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Old September 20th, 2007, 21:58   #121
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I hear a lot of talk about PTW having better range then other guns. But how does a PTW out range other AEGS if it has the same barrel length, inner barrel diameter, shoots the same fps and uses the same weight of bb. How can it magically defy the laws of physics. Ive been trying to figure it out and all I can think of is it has something to do with the hop up.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:01   #122
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It has a tighter barrel, stronger spring and a better motor not to mention a way better set of internals compared to most AEGS. It's an exact replica of a M4 or M-16 why wouldn't it outshoot other AEGS?
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:06   #123
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Im just wondering the difference between guns with equal specs. If all the specs are equal would a PTW get further range over a TM.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:07   #124
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Originally Posted by Slick View Post
I hear a lot of talk about PTW having better range then other guns. But how does a PTW out range other AEGS if it has the same barrel length, inner barrel diameter, shoots the same fps and uses the same weight of bb. How can it magically defy the laws of physics. Ive been trying to figure it out and all I can think of is it has something to do with the hop up.
Yep. And just because a gun shoots a BB and that BB has 2J of energy DOES NOT mean that gun generated 2 joules of energy. It means the BB has 2J of energy. If the gun can impart more backspin and do it in such a way that the hop-up will not be a point of excessive friction and loss (like every other AEG made), then it stands to reason that the BB will have a more controlled and predictable spin. And there is energy required to make it spin. I believe that as the BB travels, energy that it picked up in the gun to make it spin excessivley stays with the BB longer and as it slows down, is retained as flight energy.

Watch the flightpath of a BB shot from a PTW when the hop-up is over-engaged. It doesn't actually affect the BB until about 300 feet after it leaves the muzzle (with the M150). It's quite bizarre to watch. I would think this means that the BB is spinning so fast that it's flightpath stays straight until it starts to loos flight energy, then it takes off skyward. It has more energy in the spin than it does in the flight portion of the trajectory.

Originally Posted by Slick View Post
Im just wondering the difference between guns with equal specs. If all the specs are equal would a PTW get further range over a TM.
Yes, the PTW will have alot more range, not just 10 or 20 feet, but I have seen 100 feet+ against guns with equal velocity and BB weight. I went head-to head with my CQB-R against a Marui M14. He was shooting the same BBs and was 5 fps faster on the chrono. His shots landed in the grass 5-10 feet short of me while mine hit the seacan beside him with enough authority that I could hear it at nearly 150 feet, maybe more.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; September 20th, 2007 at 22:13..
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:17   #125
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Originally Posted by Slick View Post
I hear a lot of talk about PTW having better range then other guns. But how does a PTW out range other AEGS if it has the same barrel length, inner barrel diameter, shoots the same fps and uses the same weight of bb. How can it magically defy the laws of physics. Ive been trying to figure it out and all I can think of is it has something to do with the hop up.
We chrono'd Mac's PTW just last week and the fps was a tad under 400 fps. Following the laws of physics where momentum = mass X velocity and assuming the BBs have the same mass and velocity being almost the same between AEG & PTW. I'm leaning towards the spin due the design of the PTW hopup & barrel. I think it's the spin that's causing the BBs to go the extra distance. But that's just my theory.

EDIT: See Mac's post above.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:18   #126
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Sorry if that sounded rude in any way to you Slick. Anyways yeah a PTW would beat most guns in a range test. Not sure if they could beat a Sniper. I think some really upgraded AEGS do have better accuracy though.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:43   #127
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So, do you guys with PTWs need to downgrade your gun to stay below 400fps?
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Old September 20th, 2007, 22:48   #128
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Originally Posted by Omi-san View Post
So, do you guys with PTWs need to downgrade your gun to stay below 400fps?
I have 4 cylinders available for the PTWs. M150 would yield 500+ fps, so no place I can really play with that. M130 yields about 430 fps, so some places let me play with that. M110 is my most used at it yields about 400 fps and all places will let me play with that. M90 yields about 320 fps and this would only be used in CQB or if I had a cylinder failure in the field. This has not happened to me yet as I observe good maintenance practices, but it's just there for back-up.

Pick your cylinder for the place you are at. The 9.6v battery is used for M90-M130 and the 12v is used for the M150, although some guys use it with everything (but there are risks for doing that). This means that 1 battery will allow all the cylinders you are likely to be able to use, so you don't also have change batteries in the field.
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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:08   #129
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Originally Posted by Regan.S View Post
Yeah I'm sure there handguns will be heavy and exact replicas. Glocks, M9's and beretta's probabbly. I'd like to see some Systema handgernades or gernade launchers. Cheaper magazine clips as well.
M9s, and berettas? Beretta makes the M92, and M9.

Unless you were thinking of a PT9, or PT92.
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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:29   #130
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SystemA will be unveiling their MP5 in Febuary at ShotShow.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:30   #131
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
SystemA will be unveiling their MP5 in Febuary at ShotShow.
A trip to Vegas for you?
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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:46   #132
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Already booked. I want to show the grenade around and meet some of my retailers there. Maybe do a little shopping. Definitely go to a range and pop some caps.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:48   #133
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Ha, I'll be there as well, but a month earlier. Porn convention (or so my boss says as he's taking us down again).

Last time I was there, it cost about $1 U.S. per round to shoot rifle, but 9mm and .45 were a bit cheaper, about $.8 per round or so. That was an expensive stop. I went to The Gun Store on Tropicana, but next time I will go to the one just off the Strip west of Mandalay Bay. They seemed to have a better selection of guns and a newer and bigger facility from the photos I saw. And they're ALOT closer to the Strip.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Last edited by mcguyver; September 21st, 2007 at 01:02..
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Old September 21st, 2007, 00:53   #134
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
SystemA will be unveiling their MP5 in Febuary at ShotShow.
Damn. Quite a while to wait.

I wonder what bells and whistles this PTW will have...
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Old September 21st, 2007, 01:14   #135
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
Already booked. I want to show the grenade around and meet some of my retailers there. Maybe do a little shopping. Definitely go to a range and pop some caps.
I'll be going to the Shot Show also. Perhaps we can grab a beer together.

Systema PTW: It's not a gun, it's a religion.
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