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Old June 17th, 2019, 11:49   #31
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Whatever happened to the time honoured suggestion of buying a Systema? :P
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Old June 17th, 2019, 12:44   #32
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Originally Posted by Juke16 View Post
Whatever happened to the time honoured suggestion of buying a Systema? :P
You can get a fully build VFC for 1/4th the cost and it will out perform a Systema
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Old June 17th, 2019, 12:55   #33
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Systemas... LOL
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old June 17th, 2019, 13:11   #34
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Nothing will ever outgun an AEG, in terms of accuracy, range and ammo capacity unfortunately.

Gas Guns are still the same, they vary depending on your gas in the mag - sure they are more reliable now and more gas efficient (i.e GHK / GHK Gen 2 mags) but you're dropping a lot on a full setup. (Rifle + 6 mags will be near $1,000++ after tax new) (excluding necessity, fps reducer, etc.)

If you plan on playing CQB only, you can get away with gas, (all seasons at Siege is acceptable) - if you do outdoors, I'd recommend an AEG.

In all honestly, your real steel fixation can't be recouped in airsoft, just saying. Bans are all talk since election is soon.
Totally valid point on the election!

It still is fun to use the same gear and reload ability though. Ironically the fear of the election has made me re-appreciate airsoft.

I’ll look into a gas/aeg combo.
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Old June 17th, 2019, 13:12   #35
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
Systemas... LOL
Never thought I’d ever see that written down....

For some reason I can’t make that my signature?

Last edited by Donster; June 17th, 2019 at 13:14..
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Old June 17th, 2019, 15:26   #36
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Originally Posted by Donster View Post
That’s amazing!

How are they with temperatures variations? I like playing spring to fall.

Are gas guns more consistently accurate now?
Most gas guns I'd say still aren't "exceptional" stock, but they're "pretty good." If we're talking GHK specifically, they have some of the best mags on the market currently. Very good cooldown resistance and efficiency. They're also basically the only mags that can be modified to use CO2 from a bottle instead of those awful little bulbs.

Search the GHK "Devilhunter" mod if you're interested. I've seen some Brits saying that they can play in the winter with their CO2 GHKs. Not sure if it would make it through a Canadian winter though. Our weather is a whole different beast, eh?

The one shortcoming of GHK though is their hop-up chambers. They're, at best, "good enough." Which is kinda disappointing. But the TNT or Maple Leaf chambers, barrels, and buckings can turn a GHK into a tack driver.
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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Old June 17th, 2019, 15:36   #37
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Systema PTW is trash

VFC MP7 AEG likely won't be available in Canada for some time.

Gas guns are fun for plinking or if that's your play style. They've improved a lot over the past decade but honestly they're not top performers in terms of accuracy and consistency. If you want the best you can get with performance, get an AEG. If you want the dinky ass "kick" and bolt stop function, get a GBBR.

I don't really understand people that find gas guns satisfying to shoot because of the "recoil". It feels nothing like a real gun. I also find it funny how airsofters always want more recoil while actual shooters always want less.
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Old June 17th, 2019, 19:54   #38
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I have been using GBBR platforms exclusively since 2012, year round, in all weather conditions and I will never go back to and AEG. I have run multiple brands and platforms through everything from -10 dgrees C to 42 degrees C and I've never felt handicapped by the system. Granted there are some steps you need to take to ensure the system works well in colder temperatures but that is worth it if you are dedicated to the GBB system.

If anyone tells you that you can't get the consistent range out of a gas gun that you can out of an AEG, they are wrong. That statement comes from a place of ignorance, not credible experience. If you want a high rate of fire, mid cap magazines, and a whiny zipping sound whenever you pull the trigger than AEG's are the way to go. I will also say that AEG's definitely have a much more stable FPS from one shot to the next, but that is the nature of running gas propellants.

Here are some things to keep in mind with running any GBBR platform, you have to be on a first name basis with your gun. If you rely on others to tech your guns, you have poor maintenance practices, and you refuse to put endless hours into sanding, filing, polishing, and shimming your gun then you likely won't ever be truly satisfied with your GBBR.

If you are thinking of going with a GBBR platform and you have any questions feel free to PM me, I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

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Old June 17th, 2019, 20:34   #39
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Nothing will ever outgun an AEG, in terms of accuracy, range and ammo capacity unfortunately.

Gas Guns are still the same, they vary depending on your gas in the mag - sure they are more reliable now and more gas efficient (i.e GHK / GHK Gen 2 mags) but you're dropping a lot on a full setup. (Rifle + 6 mags will be near $1,000++ after tax new) (excluding necessity, fps reducer, etc.)

If you plan on playing CQB only, you can get away with gas, (all seasons at Siege is acceptable) - if you do outdoors, I'd recommend an AEG.

In all honestly, your real steel fixation can't be recouped in airsoft, just saying. Bans are all talk since election is soon.

I don’t know man my grouping is pretty right with any GHK. I never upgraded to the TNT hop up either. I like the stock AEG inner barrel style. I have 2”3 different Poseidon inners.

