit! I just split the trashed thread!!
*lol* I just merged your split thread with this one. So now it'll be just one. People can refer to the first couple of posts in this thread to get an idea of what transpired prior.

Thanks, I thought either my brain or my computer took a giant shit on me...

One problem is the post #1 where I was accumulating the ideas is now post #12...

P.S. Thanks for the effort of preserving the worthwhile parts of that conversation though...
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:52   #26
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Yes, unfortunately it only allows me to merge them in chronological order.

Edit: To go along with the topic, I think the amount of bailing out on games is also reflected in the amount of new players that show up on othe board. With the influx of new players for the past two years or so, this place has grown really fast. Many new players sign up for games, but don't show at the last minute. Not too sure why, perhaps they got cold feet, nervous about the veteran players at the scene, or if they're just plain chairsofters.

Sometimes it seems like it's regulars vs. n00bs - so sometimes new players may not feel accepted and they back out of the games. Kind of like back in high school, if you're a new kid while everyone already had their little groupies, it's harder to get in...
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Old July 5th, 2005, 00:57   #27
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Originally Posted by Phalanix
Sometimes it seems like it's regulars vs. n00bs - so sometimes new players may not feel accepted and they back out of the games. Kind of like back in high school, if you're a new kid while everyone already had their little groupies, it's harder to get in...
Yeah, but we all had to do our time in social purgatory... I remember being picked last AFTER the girls for soccer. That was a memory I didn't need back thanks...
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Old July 5th, 2005, 01:05   #28
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Originally Posted by Droc
its not really possible to garentee attendance.
Honestly, I dont think there is a specific action thats gonna make any differnce.
In that one case, I think if ASC was down maybe you could have called Atreyu on the phone? Team members typically exchange contact information with one another so members can contact other members outside of d-boards...especially when his BROTHER is one of them
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Old July 5th, 2005, 01:07   #29
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.... edited, combined prior thread into initial post. Heck, I've even colour-coded it to make reading easier. =)
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Old July 5th, 2005, 01:29   #30
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow
Yeah, but we all had to do our time in social purgatory... I remember being picked last AFTER the girls for soccer. That was a memory I didn't need back thanks...
Fortunetly we do most of our team picking (for games) by bdu type rather then skill type so people of all skill types get mixed together what happens from there is often a crapshoot...
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