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Dollar Store Airsoft gadgetry



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Old October 22nd, 2005, 21:42   #1
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Dollar Store Airsoft gadgetry

A grand total of 3$ + GST has bought some potential fun added to small games.

1. Two "personal alarms" at 1$ each (these are the loud little alarm things that go off when you pull out a little key from the small unit).

2. One roll of green wire (used for plant arrangements)

Optionally spray paint the two personal alarms black or OD (to make them tactical of course!).

The ones I got have nice little rings on each end (the "anchor" end, and the "pull" end) which makes them easy to attach to things.

The wire is tripwire. Attach it to the key part, and attach (or wedge) the alarm to something else.

Bingo! Instant tripwire alarms/mines. Since we use our imagination in Airsoft, you can pretend they are explosive. Anyone setting off the alarm is dead (or just use it as an alarm).

Not bad for 3 bucks. 4 if you buy extra batteries.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 21:44   #2
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for some reason I imagined a cheap dollar store Airsoft pistol taped to the inside of a door jamb, with a tripwire attatched to the trigger.. and it shoots anyone in the leg that walks through.

But this idea is great too.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 21:44   #3
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Cool, that's actually a good idea. IMO
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 21:50   #4
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I was thinking about fire alarms with a trip wire. this is much cheaper thou.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 21:55   #5
The Saint
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I was thinking about getting a dollar store small mirror or a toy periscope to look around corners and over cover.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:03   #6
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Originally Posted by The Saint
I was thinking about getting a dollar store small mirror or a toy periscope to look around corners and over cover.
The best is to have a miror that can flip around mounted on your rifle
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:13   #7
PTE. Pyle
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i am trying to make a bare banger pen that will go when somone trips the trip wite a little bang loud enough for people in a certian vacinity to hear and the person who trips it will know they are out
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:31   #8
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Originally Posted by DonP
A grand total of 3$ + GST has bought some potential fun added to small games.

1. Two "personal alarms" at 1$ each (these are the loud little alarm things that go off when you pull out a little key from the small unit).

2. One roll of green wire (used for plant arrangements)

Optionally spray paint the two personal alarms black or OD (to make them tactical of course!).

The ones I got have nice little rings on each end (the "anchor" end, and the "pull" end) which makes them easy to attach to things.

The wire is tripwire. Attach it to the key part, and attach (or wedge) the alarm to something else.

Bingo! Instant tripwire alarms/mines. Since we use our imagination in Airsoft, you can pretend they are explosive. Anyone setting off the alarm is dead (or just use it as an alarm).

Not bad for 3 bucks. 4 if you buy extra batteries.
Recon of Wolfpack turned me on to these. I bought a couple and experimented with it inside of a tennis ball, to be used as a distraction device, unfortunately the sound was too muffled to be effective. I'm currently working on a similar idea, but using two of them mounted inside a small tin can with holes drilled in it, painted OD, of course, and actuated by a hair trigger, springy mechanism(as yet to be determined), so it resounds on impact. It wouldn't be to kill anyone, just to annoy and distract someone in a room or bunker. I'm going to take one apart and see if I can crank up the decibel level a tad with a 9v battery.

The dollar store I was at also had window alarms similar to these personal alarms. They come in two pieces, one is mounted to the window frame and the other to the window. When separated, it starts wailing. I haven't come up with an idea for this one yet.

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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:34   #9
PTE. Pyle
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the window alarm is easy all you need is a tin can a spring and a weak magnet
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:54   #10
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
i am trying to make a bare banger pen that will go when somone trips the trip wite a little bang loud enough for people in a certian vacinity to hear and the person who trips it will know they are out
Gee thats sounds smart......
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 22:58   #11
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
i am trying to make a bare banger pen that will go when somone trips the trip wite a little bang loud enough for people in a certian vacinity to hear and the person who trips it will know they are out
Best that you leave things like that at home. None of your local clubs will ever let you use it. Bring it onto our field (BCAC) and I'll boot your ass out so quick your head will spin.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 23:01   #12
PTE. Pyle
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yeah i thought about it after i posted and its prety dumb.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 23:04   #13
Hortons Heros
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I was thinking of a milkjug full of white gas with a road flare attached to it. Light the flare and heave the jug at the enemy. You'll scare them out of whatever crack they are hiding in and you'll know that they are bad guys later because they have no eyebrows.

Just joking. These are great ideas. what are some other tools you guys use? I was trying to mod one of those yellow grenades (DOLLAR STORE) with the big metal ends to have a hammer that would strike the cap and set if off. Problems were GIANT metal end and I could only come-up with a way of attaching a string and throwing the grenade to set it off. It would look more like fishing than milsiming.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 23:17   #14
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I remember about a year ago I was at the dollar store just wasting time and a few bucks, so I baught a little hearing device for a buck and it amplified noise very well for the price. You adjust the noise level and whatever you point it at it will be amplified,cool little gadget.
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 23:22   #15
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I just steal me grandpas when he's sleeping.
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