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Old June 17th, 2019, 20:47   #40
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Originally Posted by Donster 125 View Post

Is TM still king? I have seen the elusive VFG is now plentiful in Canada, along with the brand G&G. Is G&G good to go now? I am interested in the TM 416 Delta because of the ability to closely replicate my real steal in terms of manipulation and reloading. Is this a decent option in today’s day and age?

Who makes the best Glock GBB pistol? Is KWA still a good go-to? Are TM 1911s still amazing?

Which company is worth looking into for a one-stop shop for airsoft guns and upgrades (i.e.: Prometheus inner barrels, etc)?

Lastly, is there a quality gunsmith in the GTA that I can go to?

Thanks to all who post and I am glad to be back!

When you refer to a "TOY" gun which works well right of the box and gives the least trouble afterwards, TM still leads the way. I have the TM HK416 Delta and it is fun and performs very well. Price is acceptable if you can wait until big sale e.g. "Black Friday".

You see a lot VFC, G&G and other new brands. If you are going for the not too cheap ones, they are pretty good.

Only sad thing is somehow their price has become pretty stiff due to those "authentic trade marks authorization" companies' greed, if you are looking for real trade marks airsoft guns.

Same apply to pistols, so KWA pistols, while come with metal slides, always have some weird trade marks.

For TM pistols, if you are looking for good performance "TOY" guns right of the box, they have a few new 1911 variance. But their price, somehow are pretty jet up a lot at the Canadian retailers' level.
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Old June 17th, 2019, 21:24   #41
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Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
Here are some things to keep in mind with running any GBBR platform, you have to be on a first name basis with your gun. If you rely on others to tech your guns, you have poor maintenance practices, and you refuse to put endless hours into sanding, filing, polishing, and shimming your gun then you likely won't ever be truly satisfied with your GBBR.

If you are thinking of going with a GBBR platform and you have any questions feel free to PM me, I would be happy to answer any of your questions.
I appreciate the assistance!

Based on what you’re saying, I don’t think GBBR is right for me.
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Old June 17th, 2019, 23:06   #42
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Originally Posted by Donster View Post
I appreciate the assistance!

Based on what you’re saying, I don’t think GBBR is right for me.
You are more than welcome. I am always happy to help navigate people down the GBB rabit hole.

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Old June 17th, 2019, 23:11   #43
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Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous View Post
I don’t know man my grouping is pretty right with any GHK. I never upgraded to the TNT hop up either. I like the stock AEG inner barrel style. I have 2”3 different Poseidon inners.
Quick suggestion, stay away from the TNT system. The barrels are nice and the machining of the hop up unit is decent but they require some modifications to both the hop up rubber and the hop unit to get them to work properly. Most people buy them thinking they are a drop in kit, but they aren't. The GBL Captain America is a better units and in my opinion you are better off making mild modifications to the stock hop up unit and just keep a few extras than going with the TNT. Unless you are willing to stock up on hop up rubbers and noodle around with modifying them to get it right. You might end up ruining a few buckings in the process but if you get it right the TNT unit can be pretty decent. I just don't suggest it for anyone that is looking for a straight up "upgrade".

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Old June 17th, 2019, 23:14   #44
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Dave's group of guys run GBBRs exclusively and are quite good at it. GBBR as a platform has a lot of shortcomings, but they have ways to deal with them.

Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
If anyone tells you that you can't get the consistent range out of a gas gun that you can out of an AEG, they are wrong. That statement comes from a place of ignorance, not credible experience. If you want a high rate of fire, mid cap magazines, and a whiny zipping sound whenever you pull the trigger than AEG's are the way to go. I will also say that AEG's definitely have a much more stable FPS from one shot to the next, but that is the nature of running gas propellants.
I would be a bit more careful with wording here though. GBBR can consistently shoot a BB out to a good range, but that is different from saying "consistent range". Consistent range would mean the BB has the same trajectory each time, but with unstable FPS output, that's not physically possible compared to something more consistent like an AEG. The FPS fluctuations are mostly a factor of temperature variation, inconsistent BB placement, and by the nature of GBB design.
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Old June 18th, 2019, 11:16   #45
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Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
Quick suggestion, stay away from the TNT system. The barrels are nice and the machining of the hop up unit is decent but they require some modifications to both the hop up rubber and the hop unit to get them to work properly. Most people buy them thinking they are a drop in kit, but they aren't. The GBL Captain America is a better units and in my opinion you are better off making mild modifications to the stock hop up unit and just keep a few extras than going with the TNT. Unless you are willing to stock up on hop up rubbers and noodle around with modifying them to get it right. You might end up ruining a few buckings in the process but if you get it right the TNT unit can be pretty decent. I just don't suggest it for anyone that is looking for a straight up "upgrade".
Gotcha. Yeah I like the stock hop up. I’ve heard that people have had issues with them breaking but I left mine alone like I said with the “Poseidon Inner Barrels”. Either than that I dropped in the 1J nozzle and called it a day.

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