Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
Best thing you can do is go out to games, meet people who have experience not everybody who actually plays sits and posts here on AirsoftCanada.com so the opinions you get here can be biased.
Alot of local players field WEs so you can easily get a chance to test them out.
As for WOCs/Inokatsus it'll be harder to find as they are up in the price spectrum so there will be less players who have it.
Also I doubt you'll need to spend over $2000 on a WE the WOC/Inokatsus definitely if you want top notch, regardless both these platforms have upgrades available, depends how deep your pockets go.
For WE's getting aftermarket steel internals should only run you a couple hundred, if that's not enough for you there are guys on the gasgunwiki who've installed Daniel Defense front ends and other real steel components.
Personally the amount on a WA system I'd need to spend would be more than what I'd spend on buying a real AR15 so I couldn't justify such a cost hence why I'd go lower, after all this is just a toy/training tool/wall-hanger
Yeah, after much thought and consideration I ended up picking the G&P WOC RIS version from Huang. I'm also getting the lower receiver just painted by one of his friends.
I decided on the G&P because as far as I can see on the internet, its one of the better choice gbbr. I was also very attracted to the kick from the gun and the 50 round mags it came with. I grabbed an extra mag (for now, I know i will need probably another 2) and called it a day.
I'm pretty excited to bring this to the battle field and see how she plays, hopefully it handles better then my old TM M4 gun.