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Looking into a few guns (F2000, FNC)


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Old June 24th, 2010, 21:49   #16
Join Date: Jun 2010
Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
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Not the answer I'm looking for. So, at present the G2010 is only over in Hong Kong and the first batch got recalled since there was some type of problem (I'm assuming with the sling arrangement or the butt plate). As well, there will be 2 models offered, the G2010 and G2010 L, with the L having the extended barrel. On top of that, each model can be either all black, or a combination of Black and Coyote Brown/Dark Earth... which is a color that I wish FN would produce for their real models instead of the Green/Black combo.

On G&G's website, it shows the G2010 having the optical site and shroud like the real FN, but at present it doesn't look like it is an option, seeing that the 'tactical' configuration is the first out the door... just like when FN released the FS2000 to the civvie market. I also wish they make the F2000S version with the tactical rail and carry handle... which is what I'm begging FN for when I'm not in the 1.6x mood. I'm also assuming that G&G will release the tri-rail with optional junk and/or the funky grenade launcher that is F2000 specific.
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Old June 29th, 2010, 18:08   #17
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Ive owned both a CA Aug DMR beast and a STAR FNC

The Star FNC was heavy, like 10lbs, its heavy for its size
The three round burst worked until i cut the wiring while taking it apart.

the AUG was rear heavy

so its up to you wether you want a front heavy gun that barely any one has
or a rear heavy accurate gun

I want to see how the G&G FNC compares to the STAR FNC

if I could do it again, Id go with the FNC no doubt
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Old June 29th, 2010, 21:01   #18
Join Date: Jun 2010
Don't know if this is the first post for this anywhere.. but the G2010 version with the optic will be called the "Hunter Version". Should be released (to us) sometime early next year.

Here is a PDF of the instruction booklet with the new version shown:
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Old June 29th, 2010, 21:46   #19
Short Round
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Originally Posted by Bracketman View Post
Not the answer I'm looking for. So, at present the G2010 is only over in Hong Kong and the first batch got recalled since there was some type of problem (I'm assuming with the sling arrangement or the butt plate). As well, there will be 2 models offered, the G2010 and G2010 L, with the L having the extended barrel. On top of that, each model can be either all black, or a combination of Black and Coyote Brown/Dark Earth... which is a color that I wish FN would produce for their real models instead of the Green/Black combo.

On G&G's website, it shows the G2010 having the optical site and shroud like the real FN, but at present it doesn't look like it is an option, seeing that the 'tactical' configuration is the first out the door... just like when FN released the FS2000 to the civvie market. I also wish they make the F2000S version with the tactical rail and carry handle... which is what I'm begging FN for when I'm not in the 1.6x mood. I'm also assuming that G&G will release the tri-rail with optional junk and/or the funky grenade launcher that is F2000 specific.
A review on Youtube stated there being a problem with low/mid cap mags.
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Old February 21st, 2011, 12:42   #20
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Originally Posted by Brockavich View Post
Yeha I did some more lookin' up n such...

Apparently branded as the G&G G2010 (f2000) and GF76 (fnc)

My biggest thing I'm worried about here is accuracy and range... like what's a range I should be shooting at in order to be able to keep up with most guns in the field? And upgrades like tightbore and junk... they worth doing? Or honestly is it even worth looking into either of these guns? Would I be best to stick with my CA AUG?

Okay new question lol: What would YOU guys recommend? Just... no M4s please. I've seen enough of those

Thanks for any and all insight... I feel I'm a little over my head
I would go with the G2010. Amazing gun, got it not to long ago, very comfortable to handle and shoot. Very accurate and powerful, but that is also a flaw, because most fields wont allow the stock velocity on it. Bought mine from buyairsoft. and if u do look it says 440fps. IMO grat gun, accurate but short, so good for outdoor and indoor. ive got a hurricane holo sight with a silencer on it and it is an amazing settup! get it.. now
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Old February 22nd, 2011, 21:13   #21
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The Duke only uses MK43 single handed and Gold DE !
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