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Filipino Player saying hi (long winded)



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Old July 19th, 2005, 08:03   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
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hi guys:

i am a filipino airsoft player and is now based in Naugatuck, Connecticut. i read a thread about us riding our guns hard. you got that right, because if you don't...well...imagine being hit by a bb at 500 fps close range - less than a foot - the bb's are graphite coated weighting 0.43 grams. you would want to return the favor...right.

back home we have a saying that if you don't want to get hurt there are two things that you can do...(1) maybe airsoft is not for you or (2) improve - get better and not get hit.

my previous of the oldest (1989 - gas days, using CO2 at over 150 psi) is now the defucnk Recon Survival Games Club. i remember those days. our sniper rifle back then was a full size m16 - gas - well over 700 fps - and at this muzzle exit velocity, bottles dont break ones you try to shoot them, you will make holes in them. i heard stories that some players actually have to use a spoon to remove the bb's imbeded in their skin.

once in a while RSGC starts the game with a warm up. it is called "rock and roll". two teams facing each other probably about 15 to 20 phases away. counting 5 to 1 we start running towards each other shooting at the same time. you stop only if you can't take it anymore. normally most of us stop after the third pass. i still have the scars. then there is "die hard" where in you have a soda can tied to your neck - you are alone facing the entire team. you can only be killed or "hit" if someone was able to hit the can...or if you surrender. these are all intended to improve your skill and tenacity. and we did. i remember there were only 10 of us facing three teams. each team has atleast 10 or more players also. and we won. fair and square.

i believe now there is more control over the fps limit of our AEG's (which should be). i think about 500 to 550 fps or an M150 spring or a PDI 300% max - for now. and slowly lowered to max of M130 or PDI 190%.

believe me my airsoft friends whenever your in the Philippines, make sure you play. once you hear the bb's fly - your adrenaline will truly pump. you can actually hear the "whoosh" once it passes your ears.

why am i telling this...i guess i am just an old guy trying to share his story. you can verify my story if you like. visit filairsoft again and look for Recon 1st Battalion. some of my old buddies still play there.


and thanks for reading. my apologies if i bore you.

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Old July 19th, 2005, 17:29   #2
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Jonglory, I moved this post of yours here to the general section, as I could not possibly discern what it had to do with the ICS M4 Bible.
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Old July 19th, 2005, 17:58   #3
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Wow. those velocitys for AEG are abouve our max for BA sniper.
Must be insane to play there.

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Old July 19th, 2005, 18:23   #4
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"kamusta kabayan" true way back in the days I was a little kid I used to play with just springers coz my cuzin who was an old school airsofter does'nt allow me to play with a big gun like gas airsoft rifle. I miss home I wish I can play there someday.
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Old July 19th, 2005, 18:42   #5
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What's the point of having hurting someone on purpose? I'm not talking about a 400fps from 20 feet. What you described is just stupid... Playing to have fun is one thing, but playing to make someone look like they just had chickenpox...
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Old July 19th, 2005, 19:34   #6
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May I ask why on earth you play at such high fps'?
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Old July 19th, 2005, 20:24   #7
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Did you use goggles?
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Old July 19th, 2005, 20:26   #8
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HAHA! reminds me of my hunting trip to buffalo. And you think AS'ers are gun crazy? Ever seen real steel versions of 3/4 of the guns you play with, and some you don't, just lying around in a house? Had to watch my step.
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Old July 19th, 2005, 21:30   #9
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Originally Posted by jonglory
back home we have a saying that if you don't want to get hurt there are two things that you can do...(1) maybe airsoft is not for you or (2) improve - get better and not get hit.

Must be so awesome to play at those speeds... hopefully one day we can play at those speeds too =P
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Old July 19th, 2005, 21:33   #10
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they have playsites with FPS limit and there is the no limit means you can maxed up your AEG. hmmm........Fun.. this is fun for them only if you can Endure Pain! If you don't like, don't play. As simple as that. If you got welts all over your body, its more like a show and tell. Phillipines has the highest percentage of airsoft players ranging from all profession compared up north. I know a priest from my old hometown who plays airsoft. Unlikely, isnt it? Airsoft is "old" in the Phillipines. Its been been around after the Japanesse introduced it. Like I said, airsoft used to be gas back in the days not the usual AEG's you see or hold right now. We all know that its pretty crazy how Filpinos play airsoft with such power on their guns. Not only that, there are other countries who allows powerful AEG's. Call me crazy but I want to play with them but I be better off playing with the standard limit. This is pure challenge not like the usual airsoft game up north like "others" think their Rambo. I think it makes it a little realistic where you use your head extensively to survive the game and how long can you last. Correct me if I am wrong in some areas Jonglory. I also represent my filipino pride and hope I make sense here... peace!
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Old July 19th, 2005, 21:37   #11
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Originally Posted by Raw Deal
Did you use goggles?
yep I believe they use full face mask. I woulnt be playing there with just the goggles people might think I have a humongous pimple or leprosy if I got hit in the face.
Team P.I.M.P. Vancouver BC
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Old July 19th, 2005, 22:07   #12
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Using such high FPS defeats the purpose of airsoft.

The point of airsoft is to simulate REAL combat without anyone getting HURT.

Even if high FPS was allowed in other countries, the fact that it CAN seriously hurt people can spark public interest and possibly get the sport banned.
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Old July 19th, 2005, 22:36   #13
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You can still seriously hurt people with AEGs shooting at 280FPS. -_-

Airsoft in the Philippines should not be compared with how airsoft is in Canada. Likewise we shouldn't compare how it is in Europe and how it is in the States. They all have 'their own rules'.

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Old July 19th, 2005, 23:01   #14
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Where were you this weekend when we had a game and we were only outnumbered by 17-28. We wouldn't have had our success snatched away from us at the last moment. :lol:

It's interesting to hear from airsoft players around the world on how the game is played. We might think playing with such high (dangerous?) FPS is foolish but I guess, if the shoe fits, wear it. I wouldn't mind picking up on a few good tips to improve my game play though. ;-)
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Old July 19th, 2005, 23:02   #15
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Must be expensive hosing 0.43's at full auto. Must be murder on V2 mechboxes all the internals too.

At 550fps, you might as well also allow 500fps pellet guns onto the field as b/a rifles. Much more accurate and at range it'd probably be less bad than getting nailed by a 0.43 at 500fps up close.

I've heard of HK style games or games from the HotShot days with muzzle energy that'd damage gear and chip guns. Personally, I wouldn't mind playing against hot guns, but in the heat of the summer I hate full masks. I endured a couple years of oral surgery and orthodontics. I'd be pissed to get a tooth zapped for a glorified game of tag.
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