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The "e" bullying on ASC is going to stop.



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Old May 21st, 2007, 09:05   #1
Freedom Fighter
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The "e" bullying on ASC is going to stop.

I've noticed that over time that it has become a popular practice among some of you to make claims about mods being a bunch of power tripping ego maniacs all hell bent on throwing their weight around and playing favorites on ASC. Well I think that the majority of you by far that actually know me personally (in whatever capacity) know that I usually speak from the heart and say what is honestly on my mind. I'll give one example without going into much detail but it should give you an idea where I'm going with this post.

A perfect example would be the current dealings between myself and my x and the ensuing custody battle over our son. I have had many chances in the past to keep my mouth shut and keep things to myself but in the interest of my sons personal development and well being I always choose to say what I believe is the fair and honest truth, despite the fact that it may upset my x and her family and is then twisted and promptly thrown back in my face at a time convenient for them. I feel that personal pride is not important, honestly and integrity is ... everything else is secondary.

I've seen these mods take a ridiculous amount of verbal abuse by many, and they too, just like myself put their personal feelings aside in the interest of the sport and this site time and time again. For that they receive little thanks and in recent years have succumbed to more and more abuse from the users on this website.

My fellow moderators have missed one important issue however ... allowing the bullshit to continue actually detracts from the overall enjoyment of this site for all but the few that like to act big and tell people off. There is absolutely nothing wrong with some ribbing and tormenting one another in good spirits, but from what I have seen from a select few is nothing more than belligerent insults made in the interest of giving these few people a feeling of self worth and authority.

News flash, the feeling of self worth and authority you gain at the expense of others ... it's not worth anything in the real world. In addition, this attitude will not be tolerated here for the remaining time that I am around ... in fact I may stay around just to keep an eye out if the other mods wish. Some people like me, some do not ... however, I think that most people could make the argument that I have always tried to be as fair as possible. Still don't like it? Write you member of parliment, start an online petition, hand out flyer's ... go nuts, literally.

So, for those of you who claim that ASC is BS and run by a bunch of idiots, please, do yourself and everyone else a solid and leave. Go start your own forum somewhere since it's so easy to do. The internet is a huge place and there is plenty of room for people to go sit in their very own virtual corner.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:01   #2
Dirty Deeds
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This is a nice post to read, very refreshing. And I would like to say that every mod on here that I have dealt with was fair and to the point even those who have issued me warnings.

All I have to say to the mods is be prepared for alot of flak as you start your clean up. You're going to get alot of "WTF? I've seen worse said on here, so why am I being warned/banned? You guys are assholes!!!" ect ect.

However I am all for a tighter riegn on things as I have literally stopped posting anywhere except the Buy/Sell section and Games sections, because of some of the flaming that goes on here.

More power to you man, cheers.
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Last edited by Dirty Deeds; May 21st, 2007 at 10:55..
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:05   #3
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Great post. I'm sure it will inspire some much needed insight on the current situation to the members of ASC.

Too often do I see the mods blamed for doing their job.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:17   #4
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Well said.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:26   #5
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the type of keyboard karate, that smarmy, know-it-all e-bullies like Greylocks practice, should be a bannable offense on the first offense.
sick of noobie questions? ignore them. simple.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:27   #6
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I'm sure there have been times when I've gone "over the top" during a discussion on something that I'm sure has no real meaning anywhere. I personally am not one to take crap from anyone, and I'm sure I've pushed the limits at times. I could only imagine what gets said to moderators when they need to reign in a situation, especially a heated or controversial one.

Other forums I visit would never let members post things that get posted here and even some of my posts would get punted if posted elsewhere. I know many people like FF who no longer visit here because of the "drama queen" antics of some and the abusive nature of others. Nobody is immune from this, either we've acted in this fashion to others or been "victimized" by it.

I for one am glad to see the move by the moderation staff to clean out the forum. I don't envy your job though, as it will likely lead to a big shake-up and alot more crap before it's done.

But it's like plunging out a toilet, nobody likes to do, it needs to be done and the effort yields a necessary result.
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Last edited by mcguyver; May 21st, 2007 at 11:04..
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:38   #7
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter View Post
...personal pride is not important, honestly and integrity is ... everything else is secondary.
Quoted for truth.

