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Newb walking :p


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old June 2nd, 2005, 00:20   #1
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Question Newb walking :p

Hey ho,

So i am going for the my first airsoft game on friday hopefully. and have gotten to the point where i need to find a AEG that i can get if i really get into it. However i think i might need a few pointers. I am diffenatly going a tokyo marui, and i am thinking a famas. But as for customizing it, can you fit it with a scope? I have been doing some research on it and it seems that it dosent have many upgrades or accesories, i would also like to know does it have the same rate of fire or close to that of its real life counter part? Is this gun even a good chioice for a beginner? Its that or a AK-47, also thinking a TM shotty aswell. My god the choices.

Anywho thanks for the input people!
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Old June 2nd, 2005, 00:25   #2
WW2 Airsofter
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The famas is more of a older style airsoft gun so the upgrades may not be as good. With airsoft anything is almost possible so I don't see why you couldent put a scope on (I think I have seen one before with one on) I believe the ak47 is mostley metal so it will feel more real. There's so many options with airsoft. Just go to your game on friday and i'm sure people will be nice enough to let you try out there guns and see how they work.

Hope that helps

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Old June 2nd, 2005, 00:30   #3
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I see that your from Winnipeg, so I'm assuming that your first game on friday is going to take place at XT. A shotty might be good for that CQB enviroment, but an AEG, from what I have seen, is definatly the way to go for outside games. Someone told me to stay away from the FAMAS as a first gun because if they break down there a pain to find parts for. As for the AK people who own them love them. It all comes down to what feels best in your hands, and what you think looks the coolest. See if you can handle some of the guns that your interested in before making your final decision.

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Old June 2nd, 2005, 05:20   #4
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Yes actully my first game is gona be at XT Hopefully assuming i can mass a few more people or coax the staff into playing

By chance where you at XT last friday? 3 people came in to use the fire range i happened to be one of em but i didnt catch everyones names i think i caught Andrew, Gordie( or gord i think he goes by) and thats about it. i liked the p90 one of the staff members had and specking of p90s theres a mad one in the gallery.... who needs to m203s on one p90 O-o thats just scary anyways i am gona be there friday so if anyone wants to come join me for a game feel free. you can kick this newbs ass pp

the shotty they have on display there is so amazing -_- Ejects shells and shots more then 3 pellets -_- *drool* so yea i really dont mind the famas but if theres gona be that many complecations i'll probably go with an AK or a sig 550 (Cs favorite -_-)

Thanks for some feedback people

EDIT: damn i use to many smileys.... i ma chat whore -_- *ashamed*
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Old June 2nd, 2005, 06:15   #5
Join Date: Oct 2004
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FAMAS = Ver.1
AK47 = Ver.3
This is deja vu, i could have sworn i typed something just like this a while ago...
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Old June 2nd, 2005, 14:11   #6
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Originally Posted by zublac
Yes actully my first game is gona be at XT Hopefully assuming i can mass a few more people or coax the staff into playing

By chance where you at XT last friday? 3 people came in to use the fire range i happened to be one of em but i didnt catch everyones names i think i caught Andrew, Gordie( or gord i think he goes by) and thats about it. i liked the p90 one of the staff members had and specking of p90s theres a mad one in the gallery.... who needs to m203s on one p90 O-o thats just scary anyways i am gona be there friday so if anyone wants to come join me for a game feel free. you can kick this newbs ass pp

the shotty they have on display there is so amazing -_- Ejects shells and shots more then 3 pellets -_- *drool* so yea i really dont mind the famas but if theres gona be that many complecations i'll probably go with an AK or a sig 550 (Cs favorite -_-)

Thanks for some feedback people

EDIT: damn i use to many smileys.... i ma chat whore -_- *ashamed*
Actually I don't know what's worse, that you are gonna buy a gun you like because of CS, or that you actually liked the 550 in CS ;-P

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Old June 2nd, 2005, 18:51   #7
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
Yea it is kinda a odd reason to want to purchase a gun based on a video game but personally thats ont of my all time favs. unless i can get a TMP. that would rock too. but yea i am a odd one
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