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Chould some one help me with Canadien Airsoft laws?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 12th, 2005, 17:14   #1
Lucky Assult
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Chould some one help me with Canadien Airsoft laws?

I'm very confussed on the subject. When I whent to read that laws on AirSoft here:

It says from what I under stand AirSoft guns that resables Real Wepons on considered "replica firearms" and any perchsed after December 1, 1998 are prohibited. I whant to know is if they are prohibited then how do sites such as Airsoft Rangers get there guns?

The only thing I can think of for them to be allowed is for them to fall under "Air guns that meet the Criminal Code definition of a firearm, but that are deemed not to be firearms for certain purposes of the Firearms Act and Criminal Code."

But whouldn't they fall under "replica firearms" 1st? If some one chould be so kind to tell me how this workes I whould be very appecate it.
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Old November 12th, 2005, 17:22   #2
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wlecome to the wonderful world of canadian firearms laws. teams of lawyers have trying to get to solid definitions about this and many other aspects of the "act" for ten years. it would be best if you read thru the faq and other posts in this forum. besides, 1 guy in customs says "illegal" while the rcmp say "whatever, i'm too busy for that" the cfo says "i'll look into it later" and justice dept. says "what the hell is that". with that kind of "team co-operation" airsoft will live on forever.
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Old November 12th, 2005, 17:22   #3
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FAQ section would help...airsoft is legal as long as they shoot under 500 FPS (feet per second) you cannot import the airsoft as an individual because you need special licencing so you must buy from Canadian Retailers. Airsoft falls in the grey area of the law
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old November 12th, 2005, 17:29   #4
Lucky Assult
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
FAQ section would help...airsoft is legal as long as they shoot under 500 FPS (feet per second) you cannot import the airsoft as an individual because you need special licencing so you must buy from Canadian Retailers. Airsoft falls in the grey area of the law

So your saying that any AirSoft gun can be brought into Canada by a retailer with this special licencing, but a average joe can't get one in the US and then come back with it. Thank's for the help. =D
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Old November 12th, 2005, 17:31   #5
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Don't be fooled by jokers who say you can order from the US because if Customs seize your package you will be blacklisted and possiably charged. Brining airsoft across the boarder is not worth the risk of having a car taken apart. The good and respectable retailers can be found on the top bar of the Airsoft Canada site. Good luck and have fun
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old November 13th, 2005, 13:45   #6
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Serious, the Canadian laws for airsoft are very stupid...
I understant why you're confused

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

Armalites and unicorns are a good blend... fcuk I want to be age verified!
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Old November 13th, 2005, 15:28   #7
Scotty aka harleyb
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
FAQ section would help...airsoft is legal as long as they shoot under 500 FPS (feet per second) you cannot import the airsoft as an individual because you need special licencing so you must buy from Canadian Retailers. Airsoft falls in the grey area of the law
Below 500FPS, OR 5.7J, the weapon does not need to be registered, above BOTH of those requirements, it's considered a firearm.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 15:53   #8
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airsoft iz illegal on wednesdays.

otherwise youre good.

My buy/sell rating.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 16:12   #9
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Originally Posted by Kedirkin
airsoft iz illegal on wednesdays.

otherwise youre good.


lol the funny thing is even THAT makes more sence than the actual laws.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 16:18   #10
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I thought it was illgeal on tuesdays...when did they change it?
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old November 13th, 2005, 20:09   #11
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I changed it, it was too inconvenient for me.

FWIW it would take a 0.20g BB travelling at close to 800 fps to achieve 5.7J energy. While that may be legal, I sure as hell wouldn't want to get hit with one.

I don't think any fields allow over 500 fps anyhow so it's something of a moot point.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 00:01   #12
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Lucky Assult
I'm very confussed on the subject. When I whent to read that laws on AirSoft here:

It says from what I under stand AirSoft guns that resables Real Wepons on considered "replica firearms" and any perchsed after December 1, 1998 are prohibited. I whant to know is if they are prohibited then how do sites such as Airsoft Rangers get there guns?

The only thing I can think of for them to be allowed is for them to fall under "Air guns that meet the Criminal Code definition of a firearm, but that are deemed not to be firearms for certain purposes of the Firearms Act and Criminal Code."

But whouldn't they fall under "replica firearms" 1st? If some one chould be so kind to tell me how this workes I whould be very appecate it.
It is confusing... and ambigious..

as a guideline...

Airsoft guns.. meet the definition of a Replica firearm... they are not firearms because they do not meet the definition of a firearm.

As replicas.. they are prohibited devices... but under the Criminal code Replicas are excluded under the prohibition for possession and transport.
What this means is , although they are prohibited devices... it is legal to own them, without a license.

All other aspects of the code with respect to prohibited devices remain in effect for Replicas.

If you are over 18 years old and don't have a prohibition order against you , you can own replicas.

However unless you have a license to import prohibited devices you can not bring them in from out of Canada. you must buy them from a licensed retailer, once they are already imported.
this makes them more expensive here.. because the price is loaded with import, and brokerage fees.

If you own a replica firearm you can keep it.. but you can't legally transfer it to any one else.
Transfer .. means ,sell. lend. gift.


not everyone agrees with this interpritation..
there are links to the relevant laws and regulations on the TTAC3 site.

Read them yourself and govern yourself accordingly.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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