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Old November 18th, 2011, 12:11   #16
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Just wanting some information as well... as I have been upgrading my WE m4 too... not trying to highjack... just looking for similar info

In regards to #3) Would you recommend this over a nineball VSR bucking? Would it be beneficial to get both and use the additional nozzle port piece as well as the 9ball?

#4) I have been searching for a inner barrel for quite some time... I dont have my mind set on anything yet but, I have been looking at the RA tech found here...

As you said we can use a VSR inner barrel... does that mean that PDI products are an option? Some Falcon barrels say that they would work for WE M4 systems... but it looks as though the part that goes in the hopup/hopupchamber would be an issue as it's similar to closed bolt inner barrels... any comments on this?

Last edited by eKirts; November 18th, 2011 at 12:27.. Reason: editing :)
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Old November 18th, 2011, 15:02   #17
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Originally Posted by Uzzi View Post
Thanks everyone for answering me.

Does anyone have part no for the following item( for WE HK416 open bolt )

Hop up
Bore suggestion
What is the mod i have to do on the nozzle???
Do i need to replace internal and bolt to CNC parts(futur upgrade, not now)???
I'm expecting to get the riffle this week from eyore, and i will order the parts from

Any suggestion??


Note: I should get my first RS this winter, the GBBR is just for my backyard...
Don't bother modding the nozzle. People do the mod to accommodate the NPAS install. On the HK416 open bolt, a straight drop in replacement of the stock valve with an NPAS will yield an fps range of about 320 fps on the low end to as high as 480 fps which should be good enough for most people's uses.
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Old November 18th, 2011, 18:41   #18
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by eKirts View Post
Just wanting some information as well... as I have been upgrading my WE m4 too... not trying to highjack... just looking for similar info

In regards to #3) Would you recommend this over a nineball VSR bucking? Would it be beneficial to get both and use the additional nozzle port piece as well as the 9ball?

#4) I have been searching for a inner barrel for quite some time... I dont have my mind set on anything yet but, I have been looking at the RA tech found here...

As you said we can use a VSR inner barrel... does that mean that PDI products are an option? Some Falcon barrels say that they would work for WE M4 systems... but it looks as though the part that goes in the hopup/hopupchamber would be an issue as it's similar to closed bolt inner barrels... any comments on this?
I run a WE SCAR (Open Bolt) DMR and have done *very* extensive testing of different parts (still got to get the steel bolt, gunsmodify makes the best one imo). I have that inner, but I think it looks like crap, horrible finish, so probably the inside has very poor tolerances. I am getting decent groupings, but 'm betting they could be better, I'd take a gamble and buy the Falcon ones, they are not "similar", they ARE designed for WE Open Bolt systems.
As for the bucking, I have the Firefly Bucking, and the Nine-Ball. The Firefly bucking's giving a TON better seal than the stock bucking, we're talking 1.85J with the stock bucking and 2.65 with the Firefly, I don't think the Firefly has much contact though, as it doesn't give the best hop. Haven't been able to test the Nine-Ball much yet, but I'm better possibly better seal, and appears to have decent hop, I believe it's probably your best bet. As for the mags, the VN style mags are much more reliable and efficient than the standard WE M4 mags, which use a really crappy system, they'll give you more FPS, too.

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Old November 18th, 2011, 19:25   #19
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so lets say this one for example:
Falcon 6.03 for WE GBB

RA-tech 6.01 for WE OPEN BOLT

looking at the modifications to the barrel... the Falcon looks like its for a closed bolt system.... or am I wrong?
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Old November 18th, 2011, 21:04   #20
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by eKirts View Post
so lets say this one for example:
Falcon 6.03 for WE GBB

RA-tech 6.01 for WE OPEN BOLT

looking at the modifications to the barrel... the Falcon looks like its for a closed bolt system.... or am I wrong?
Not ALL Falcon inners are for the Open Bolt System, or WE guns for that matter.

That's just one of 'em, just search around, I remember there were longer and shorter ones.

