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Old June 10th, 2006, 10:39   #1
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Airsoft and college

Hey guys,
Im writing from the states and I am going to be going to college at Queen's University in Kingston. I have one question, would they let me bring my airsoft gun to school? I would still like to play rather than sell all my stuff when I go to school. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Boner For Murder
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Old June 10th, 2006, 10:43   #2
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rofl, oh yea they'll let you have your replica gun in school, not to mention turn their backs while you take it accross the border... How about NO lol, you cant even bring them to canada, so sell them and re buy over here. I really would suggest storing them somewhere off campus as well.
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Old June 10th, 2006, 10:45   #3
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Originally Posted by Marrius
Hey guys,
Im writing from the states and I am going to be going to college at Queen's University in Kingston. I have one question, would they let me bring my airsoft gun to school? I would still like to play rather than sell all my stuff when I go to school. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Read the FAQ as to Airsoft in this country, in short, you can't bring your guns over the border.

If you decide to buy kit/guns for while you are up here, I believe that Queens does NOT allow guns in residence. You are more then welcome to have em once you get a house/apt, obviously.

HarleyB here on ASC may be able to answer this better, or help you out on a solution.

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Old June 10th, 2006, 10:57   #4
even if you could, youd just end up selling them for alcohol money.
Old June 10th, 2006, 11:02   #5
Scotty aka harleyb
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Queen's residence policy says you can't have replica firearms in your room. What are you going to Queen's for?
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Old June 10th, 2006, 18:20   #6
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WOW that sucks. You can't even keep it at the campus PD? That's what you can normally do down here, but again different laws. Academically, I'm to Queen's to be a history major. As for my reasoning, apperently its a good school.
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Old June 10th, 2006, 18:59   #7
Scotty aka harleyb
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Heh, yes, I meant "what are you taking?" I'd say it's a good school, I'm currently going into second year there.

Yeah, laws and regulations regarding guns and gun look-a-likes are generally more restrictive in Canada...
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Old June 10th, 2006, 23:40   #8
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Just get a hold of an airsofter in Kingston and keep them there. After selling, and rebuying on this side of the border of course.
Before the internet, the village idiot would stay in his own village.
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Old June 10th, 2006, 23:53   #9
Ghost Snake
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Nobody can bust you if no one knows you have them. Keep them in a locked guitar case or something other than a gun case, and never take them out while on campus. There are many tricks for storing alcohol in your dorm, I'm sure you could find one for an AEG. Or 6.
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Old June 11th, 2006, 00:09   #10
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Only the chances of someone calling the police if they see you with alcohol is infinitesimally smaller than if they spotted you with an airsoft gun...
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Old June 11th, 2006, 00:33   #11
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Originally Posted by Marrius
Hey guys,
Im writing from the states and I am going to be going to college at Queen's University in Kingston. I have one question, would they let me bring my airsoft gun to school? I would still like to play rather than sell all my stuff when I go to school. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

-censored for incorrectness-

its an uncommon situation but if you were reasponsible enough to keep them locked and hidden- now that is KEY!! you dont want to show these off and then have some dorm mates open them up and run around campus shooting each other!! they might overlook it. i myself wouldn worry about it because id have the will power to not show them off, but would you? no matter how grey our sport is, it is still a sport and they would honor that, but your still walking the line.

your best bet would be to make friends w/ someone on here (preferablly w/ a good trader rating) close to where youll be living... kinda like a game mate, so you can store your guns at his place, and then go to games together....
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old June 11th, 2006, 00:42   #12
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I stashed my guns at a friends place when in residence, kept them in my room from time to time but tried not to. Picked em up from a friends place day before the game and brought em back day after. Nearing the end of the year I had a game just before exams and just kept all my guns in my room, M733, M3 shorty, and an M92f. Some friends found out and came over, shot the crap out of my walls (drywall, not cinder blocks :smack: ) but I was never reported.

I did panic at one point as a girls laptop was stolen while the guns where in my room and there was talk of a room search on my floor for the laptop. Search never happened thankfully.

Oh yeah, and if your caught with the guns in residence in Canada, more often than not, your just expelled, no questions asked, at least according to my interpretation of the rules, dont know anyone that its happened to.
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Old June 11th, 2006, 01:12   #13
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Originally Posted by swatt13
if they told you your not allowed to have hot plates in your room are you going to listen to them? american a/s rifles have the orange tip, so geting them across the boarder shouldnt be the issue (so says supervisor Gary Olsen from the american customs office) its the how mad would they be if they found out about it.
Orange tips don't mean anything in Canada. Airsoft is specifically named in customs regulations (down the model names and brand names) as being prohibited to import without the appropriate license. Legally, an orange tip does not change that at all.

Don't repeat that on this site again, please...
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Old June 11th, 2006, 09:33   #14
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Originally Posted by Ghost Snake
Nobody can bust you if no one knows you have them. Keep them in a locked guitar case or something other than a gun case, and never take them out while on campus. There are many tricks for storing alcohol in your dorm, I'm sure you could find one for an AEG. Or 6.
This is close to the most stupid advice I've read here this month.
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Old June 11th, 2006, 09:35   #15
with all the crazy shit that happens on campus, there is no safe way to store AEGs.
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