Far too many yahoos (here and elsewhere) can only feel important by waving their e-peen in public.

People tend to forget the reality of ASC (well, as much "reality" as you can have online) - although it is one of the most popular airsoft discussion boards in North America, it isn't a democracy, nor, IMHO, should it be. No one is entitled to be allowed to have their say here; rather, they get to have their say because they are tolerated by the moderators at the discretion of the site owner(s) who pay the bills.

I know some folks will readily scream "FASCISM!" when confronted by this reality. I say those folks should go out and create their own website/d-board and run it any way they see fit, preferrably in a Marxist fashion where everything from news to reviews to game organization is done by committee for the benefit of the proletariate. Perhaps then they will appreciate the long, thankless hours that the moderators here put in for little or no reward and a handful of migranes.

Personally, I want to thank Alex and the rest of the moderating crew for the patience and restraint they've shown over the last 18 months or so, despite being "called out" in a show of e-peen waving by some of the membership of the board. Perhaps now is a time to loosen that restraint and continue to weed out those who feel they have the right to belong to this online community while contributing nothing positive to it.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 10:56   #8
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a +1 to all posted thus far.

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Old May 21st, 2007, 11:18   #9
Amazing KG3
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+2 i was hoping someone would put there foot down.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 11:28   #10
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Time for me to speak up, I am all for going back to the way it was long before I even joined. I know a lot of the mods personally and a lot of the members who have been here since it started, these guys are good friends that have helped me with a lot even tho they weren’t obligated and I would HATE for them to quit and leave because they are fed up with all this.. There are a select few currently trying to fill in the void left by the latest banned people, but news flash guys, they were taken out for that stupidity and we are not looking for you to take up where they left off...

FF I agree with you totally, I have never actually met you at FR or anywhere else before but I have heard about you, and I do respect that "speak from what you feel" attitude as I usually go by the same approach. I agree with what you just said and I am 100% prepared to help out and make these boards rightchous again.


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Old May 21st, 2007, 11:29   #11
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That's a very nice post you made Alex, very expressive, and I do like the way you speak from the heart, but what if it just suddenly got thrown in the trash? How would that make you feel? Honestly.
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Old May 21st, 2007, 11:37   #12
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Originally Posted by Armedpacifist View Post
That's a very nice post you made Alex, very expressive, and I do like the way you speak from the heart, but what if it just suddenly got thrown in the trash? How would that make you feel? Honestly.
Due to a misunderstanding.. lol...
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Old May 21st, 2007, 11:40   #13
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All well said and fair warning.

I recently had an issue to settle with 2 mods, tempers were high (due to the recent times here) but showing a little respect and taking the time to listen went a long way. We're mostly adults here, time to start acting like it. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't to someones face. Just my 2¢
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Old May 21st, 2007, 12:03   #14
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Armedpacifist View Post
That's a very nice post you made Alex, very expressive, and I do like the way you speak from the heart, but what if it just suddenly got thrown in the trash? How would that make you feel? Honestly.
I'm not saying that everyone is perfect, never made that claim of anyone but some users on here push things way too far and it's certainly deliberate. Everyone knows who I'm referring to but in the interest of being polite I'll exclude the names.

I see what gets posted on the boards, what goes on behind the scenes with regards to PM's and comments left in moderator section, and the politics that carry out onto the field with some of the players and their teen-aged angst against the admin here. I feel it's safe for me to say that the mods here are certainly more than fair on the majority of issues. When one of us has a question we more often than not ask for the opinions of other mods before we do something that may be (often) considered "heavy handed" ... If anyone does things without consultation beforehand it's generally me, myself and I.

This crack down is not open to debate. Anyone think this is unfair, they can start their own D-board.

Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.

Last edited by Freedom Fighter; May 21st, 2007 at 12:06..
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Old May 21st, 2007, 12:11   #15
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right on , I'm glad to hear someone is going to stand up and try to put an end to it. best of luck to you. hopefully it will mack ASC a better place.
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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