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Limits on first purchase?


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Old July 29th, 2006, 03:42   #1
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Limits on first purchase?

Before i begin, I apologize if this is in the wrong spot. It doesnt apply to a specific gun, but it does relate to airsoft guns.

I was vurious about a few things, as a person who is looking forward to his 18th birthday, so that he can play airsoft.

1) Are beginners who come to the field with a Systema PTW for the second or third game shunned for so much on a gun, before they have alot of experience in the sport.

2) Say someone (a beginner) were to buy a Redwolf Custom gun, like their hammerhead or police shorty as their first gun. Do they get shunned upon for buying a ready-made gun that they didnt do anything to themselves?

please keep in mind: I dont plan on doing either of those things, I was just looking to get others opinion.

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Old July 29th, 2006, 03:52   #2
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well... personally i dont think that new guys should be spending those sorts of dollars on their first gun before they have at least played a game or two, and even then i would hesitate to be saying spend 1000+ right off the top.

i would tend to recomend that new guys get something less expensive to get familiar with the sport and then move on from there....
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Old July 29th, 2006, 05:37   #3
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Personally, rather than spending 1k on a gun at first, you mind as well buy something cheaper and spend the rest on MAGs, accessories and gears.

As much as the Systema PTW are awesome, it's probably better to familiarize yourself with airsoft in general.
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Old July 29th, 2006, 05:44   #4
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You worry too much. Just come out to a game and play. You'll find that most of us are nice guys and if you have an interesting gun, you'll definitely have the opportunity to make some new friends when they come over to check out your toys.
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Old July 29th, 2006, 09:24   #5
just make sure you dont try to import guns yourself.

new players like to take theyr guns and attach every accessory they can find on it. Those of us who have been around awhile find it funny because it does more harm then good. Smaller, lighter, less stuff to get caught in the bush = better. the whole idea behind alot of gear is low drag.
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Old July 29th, 2006, 22:25   #6
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Illusion, I am not asking these questions because I worry.. Just so you know. I am asking them strictly for opinion.

Droc, i agree about the whole less stuff is better, and for those same reasons as well. A player with less equipment can move faster usually, and therefore stay in the game longer. Thats why I personally believe modular is the way to go. You get exactly what you want, because you choose what goes on. Having the ability to put it where you want is nice as well.

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Old July 29th, 2006, 22:51   #7
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IMHO i think the more "junk (subjective i know)" you put on your gun, the more you have to worry about. Say you grab a m4RIS (or any other gun for that matter) and load it up with a surefire, lasers and fancy mag clamps and all sorts of elaborate optics, the more things you have to look out for in terms of maintainance (read: batteries, cleaning, making sure you don't bogg up the installation etc).
I personally like bare guns, or ones with limited additions. Because lets face it, how many times are you going to be needing everything?
Anyway, start stock and work your way up, not only does it give you a nice feel for what you might want in the future in terms of upgrades, you'll also save yourself a ton of cash that you can use later.

So yeah, thats just my 2c
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
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Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old July 30th, 2006, 09:40   #8
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Your first problem, you are 15. So wait.
If, according to the scenario, a 15 year old shows up with a hot upgraded gun, I can almost guarantee you wont play.
And I bet several folks would dearly love to know where you would have gotten the upgraded AEG in the first place.

Even older players showing up for the first time with an upgraded gun are not seen in a good light. Starting with something that can cause an injury is not good.
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Old July 30th, 2006, 10:28   #9
Major Clay
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Get what you want, do what you want to it. Only players with a low self esteem, the type who bandwagon issues or have no opinions of their own will have a problem with it. In fact these types usually hide in the shadows, ie. scream bloody murder on the boards then hide in the corner at games hoping you have no idea who they are. It's kinda like people who agree with Greylocks on every issue and have no idea he doesn't even play the game. I just watched "Vipamave" expose a kid for being what he thought under 18, then it backfired when it was pointed out He was underage and trying to help Greylocks....what a loser. The empowerment they feel by being part of a "collective" train of thought is pretty damn pitiful. So who cares what they want, buy what you want, and play when you want. You will find the loudest voices on this board are "chairsofters", persons who never actually go to a game, but, feel the need to put their 2 cents in everywhere. I know a prominent name on this board who comments on every noobs mistakes, but himself is banned from every field in his community...what does that tell you? Have fun, go wild, you are only young once, just be safe.
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Old July 30th, 2006, 17:45   #10
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Add on are cool when they fit what you do if you play outdoors only during the day a surefire light is really useless and you have to carry it; and its money that wasnt put to good use. But if it fits your playing style, or a pareticuar kit ie. Swat ok grab on.
My point is if it belongs, throw it on, if it doesnt well dont worry.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Imagine ads for semen restaurants. I can see it now... "Come to Seminal Sam's, where you can eat loads without blowing all your wad..."
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Old July 30th, 2006, 19:18   #11
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You dont have to like me. I played the game, I stopped for a while. The knowledge has not suddenly become obsolete.
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Old July 30th, 2006, 21:01   #12
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Well said clay!!!!!!!!!!
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Old July 31st, 2006, 07:38   #13
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The way I see it is if the person has the financial capabilities, then more power to them.

Yes it's nice to start small then go big so you ease into your kit.

Well just means that if he gets fed up with his kit we have a custom redwolf gun up for sale.
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Old July 31st, 2006, 08:44   #14
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Who cares what they start with? It's no one else business but their own. The only reason someone would care is because they are envious of their starting gear, which is stupid.

If they have so much good gear on their first game, show them that the game isn't just about the gear by beating them over and over again with stronger tactics.
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Old July 31st, 2006, 09:01   #15
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Take myself for example...three years ago I was new to airsoft, and decided to buy a TM M-4 RIS with a 'ton' of junk accessories to hang on the RIS rails. Only came to the scary realization that I was unhappy with the gun after two games. So I ended up buying a TM AK-47 from Tru and the AK has become my primary for the longest time and still going on strong even after I have acquired other airsift guns.
The point here is that you don't have to go for the best that you think at the begining...instead work out the math. Maybe the alternative is that instead of buying one gun for 15 hundred dollars, why not do some research and get your self one nice gun at around $700 as your primary and pick up a back up gun like a TM MP-5/7 as a backup gun for example. You will have the option of getting a nice GBB to go with your primary of course, so you have lots of options.
Always remember, nothing matchs the excitment of buying a new gun and opening the box when you take it home for the first time...enjoy!!!
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