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LaoBing Softair JG mod M4A1 all metal


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Old December 30th, 2008, 01:23   #16
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
yeah im kinda in a good mood tonight..

First off here are a couple of reviews on jing gong products that i found here on asc while not specifically about the model you are inquiring about i think these should give you an idea about the companies quality in general

Jing gong mp5
jing gong ak47
Jing gong hk416
Jing gong m16a4

Now upon taking a trip over to the friendly neighborhood search engine and typing “Jing Gong M4 Review” I got the following results

courtesy of airsoft ohio
Courtesy of air soft faqs
Courtesy of air soft forum

If reading isnt your thing there is always youtube granted there is a ton of god awful videos however the odd gem can be found from time to time

although this version is apparantly the "para" version which is a little different though it is a m4 varient by jing gong so you might get something useful from the video

YouTube - Jing Gong M4A1 Para Part 1 of 3

YouTube - Jing Gong M4A1 Para Part 2 of 3

YouTube - Jing Gong M4A1 Para Part 3 of 3

I hope this has helped you

Wow, thanks a lot!
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Old December 30th, 2008, 19:54   #17
Reminder to our users. This section of the board is all about educating new users. Please avoid overly-sarcastic replies or the "spoonfeeding" comments.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 18:14   #18
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alright, i've have the JG M4A1 for about 1 week now, and to be honest i'm not overly impressed. despite having a fairly nice weight to it the plastic body makes it look way less intense. because of this, i used electrical tape to cover the plastic parts. (i do play on painting it in the future, plz reply with any tips on how to do it) anyways i took it out on my first shooting test, it stopped shooting after firing maybe 12 bbs. i had to reload the mag to get it working again; not a big problem, but annoying. the battery is just a pain.. it bairly fits into the plastic forgrip, and you have to bend it go get it closed. but the gun isn't all bad. although its rate of fire isnt that great, it shoots very hard and is very accurate. not a bad gun overall, but i don't feel i really got my money's worth. i'd go with G&G.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 18:18   #19
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what kind of mag is it? midcap or hicap?
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Old January 20th, 2009, 20:10   #20
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Originally Posted by JLennox View Post
alright, i've have the JG M4A1 for about 1 week now, and to be honest i'm not overly impressed. despite having a fairly nice weight to it the plastic body makes it look way less intense. because of this, i used electrical tape to cover the plastic parts. (i do play on painting it in the future, plz reply with any tips on how to do it) anyways i took it out on my first shooting test, it stopped shooting after firing maybe 12 bbs. i had to reload the mag to get it working again; not a big problem, but annoying. the battery is just a pain.. it bairly fits into the plastic forgrip, and you have to bend it go get it closed. but the gun isn't all bad. although its rate of fire isnt that great, it shoots very hard and is very accurate. not a bad gun overall, but i don't feel i really got my money's worth. i'd go with G&G.
Well if you want to paint it black, or a camo design i would go with Krylon Camouflage Paint. You can pick them up at any Canadian Tire for $5 a can, and they have black, brown, green and tan colors.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 23:18   #21
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Originally Posted by JLennox View Post
alright, i've have the JG M4A1 for about 1 week now, and to be honest i'm not overly impressed. despite having a fairly nice weight to it the plastic body makes it look way less intense. because of this, i used electrical tape to cover the plastic parts. (i do play on painting it in the future, plz reply with any tips on how to do it) anyways i took it out on my first shooting test, it stopped shooting after firing maybe 12 bbs. i had to reload the mag to get it working again; not a big problem, but annoying. the battery is just a pain.. it bairly fits into the plastic forgrip, and you have to bend it go get it closed. but the gun isn't all bad. although its rate of fire isnt that great, it shoots very hard and is very accurate. not a bad gun overall, but i don't feel i really got my money's worth. i'd go with G&G.
my friend has a JG m4a1 with the clear receiver its very decent for its price about the ROF ? change the darn battery shove a peq-box and a 9.6v battery your rof is going up...

mags easily bought ANYWERE for m4 its mags GALORE! and for the internals my friend put maybe 20k rounds into it without a failure tough he did downgrade the spring to a m90 (witch means 90 meters/second) good for indoors use but an m4 is more of an half CQB and half Wooded area
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Old February 26th, 2009, 02:43   #22
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Originally Posted by fred2028 View Post
Anyone have any experience or reviews with this gun? Stuff like

- Reliability (jams, motor, maintenance, etc.)
- Durability
- Actual feet/s and rate of fire
- Pros/cons
- Upgrades

Also, would it damage the internals if I used a 9.6 V battery instead of the 8.4 V it comes with?
9.6 from 8.4 won't make a big difference, especially not to the destruction of a gearbox unless this lao bing brands is as crappy as chopsticks are in the dollarstore...

Originally Posted by fred2028 View Post
OK I saw that, I believe I asked for user opinions and reliability, something your list does not show, and not a list of specs.
He actually tried to help you, unlike some of the other spoonfeeders and over sacarstics? Why the ignorant comeback? He gave you the specs, and basically it told you the reliability if you did any searching. All that metal listing... metal = better than plastic?
And since LaoBing is like JG rebrand kinda... with like JG metal parts and stuff... REALLY NEW, I doubt anyone on ASC would go for it, let alone know about it?

How do you plan on getting one, since metal receivers are not to be imported? Just get a JG, pretty stable brand now, lots of parts that are avaiable to replace/upgrade and stuff. Laobing is just crust right now as nobody knows anything about it. Contact bobtheangrypotato. He has lots of JG black m4's or Huang. THen pay like 250 for a nice metal body that are being sold every so often in classifieds.

Originally Posted by fred2028 View Post
So I'm guessing absolutely no one on this forum has any experience with JG or its M4A1?
... lol you said you googled right

n e wayz that question has been taken care of so yep

And for your opinions you wanted:

People are saying to stay away and just get a JG. 1 min of googling

Just don't ask anymore of these can i solder without a solder questions. That yahoo answers can fulfil

Last edited by Dragate; February 26th, 2009 at 03:00.. Reason: spelling
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