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Dress to and from events



View Poll Results: What do you wear/is appropriate to wear to and from games?
Full civilian attire 83 14.49%
Half/Half: ie combat pants w/ a civie tshirt 259 45.20%
Full combats 122 21.29%
Combats plus everything but the weapon. 35 6.11%
Depends on what mood I'm in. Any of the above. 74 12.91%
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Old July 6th, 2006, 19:48   #46
The Punisher
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Originally Posted by The Punisher
As long as there are no guns or replica devices that would be considered sketchy on you I don't see a problem.
Does not really matter if you see a problem.. you are accustomed to the stuff... it is what others see that could be the problem
And that's all part of the risk of wearing the gear.

It's not like you're actually a terrorist [I can only assume] for those who want to take the 'risk' of keeping whatever gear they have on, on inside public places then that's for them to decide.

Most i've ever worn gear-wise is an od shirt, pants, and boots into a Timmy Ho's.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 22:23   #47
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Yeah, I wear my BDU pants, combat boots and an OD T-shirt around but I generally take off the Jacket and definitely don't wear my tac-gear around, that's just stupid, and not even that comfortable...

I used to get all dressed up before a game and rush to the field, then I discovered that when I get there all pumped and ready to go I just have to wait 15 minutes for everyone to be ready I stopped bothering.
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Old July 6th, 2006, 23:43   #48
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Pants, t-shirt, and regular shoes when I drive there, slap on the jacket, boots and tac vest when I get there, then shorts and t-shirts when I drive back.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 00:24   #49
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Why some one would wear vest or webbing while driving or riding in a vehical doesn't make sense to me...
When I have to drive 6 other moochers to and from games, packing the van with oversized gun cases in the back. *lol* Sometimes I keep my gear on after a game just so there's room to fit other stuff (as well less things to carry when I get home).

However, it's usually straight into my house after I get off the car anyway - so no biggie.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 00:49   #50
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Sometimes it depends on the field, sometimes it depends on my mood.

I'll wear my full ODs anywhere and not feel bad. If the organizer of the game asks not to wear BDUs on arrival I won't. Like when we played at that High School we were asked to wear civies upon arrival and departure, and change inside. Otherwise, I'll just wear whatever. Keep all my gear in the trunk of course.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:05   #51
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I typically wear, half and half to and from games..

When I am not in Business Suit.. I am typically head to toe, 5.11 clothing, I including vest...because I'm Hooked on the comfort and utility of the clothes for every day wear.. but I get accused of wearing "fishing clothes" with that look..much more than any thing else.

I'm with you on the functional casuals. As is my philosophy with the combat pants/boots.
I had wanted to pick up a whole bunch of 5.11 stuff too.

I generaly don't wear combat tops for fasion. Maybe a camo t-shirt, but those tend to look more civvie anyway.
I do wear military jackets. But only plain colors.
I know people who wear jeans or civvie bottoms with a combat top, but not generaly a common camouflage you'd see on a soldier in north america. IE: german, maybe DPM.
You could get away with US woodland because that's been copied so many times in civvie clothing it doesn't really matter if it's genuine or not.

I think people who wear cadpat(Woodland) look pretty silly. Maybe if I was in the states or somewhere you don't see it on local soldiers.
Same with people who wear full uniforms or any color for casual dress(Depending on the stlye of uniform, some plain colors might be ok).
Also people who mix camouflages look stupid... Sep for that big, hulking guy who works out at the Y, because he frightens me and is kinda cool.

