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Fresh soccer mom ammo / Neg AS news article



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Old January 27th, 2007, 19:59   #1
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Fresh soccer mom ammo / Neg AS news article

I just saw this on CGN
Wonder why they are posting this?
Wondering still if the RCMP are interested in ASC.
MODS feel free to auto delete any "sky is falling" posts

From the CFD:
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:56:14 -0500
Subject: Students fire air guns at hockey game

PUBLICATION: The Chronicle-Herald=20
DATE: 2007.01.27=20
SECTION: NovaScotia=20
PAGE: B1=20
BYLINE: Gordon Delaney Valley Bureau=20
WORD COUNT: 476=20

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Students fire air guns at hockey game hitting spectators, players,
referees; Police charge 5

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MIDDLETON - A high school hockey game in Middleton got out of hand and
play had to be stopped Wednesday night when students began shooting more
than just rubber pucks.=20

The game between Middleton Regional High and West Kings High School at
the Middleton arena had to be called when student spectators in the
stands began shooting plastic pellets from air guns.=20

They began by shooting at each other and then started shooting other
people in the crowd. Soon after, they were shooting at opposing players
on the ice, the Zamboni driver and even the referees, witnesses said.=20

One concerned hockey mom described the events at Wednesday night's game
as the worst she's seen in 10 years of minor and high school hockey
involvement. She said the game had to be halted when the students began
shooting at the referees.=20

Some witnesses at first thought the students were brandishing pellet or
BB guns.=20

But Cpl. David Fraser, with the Middleton RCMP, said they were air guns
that use a carbon dioxide cartridge.=20

One of the guns, considered by some to be toys, was seized under the
seat of a student's car, said Cpl. Fraser.=20

Five students, all 17, have been charged with a variety of offences
ranging from mischief to pointing a firearm to possession of a dangerous

Cpl. Fraser said police expect to seize other similar weapons and
witnesses are still being interviewed. There could be more charges as
the investigation proceeds.=20

"We have yet to take statements from as many as 20 others," he added.=20

He said the weapons may be considered toys by some, but they fire
projectiles and could cause serious injury. He said the referee was shot
in the back and compared the pain to a bee sting.=20

Cpl. Fraser said the pistol seized by police is a replica semi-automatic
Walther P-22. It's painted black and looks exactly like the real thing,
including the markings.=20

"It's pretty realistic looking," Cpl. Fraser said. "I'll put it to you
this way. If I was to encounter this on the street, as an officer with
26 years experience, I'd treat it as the real thing."=20

The replica shoots hard, small, plastic, pea-sized, multi-coloured

He described the behaviour as total reckless disregard for safety.=20

"The kids, for whatever reason, thought this was acceptable behaviour. .
. . But we're treating it very seriously."=20

Cpl. Fraser said the school is taking the incident seriously also and it
could jeopardize future high school hockey games.=20

Annapolis Valley regional school board superintendent Norman Dray said
the guns are similar to the "fake weapons" Kings RCMP issued a news
release about last week, expressing their concerns.=20

Mr. Dray said the incident is being treated seriously by the school and
the board. So far, two students have been suspended indefinitely.=20

"This is abhorrent behaviour and I think it needs to be dealt with as a
serious incident of misconduct in a very firm and forceful way," Mr.
Dray said.=20

He said other students at the school are upset about what happened and
many came forward to provide information to police.=20

Const. Les Kakonyi, with the Kings RCMP, said last week that police are
worried about an increase in the number of people carrying
realistic-looking replica firearms into schools and throughout the

Four other incidents at schools in the past three months involved
realistic-looking toy guns that resembled 9-mm handguns. He added that
parents need to talk to their children about the possible dangers of
carrying imitation weapons.=20

"I don't think the students understand the possible consequences of
their actions."=20
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Old January 27th, 2007, 20:05   #2
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I think the story ends with a very telling quote by Constable Kakonyi in light of the ongoing discussion of law enforcement's approach to airsoft:

"I don't think the students understand the possible consequences of
their actions."

You do something dumb as hell with an airsoft gun, and you get pinched. Seems easy enough to figure out to me.
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Old January 27th, 2007, 20:22   #3
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Originally Posted by Bandit View Post
I think the story ends with a very telling quote by Constable Kakonyi in light of the ongoing discussion of law enforcement's approach to airsoft:

"I don't think the students understand the possible consequences of
their actions."

You do something dumb as hell with an airsoft gun, and you get pinched. Seems easy enough to figure out to me.
That's exactly why a government who knows what's best for us will legislate these things into oblivion. We are proven to not be responsible, therfore we need protection from ourselves.

Think I'm joking? Our latest Firearms Act prohibits weapons based on their "scariness" and not on dimensions or function. Fear drives laws and what better to scare the hell out of voters than irresponsible kids assaulting people with guns?
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Old January 27th, 2007, 20:36   #4
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Cpl. Fraser said the pistol seized by police is a replica semi-automatic
Walther P-22. It's painted black and looks exactly like the real thing,
including the markings.
But Cpl. David Fraser, with the Middleton RCMP, said they were air guns
that use a carbon dioxide cartridge
The replica shoots hard, small, plastic, pea-sized, multi-coloured
This description exactly matches Crappy Tire soft-airs... OH GOOD GOSH CTire stop bringing in Crap.
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Old January 27th, 2007, 20:36   #5
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is it me or has there been a lot of neg-AS news lately? Like, A LOT?
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Old January 27th, 2007, 20:44   #6
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
That's exactly why a government who knows what's best for us will legislate these things into oblivion. We are proven to not be responsible, therfore we need protection from ourselves.

