More than likely you'll rarely ever need to pull out your back up pistol. Just give it a coat of flat black and have it on your person for show (for the +3 badassery that it gives you) like in a holster or something. Flat black is a must or it will be a Spring Pistol of Badassery -3 if it's kept clear.
Like I said Hicaps are fine for the first few games while you're getting your bearings and getting introduced but the natural progression is to transfer to low (~68-75 rounds) and midcaps (~100-120+ rounds). What defines a hicap as a hicap is the winding wheel and how it feeds the BB's from a "BB well" instead of a "track" (ie. in a well there's space so you get noise whereas in a "track" the BB's are all lined up and have no rattle. I know it can be a huge investment and you probably don't have much funds after that so that's why I personally say hicaps are fine for the first few games of a newbie, we can't ask much more than what you've already got so it's a lot better than some newbies of the forum (which is why I suspect you're getting so much help and support and replies, because it seems like you've actually read the FAQ's for once).
Anyways, see if you can borrow 1 or 2 midcap mags from another player if they have any (ask really nicely). Likely it will be hard as G36's aren't as common as say an AK or Armalite variant so it might be harder but ask around and who knows. After a round with the hi-cap and a round with the midcaps it will be like night and day trust me on this.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
Last edited by L473ncy; April 23rd, 2010 at 00:35..