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Old November 18th, 2011, 22:08   #21
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alrighty; thanks for your help Fox... much appreciated...

I think I may get a falcon and cut/crown it to length
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Old November 19th, 2011, 00:16   #22
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Originally Posted by eKirts View Post
alrighty; thanks for your help Fox... much appreciated...

I think I may get a falcon and cut/crown it to length
I can cut and crown it for you

In terms of hop up, I really like the King Arms hop up, it has a very nice air seal..increased my fps as well.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 19:21   #23
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Location: Coteau du Lac
Ok, now that i have my 416. It is upgrade time.

I did few shoot outdoor at +10c, and i am realy not impressed of the performance, I will try Co2 mags this week but i have no expectation from this too. I will definitely go to HPA. I realy don't care about the tank as this rifle is for plinking.

now i need your help for the following item that i want to upgrade.
Also if you have part no. that i need to order, and a good place that have these in stock. Again, my goal is to get an accurate rifle, i'm not sure what BBs i will use but for sure .30g maybe more if possible.

Hop up, i having hard time with it. If i turn the screw clockwise and then turn back, the rubber will not go back until i desassemble it. now i will try to fix this by myself. If you have any option, i will take them.

Tight bore, can i use eag? what is the best to get.

Npas (alredy ordered)

Nozzle (do i need to replace the nozzle for a metal version?)

i will aslo replace all internal with CNC parts during the winter.

Magic pin ordered too but this will not affect performance i guess

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Old December 15th, 2011, 20:51   #24
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Location: Coteau du Lac
Ok now, here is where i am with my project, and as mentionned before it is for plinking only.

Upgrade i have on my WE 4168 open bolt
RA-TECH 380mm 6.01 tight bore
RA-TECH hop-up rubber
RA-TECH npas

Other up-grade(not affecting performance)
RA-TECH magic Pin
Magpul RSA sling mount
ASP Sling Attachement
Magpul MOE trigger Guard
ZX T1 red/green dot w/riser shock proof
Magpul PTS AFG angle grip
Magpul MS2 sling

After these installed here is were i am with C02 mag and .28 Armyst BB.
Temperature for test +15c (shooting from inside).
I do not know the FPS but npas is adjust to the maximum.
Not satisfied at all.

Then i decide to go HPA
After few modification i am now temporarly hooked to a nitrogene tank in my garage with a remote hose(paintball stuff) with a regulator to make my test.
The result is a huge difference, i have no more bbs going everywere.


C02 mag, +15c, 30 round shoot

60 feet distance = 25'' grouping


HPA, +5c, 30 round shoot

150psi, 50 feet distance
.28 armyst = 5.5'' grouping
.25 BBbastard = 10'' grouping

150psi, 85 feet distance
.28 armyst = 11'' grouping
.25 BBbastard = 18'' grouping

Now with 10 shoot .28 armyst at different pressure at 50 feet.

125 psi = 3.5'' grouping
140 psi = 4.5'' grouping
165 psi = 3.5'' grouping

I have noticed a lot more recoil at 125 psi, and almost nothing at 165 psi. Maybe due to energie transfer that is different at different pressure. Also the rate of fire increase with pressure.
I will probably not go over 150psi as i think it can damage the gun????

Now i will order different bbs to continue the project.
Aluminium or cilica .30g
.40g don't know witch one yet
and maybe i will try .30 bio.

If anybody have any suggestion to get this gun even more accurate you are welcome.

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Old December 15th, 2011, 20:53   #25
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Just to remind that my goal is to hit a 3 inches target at 100 feet, Maybe impossible but i'll try.

Thanks again. Will post picture soon
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Old December 15th, 2011, 20:56   #26
Suburban Gun Runner
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I suggest you get rid of the craptacular bbs to achieve that goal.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old December 15th, 2011, 21:11   #27
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Location: Coteau du Lac
i do understand, but it is just to see how accurate i can go with a gbbr, I have many real firearm for the real thing, and soon a Robinson XCR .223 but all of these are not for backyard uses....
It is for my pleasure...
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