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TM Hi Capa Leaf Spring HELP


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Old May 8th, 2009, 17:24   #1
jamuke's Avatar
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TM Hi Capa Leaf Spring HELP

Sometimes it'll shoot full auto, sometimes after re installing the LS the trigger seems to be frozen, sometimes after re install of the LS everything looks good as the trigger pulls and hammer drops and cocks and locks until I get the slide on and then the hammer is frozen...sometimes after re installing LS everything is fine 1/2 cock full cock then bang full auto again.
I've checked the other threads I could find and I figure my problem results from the leaf spring but nowhere can I find any pics etc to see exactly what the heck I'm doing wrong..for 8 hrs now..making me nutz

Any help or links to ...would be appreciated

please and thanks
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Old May 8th, 2009, 17:52   #2
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Kind of sounds like your sear and not the leaf spring.

What other mods/upgrades/etc...have you done from stock?
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Old May 8th, 2009, 18:31   #3
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I purchased this with a hybrid STI slide and metal 2 pc outer barrel and chamber. I assume upgraded recoil and hammer spring.
I installed an AS aluminum bb housing. Everything else is stock.

Also now the hammer seems to be stopping the slide from returning and I need to depress the hammer to have the slide free up.

I have installed the LS in different configs and as I couldn't find any instructions
I'm not sure I put it in right, different configs = different problems I mentioned before.

Umm,how do I check about my sear, recall another thread about this but it didn't seem to be the problem seemed similar in some points depending ow I put the LS in...
just to make sure when looking from the back of the gun

right side prong goes on top of the metal bit that pushes up a part into the rail area...this lower part also has a bit that extends into the middle prong area..there is also a part that swings down on it. Should the middle prong be on top of the swing down part..between the 2 how much bend and which way..

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Old May 8th, 2009, 20:37   #4
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Don't get into the internals if you haven't done so yet...first things first.

1. The hammer catching on the bb housing and stopping the slide from running forward...does that happen when you rack the slide back and let go? or just when you're letting it go forward gently? Either way...unless you're bb housing is cock-eyed (tipped downward)'ll need to see if the hammer edge needs to be rounded off/re-profiled so it rides over easier.

2. The leaf spring just lays ontop of around...SAFX posted up a pic in a thread somewhere. Sounds simple...and it litterally lays on top of the two "levers" and the rounded "hook" (it'll be on the left pointing out from the frame) just sits there. When installed, the grip safety pushes against that rounded hook.

Hope that helps a bit. Illusion's the Hicapa master, I've just messed around with them enough to be dangerous...they can be really hard to get working properly once upgraded.

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Old May 9th, 2009, 06:04   #5
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The problem sounds like your grip is sitting too far away from the mid-frame.

Try test firing your gun without your beavertail safety on, so that you can totally see what's going on.

If the leaf spring is hooking on to the bottom of the sear, just file smooth that little "lip" that the leaf spring is getting caught on.

If the grip is too far from the receiver, then the leaf spring will slip under the sear, which is why this problem could occur.

As for the hammer catching... again, if the hammer isn't being caught by the sear (because the leaf spring is holding it open), then it will apply pressure on the blow back unit which prevents the slide from riding forward. Fix the sear, and the issue *should* go away, unless there is another problem. This solution is based on your description alone.
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