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KSC-KWA GLOCK not firing!Please help...


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Old November 4th, 2006, 12:59   #1
Join Date: Nov 2006
KSC-KWA GLOCK 19 not firing!Please help...

Hi!(and sorry for the bad english..)
Three days ago i bought a second-hand ksc-kwa glock 19 with metal slide.
Iam still quite a n00b when it comes to the technical side of airsoft and though i usea TM sig552 for about a year i never had any expierience with <a href="">gas</a> guns before.
Yesterday i bought a bottle of green <a href="">gas</a> i filled the mag loaded the gun and fired several shots when suddenly while taking another shot the trigger got ,,stuck,, the slide moved just like a 3mm or so, the gun didint fire and the trigger got stuck in ,,pulled,, position it didnt wanted to move to its original position. I tried to move the slide back but i couldnt so i removed the mag and only then i could take the slide backe again wich also realased the trigger ,,free,,.But every time i try to fire it happens again, so the gun is currently useless.
Any suggestion?
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Old November 4th, 2006, 13:15   #2
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sounds like you may have bent BB lip on the mag, have you dropped the mag at all? Do you have a new mag you can try in the gun?

if that is the case with your mag, you'll have to dremel out the hole where the BBs come out so they can move freely through the opening.
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Old November 4th, 2006, 14:22   #3
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Originally Posted by p.phresh View Post
if that is the case with your mag, you'll have to dremel out the hole where the BBs come out so they can move freely through the opening.
Or, the better safer route for opening up the feed lips is to go to your local knife store (Le Baron for me) and pick up the Gerber diamond file sharpening rod. It opens like a butterfly knife (red & black handles), has a 4" tapered file in it. Cost me $10. Unscrew the file form the handles, and lo & behold, the base of it is about 6mm diameter. Place the pointed end into a drill, then spin & insert the base into the feed lips of the mag. I've done this with all my G19 mags (all 6 of them) and they feed perfectly, better than stock. Best part of it all is, you get a smooth finish with a perfectly round hole, and no chances of taking too much off or having little parts that might put a cut in your BB's surface, causing inaccuracy problems.

I'll add, regular maintainance of GBB is crucial, #10-15 weight silicon "shock oil" from hobby shops is what you need to keep the gun running reliably. If you have access to a gun store that sells Gun Slick Anhydrous Grahpite Lube (costs me $1.45 per tube) use that on the rails of your slide/frame for super slick action.
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Old November 5th, 2006, 08:24   #4
Join Date: Nov 2006
Nothing is wrong with the mag, couse when i try to dry fire it also doesnt work.
I just pull the trigger and it got stuck in pulled possition.There is the soft,,clack,, sound, the slide move slightly just severeal milimeters and the gun doesnt shoot.Meaby its something with the hammer i dont know
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Old November 5th, 2006, 08:39   #5
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I found sometimes with my KSC Glocks, that one or two bbs will get jamed in the back of the top slide, right under the rear sights inside the top slide, so you'll have to remove it. To remove the top slide remember to remove the mag first. hope this helps
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Old November 5th, 2006, 08:47   #6
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take the mag out, take the slide off. now look down into the frame there is a small peice of plastic behind the trigger above the mag catch. it is not on the parts list so I can not tell you the number check to see if that part is moving up and down one of my glocks that peice would move up and cuase the same issue. i just removed the piece it dosnt seem to be needed. if thats not it check part number 87 it likes to brake.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 08:38   #7
Join Date: Nov 2006
Meaby its something with the blow-back.
When you pull the trigger the hammer strikes forward and stays in such position also keeping the trigger pulled so that you cannot move it.But then the slide should blow-back and on its way back pull the hammer into its original strained position, also relasing the trigger.That would also make sens couse when i was firing the gun i think i was pulling the trigger to fast.Before the whole blow-back cycle was complete i pulled the trigger several times wich might broke some part. Now when i fire the gun ther is no blow-back at all. When i pull the trigger there is just this ,,clack,, kind of sound and the slide doesnt move almost at all(meaby just like 2mm) so there is no slide return to pull the hammer back and relase the trigger ,,free,,
Any help with repairing the blow-back?

I just took down the blow-back and when i pulled out the cylinder one cylinder spring simply fallen out while the other was damadged heavly.
I,v read one ksc glock 19 review saying that second cylinder spring is just a spare and that the gun can cycle on just one spring, but dont really know what to do now i dont see any place that these springs could be attached

Last edited by theultimateqpa; November 6th, 2006 at 16:05..
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