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Battery question


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Old July 11th, 2005, 09:47   #1
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Battery question

OK, I've got and upgraded SR-16, I've been using an 9.6v 3000Mah battery and everything works great.

Now this is my problem:

I'm using that 9.6v 3000Mah batt(size D cells), wich a buddy of mine usually uses in a stock TM M16 (work fine),

Wanting my own Batt i purchased 8 sub-C cells and made a perfectly working 9.6v 2000Mah batt wich WON'T work in my SR-16 but works perfectly in my buddy's M16.

In my SR, you can feel its making the motor run but its like it doesn't have the power pull the piston back and make the rifle work.

We've charged/discharged it at least 3 times.

Last time I tried it (and pretty much every time) in the SR-16 the shrink-wrap has been melting where the cells are saudered together (at least two spots), however none of that happens when running it in the stock M16. All the cells are functionning.

Any reason for that????

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Old July 11th, 2005, 10:31   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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What spring is in your SR? What probably happened is that you didn't put the battery together properly, and the connection points are causing a lot of resistence. Would explain the heat, and why it can turn over a gun with a weaker spring, but not yours.
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Old July 11th, 2005, 11:58   #3
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I'm not sure about the spring but i know it shoots around 410.

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Old July 12th, 2005, 05:25   #4
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If you're running appx. 410fps, it should be a M120 / 170% spring.

The gun should run fine on the 9.6V/2000Mah battery pack.

There are several options:

1) Batterypack is broken - as mentioned above
2) Your motor is damaged
3) Your gear-shimming is too tight

How fast is your ROF with the 3000Mah battery?

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Old July 12th, 2005, 06:35   #5
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410 is over the speed limit for all local fields. And that explains why your battery overheats, specially if it's an M120 (that spring is very stiff).
I have Never had any problems with any of my guns while using regular 'large' batteries. Mine are 8.4 volts, 1700 and 2000 MAH.
So change your batteries, or change your spring. Spring is cheaper.
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Old July 12th, 2005, 08:07   #6
Yah Rec, Im not allowed to use my SR16 at the LZ and I can crank it down to 415fps...
"Wayyyyyyyy over" ha!

im wondering if there is a problem with the battery? If its melting, maby one cell is fubar.
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Old July 12th, 2005, 08:14   #7
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Yeah I know Droc I'm also working on that, I just want to figure out the batt problem. All the cells were perfect last time we checked them.

Guys lets stick to the battery, I'm aware of the rules, I'm a regular at the LZ.

Then shouldn't the 3000 also overheat???? They have the same power output right (9.6V)?

If the motor was damaged it wouldn't fire at all with the 3000.

I'm thinking that the problem is what Harleyb mentionned.

I'll have to find out about the ROF.

Maybe I'll change the connector on one of my other batts and I'll try it on.

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Old August 3rd, 2005, 04:13   #8
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Well im currently having the same problem, im using a 170% spring in my upgraded SR16 but I havent gotten arounf to getting a 9.6v 3000mah batt im still using the 8.4v 600mah and its over heating as well. As for the 410 fps being way over the allowed limit, it may be that way in Ontario or with your club but not all clubs. JOC for instance:

Rules & Regs


Upon arrival to the field:

You should have your field fee ready as a member in charge of game fees will come around collect fees, and have you sign the waiver. Please make this your first order of business, as it will help to ensure a timely start to gaming.

Please pay your field fee to the Lazer Trek front desk as soon as you arrive. If you have not played at Lazer Trek before they will have a waiver for you to fill out. If you have already filled out their waiver before, simply give them your name when you pay your fee.

Safe Zones:
Upon arrival to the field, there will be designated safety areas assigned and marked. All players must respect this safety area as it is the ONLY place where goggles may be taken off. Players must not shoot within the designated safety area, including blank firing or gun testing. All of our fields have a firing at which you can test your guns. All players entering the safety zone must put the guns on safe mode.

Spectacle Rule:
When you are on the playing field, goggles must be worn at ALL times. This means, even after the game is over, you do not remove your goggles on the way back to the safe area, but wait until you are in the safe area. All players must wear certified paintball or airsoft goggles. JOC retains the right to refuse the use any goggles or glasses the may appear unsafe. Also JOC cannot be held reasonable for any injuries or deaths.

Airsoft is a sport based on the honor system. BBs do not leave any form of mark to denote a hit, so it is up to the individual to call themselves out. Failure to do so is obvious to those around you. Cheating not only dishonors yourself, but those you play with as well, and robs all of a fun airsoft experience. Hits count anywhere on your body and gear. This includes headshots, clothing or any gear you may be carrying on your body.

If the gun you are using is hit it is no longer usable until the end of that game or you are killed and respawn. Holstered side arms count as a kill hit.

*NOTE: If a player is seen by an Admin deliberatly not calling they will be sent home! No warning.