If there's no gear, (Though when I go clubbing I like to wear pistol belts minus the holsters.) I say let people gawk and assume your a hooligan.
If someone askes I say paintball, or camping, or hold up my hand in a devil sign and headbang. They'll understand that.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:49   #52
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I commonly wear camo pants and combat boots as everyday wear. Did so before I started into airsoft. Have worn a full BDU to a game before, but never more than walking to the car and getting out at the field. If we end up stopping somewhere before the game, the BDU shirt comes off.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 22:45   #53
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The most I have worn to a game is my bdu pants and combat boots. I just wear my bdu pants, sneakers, underarmour, and a t-shirt. Everything else is in the vechile. But the best bdu`s you can have are black. Sure people in the summer will look at you weird for wearing black pants in 30 degree weather but its not grabbing attention of Omy Gawd look at the reservist, etc, etc.
Not like Red Deer has big problems with that, being that everyone and there dog has some form of camo whether it is fake or not.
So half and half here is very acceptable. Hell Ive seen people in my old high school wearing full od, and on one day I saw a guy that looked like he was fighting the red coats that was cool. *The British are coming! The British are coming!*
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Imagine ads for semen restaurants. I can see it now... "Come to Seminal Sam's, where you can eat loads without blowing all your wad..."
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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:00   #54
Snake Eyes
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i wear my bdus n vest n strap my soft case to my back over my backpack jus cuz its more comfortable that way then i head to the pick up point n wait for our ride. im allways passed by cops but they only ever say "morning", wave hello, ive even gotten a slute, i jus smile n wave back, but they never actually stop n get out of their car.
i dont think its a big deal how u dress wen ur too or from as long as ur not makin a ass out of urself. n wen ur asked wHY ur all geared up for jus tell them the truth if needed. im off to play a game.

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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:41   #55
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I would strongly recommend full civvies. That said, half and half is good enough. The major concern of anything more than that being that some numpty may mistake you for someone in a position of authority and then you're in a REALLY bad situation. In an emergency, people will grab at the first uniform they see. Especially if you are wearing all black with a vest (be it body armour or LBV) etc...

Just so you have an idea, all that is required to be convicted of personate peace officer is to fail to correct another person's assumption that you are a PO. You don't have to read their minds, but if someone yells 'Officer! Help me!' you are required to state that you are not a PO as soon as reasonably possible.

Many of you know the differences in the uniforms etc., but most people don't care and don't pay attention and therefore have no idea that a guy in CADPAT or even woodland with an LBV or just a duty belt on isn't a PO and may have no clue how to help them. Immigrants from countries where the police wear military uniforms also add to the potential for mistaken identity.

Food for thought.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 21:22   #56
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What has ASC come to when in 4 pages, no one has declared they come nekkid to a game?
Before the internet, the village idiot would stay in his own village.
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Old July 11th, 2006, 13:13   #57
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BDU pants, sure. The top though, too heavy, especially in the summer.

Keep in mind, mine are black, so no biggie either way.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old July 12th, 2006, 19:55   #58
krazie Sj
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I've worn full kit minus the gun into the McDicks a few times. Eventually they get used to 4-5 guys in gear coming in at 5pm on a saterday or sunday to get some grub. People? Who cares, I look Arab anyways so people stare at me even if I'm head to toe in RW & Co.

Some people call them Terrorists. These boys have simply been...misguided.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 20:18   #59
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Only mall ninja poseur attention-whores go around wearing full kit outside the field.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 23:36   #60
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I typically wear, half and half to and from games..

When I am not in Business Suit.. I am typically head to toe, 5.11 clothing, I including vest...because I'm Hooked on the comfort and utility of the clothes for every day wear.. but I get accused of wearing "fishing clothes" with that look..much more than any thing else.

If I know I am going to hop in the truck and head straight to the field with no stops.. I may wear my BDU.. but never never never any gear. I simply can not think of any reason to wear LBV, or Tactical equipment , or holsters in public... Other than in a effort to "freak people out" or draw attention to one's self. It's a bad decision.. an anyone who is in the practice of doing it.. needs to re-think it.

5.11 is about 90% of my regular daywear now, and I plan on getting in a few of their jackets with detachable backs (so I can go get some company logos silk-screened on them). Their pro polo shirts are super-comfy, and the mic tab, well, I only use a radio while at work, but it completely eliminates the all-forgotten question of "where the heck do I clip the lapel mic?" The BDU pants are extremely comfy, minus the kneepads (their utility is questionable, they shred easily, and aren't very easy to insert and remove), however, the divided slots combined with the BBS velcro inside pretty much eliminates the need for a belt to have miscellaneous mis-matched pouches. I spent a fair bunch of pennies, but most definitely don't regret it, and highly recommend it to anyone looking for comfort and functionality.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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