Think I'm joking? Our latest Firearms Act prohibits weapons based on their "scariness" and not on dimensions or function. Fear drives laws and what better to scare the hell out of voters than irresponsible kids assaulting people with guns?

Unfortunatly you only hear about the morons on the news, instead of all of the responsible people, unfortunatly responsibility for one's actions doesn't make good news. Too bad the populous only hear about the bad apples.
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Old January 27th, 2007, 21:36   #7
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I dont think those were airsofts. I think they were airguns that uses CO2 powerlets that can shoot .177(4.5mm) metal BBs and pellets. They shoot much harder than airsofts (as most of you know).

This sort of stuff always happen in Middleton. I feel bad for the folks that live there.
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Old January 27th, 2007, 21:46   #8
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It'll be a matter of time before Soccer moms picket Wal-Mart and CDN Tire to ban the sale of these easily accessible Crosman crap.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 01:46   #9
Savage Eh
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"Cpl. Fraser said the school is taking the incident seriously also and it
could jeopardize future high school hockey games"

why would it jeopardize future games? lol
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Old January 28th, 2007, 02:28   #10
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good lord what the fuck is up with that, i've never herd about such immature 17 year olds! How retarded can you get?? your at a flippin hockey game what the hell im so mad at retarded kids like that, how do you raise such immature kids????????whats wrong with the world..
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Old January 28th, 2007, 03:17   #11
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Originally Posted by Polo609 View Post
good lord what the fuck is up with that, i've never herd about such immature 17 year olds! How retarded can you get?? your at a flippin hockey game what the hell im so mad at retarded kids like that, how do you raise such immature kids????????whats wrong with the world..
Exactly, I thought hockey fight in the stands only happens between parents! I mean the only non-parents fights in sports happens in soccer. lol
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Old January 28th, 2007, 03:26   #12
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Originally Posted by Polo609 View Post
good lord what the fuck is up with that, i've never herd about such immature 17 year olds! How retarded can you get?? your at a flippin hockey game what the hell im so mad at retarded kids like that, how do you raise such immature kids????????whats wrong with the world..
The world man... education is falling... and failing... little britney girls are everywhere... at 10, the all have thong at this age... and most of them already know... you know what...

they all saying fuck you to mom and pop ! Also to their teachers... slogan for them ?

Fuck everything, fuck me and get drunk 3 times a day !

Man, our society is much more like a garbage can than what we are trying to build for the best of our future generation. I don't know what's going on with people on earth, but ... everything seems to be wrong in every aspect of life these days. You have to focus on something you truly believe in and keep this on your mind if you want to make it through the world today !

Seems like every children doesn't really care about the consequence of their acts. They just do what they want without thinking if it's good or not. They don't see what's coming after a bad move or something stupid. They just do it and say : Ah... oups ! Wow ! Great man ! Really great !

Anyway...sorry, but too frustrated about my job, about what's going on in the world, about what people can do to help our future and they just don't care about... they just sit on their ass and wait... about how life could be so easier if we could stand all together instead of shitting on the guy who's beside us... anway... what's next in the next 10 years for all of us ? Mmmmm... man, things will just to worst I think...

Just to say that we'll heard more news about this or similar to this for next years... let's hope our world will get better and our government will keep off his hands on our precious sport... airsoft !
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:51   #13
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Originally Posted by SolidifiedPenguin View Post
I dont think those were airsofts. I think they were airguns that uses CO2 powerlets that can shoot .177(4.5mm) metal BBs and pellets. They shoot much harder than airsofts (as most of you know).

This sort of stuff always happen in Middleton. I feel bad for the folks that live there.
Do you think the soccer/hockey moms and police/gov't will give a damn about the difference? To them, both airsoft and air guns are all realistic looking firearm that projects something that can cause bodily harm
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Old January 28th, 2007, 11:08   #14
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
The replica shoots hard, small, plastic, pea-sized, multi-coloured
This sounds like SoftAir CRAP from CT or Wallmart... like seriously HOW STUPID do you have to be, i would love to see one of those kids get shot by a real 9mm when they think its cool to use there painted black Softair guns in public. its only a matter of time before something like that happens and THEN shit will hit the fan.

that blows my mind on how stupid that is!


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Old January 28th, 2007, 11:44   #15
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Originally Posted by -SWAT- View Post
This sounds like SoftAir CRAP from CT or Wallmart... like seriously HOW STUPID do you have to be, i would love to see one of those kids get shot by a real 9mm when they think its cool to use there painted black Softair guns in public. its only a matter of time before something like that happens and THEN shit will hit the fan.

that blows my mind on how stupid that is!

It's almost something you want to happan to show these dumbasses that it can, but you don't because that woud be, well, bad.
Unfortunetly even if it did happan, these dumbass kids would still do this shit. Idiots will be idiots.
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