Calling a Hit:
Although game scenarios may differ slightly, in general, when you are hit you must stand up, take out your "Kill Rag" and yell “DEADMAN!” or “HIT!” repeatedly while rapidly exiting the field. Going through these procedures helps to ensure live players do not mistake you for another live player and shoot you again, and also a quick exit ensures you do not interfere with the rest of the game being played out. If you wish to watch the rest of the game be sure and do it from an area where you will not obstruct the game also make sure you are clearly identified as a "dead" player.

*NOTE: Do not pose as a dead player to ambush other live players!

Calling another player out:
If you are hitting a player and they dont seem to be feeling the hit or are not calling the hit, you can call out "CALL IT!" There are occasions when gear can interfere with the sensation of a BB hit. If you have ANY doubt about your BBs hitting them or not, then DO NOT CALL THEM OUT. If you {and / or others} can see the BBs bouncing off the other player, simply say “Call it!” Nobody wants to be known as the person that does not take their hits. If you’re not sure if you’ve been hit, just call your self out.

Mercy Kills:
JOC no longer uses a mercy kill rule; the only time you can call a mercy kill is if it is point blank. However, all bolt action rifles (480fps) are still restricted to a minimum 20ft shooting distance.

*NOTE: Be courteous to your fellow players; avoid shooting for the head/face as much as possible. Whenever possible, shoot for arms, legs, or gear. Remember, we play to have fun, not wound as many other players as we can.

Blind Firing:
Players must always be able to see where they are shooting; at no time should a player just poke his gun around a corner and start firing. Any player caught blind firing will be given a warning; if the player does it again they will be removed from the game. A third time will result in the player being kicked off the field.

Velocity Rules (Feet Per Second):

Outdoor Events:
- 430 FPS for full auto guns
- 480 FPS for bolt action and semi-only guns

Indoor Events:
- 320 FPS for all guns

Select Fire:

Indoor Events:
- Gas Pistols may fire full auto
- SAWs using standard mags may fire full auto
- All other weapons are restricted to semi auto only

Outdoor Events:
- Full auto is allowed for all weapons

Sharp Objects:
Any sharp objects that can cause serious harm, i.e. large knifes, bayonets est. are not to be carried on to the field at any time. Multi-tools and pocket knives are allowed, but no "Rambo Style" knives allowed.

Laser Products:
Laser’s are allowed on the field; however, please do not shine it in people’s eyes. We do have a laser meter to identify the intensity of the lazer, if they are found to be too high you cannot use it.

Smoke Grenades:
Cold smoke grenades are allowed to be used on most filed, please check with the Admin on site before use.

Age Limits:
All players must be at least 16 years or older. Players under the age of 18 years must have written parental or guardian consent in order to play.

Bio BBs:
When playing on fields where the owner requires bio-degradable BBs, you are expected to use bio-bbs.

For more info, concerns, feed back. Please feel free to PM / Email any of the following JOC Admin Members:

p h o x / Jesse
Flea / Brad

** Please Note**
The JOC Admin retains the ability to change/update any rule without prior notice.

When playing under WCAN or any other club you are required to follow their rules and regulations. So please check with their clubs Admin or Mod before the game starts. For more information on WCAN's rules and regulations please feel free to visit their page.

And back to the issue at hand, Greylocks I have nothing agaist you and as it seems you have alot of wisdom when it comes to airsoft, im just asking minus the fps rules if it were your gun problem what do you think it is and would you fix it or try to besides getting a bigger battery and while on that topic for a 170 sring what battery would you recomend?

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Old August 3rd, 2005, 04:59   #9
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by PaRkA
Well im currently having the same problem, im using a 170% spring in my upgraded SR16 but I havent gotten arounf to getting a 9.6v 3000mah batt im still using the 8.4v 600mah and its over heating as well.
A 8.4v 600mah battery is probaly the WORST battery for any upgraded gun. Simply put is has jack shit for guts in it.

A Mid-Large size 9.4v battery will do you a hell of a lot better. Lot's of power & life time in the larger 9.6v's to crank the motor with that higher tension spring in it.

Might as well put that 8.4v up for sale and try and get a few bucks for it so you can put that into a large size 9.6v battery, You'll greatly thank yourself after you fire your gun with it.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 08:56   #10
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Originally Posted by Droc
Yah Rec, Im not allowed to use my SR16 at the LZ and I can crank it down to 415fps...
"Wayyyyyyyy over" ha!

im wondering if there is a problem with the battery? If its melting, maby one cell is fubar.
Testing Droc's SR-16 over the weekend it now shoots 397fps average with .2g BBs, no hop up, and he still can't use it because the occasional shot slips JUST past 400fps. At least it's coming down gradually. Damn PDI springs!!!!! It's a PDI 150% in there.

I'd back up the changing springs thing as well. At least it's cheaper and you should be able to use your battery more efficiently as well.
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