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Lookng to upgrade VFC scarH


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Old April 17th, 2010, 00:58   #1
Halestormx's Avatar
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Lookng to upgrade VFC scarH

Hello everyone I am looking to do some light upgrades to my VFC scar H.
I would like to up the FPS from arounf 350. to about 425 fps or so.
the current configuration is pure stock. so what would be some good part to look for and install to get about another 75fps. spring, piston head, nozzel etc... .
also if i get a new spring like maybe a M120 will i need to do some reinforcment for the rest of the internals.

so what i would like to hear is what parts i need to get the 425fps and what parts i will need to keep the shots consistant and the gun durable.
thanks in advance everyone.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 06:00   #2
Con Murder
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First things first I would find out (google it) if the VFC (a good brand name) has for stock internals in its mech-box. The m120 is the spring you want to get close to 430fps but realise your location is generally limited to 400fps for games. The best thing to do is get a high torq gear set, a bearing metal-spring guide (quality), o-ring nozzle, cylinder head with sorbo, piston head with sorbo (shaved tooth for fitting of course) and a reinforced mech-box. Although like I said check the stock parts, some may be fine others may not be. My list leaves out the motor and batterybecause I have assumed VFC has a quality motor and the battery is all on you. M120 really almost comands a large 8.4v or 9.6v minimum.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 10:00   #3
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Originally Posted by Halestormx View Post
Hello everyone I am looking to do some light upgrades to my VFC scar H.
I would like to up the FPS from arounf 350. to about 425 fps or so.
the current configuration is pure stock. so what would be some good part to look for and install to get about another 75fps. spring, piston head, nozzel etc... .
also if i get a new spring like maybe a M120 will i need to do some reinforcment for the rest of the internals.

so what i would like to hear is what parts i need to get the 425fps and what parts i will need to keep the shots consistant and the gun durable.
thanks in advance everyone.
To answer your question will be a spring swap of M120, Bore up cylinder, torque gears and pistons


if you want your gun to be durable keep it under 400fps (around 375 - 380fps is more than enough for the barrel length you have) there are so many combination that you can do to make your VFC AEG shooting sexy but at the target 425fps you will likely be rejected from games, here in Ontario average field limits are 400fps with Some that will allow a little higher.

From experience 400+fps AEG will not last long doesn't matter what you do to it, especially if you are the run and gun type with full auto. Sorbo pads can only delay the fatigue in your gears and piston, at 400+fps teh first thing to go in your AEG even with an upgraded gear will be your piston then it will be your gears then maybe your switch assembly and so forth, you will end up going down the airsoft money pit where it has claimed many victims.

My King Arms FAL has been going strong now for two years without any issue or modifications, the only mods were for the nozzle and spring guide, it will outshoot most conventional AEG out there in the field.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 13:32   #4
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ok so far then i think what i should do at the stock internals are pretty good now. its go with a new nozzle and a tight bore barrel. that seems like it will give a better air seal and therefor possably bumb up the fps by a few. i do want to keep the gun reliable and not end up in the airsoft money pit lol. so just some light mods would be the best thing i guess. it does do about 350fps now and i really don't have a problem with it just like a bit more umpf! lol also i would like to go up to a .25g BB. and i would still like to see the distance and acuracy stay about where it is. If not better anyway. so thanks for the sugestions guys and anyone else with some input would be great
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Old April 17th, 2010, 13:43   #5
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... You should be using .25 bb's at a bare minimum.. using .20's outdoors is a HUGE waste.

At 350 FPS I'd be using .28's
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Old April 17th, 2010, 18:59   #6
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Originally Posted by Halestormx View Post
ok so far then i think what i should do at the stock internals are pretty good now. its go with a new nozzle and a tight bore barrel. that seems like it will give a better air seal and therefor possably bumb up the fps by a few. i do want to keep the gun reliable and not end up in the airsoft money pit lol. so just some light mods would be the best thing i guess. it does do about 350fps now and i really don't have a problem with it just like a bit more umpf! lol also i would like to go up to a .25g BB. and i would still like to see the distance and acuracy stay about where it is. If not better anyway. so thanks for the sugestions guys and anyone else with some input would be great
well if you want increased accuracy then add on a tightbore like the madbull black python, increased the spring and spring guide to a M110 and change the nozzle
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Old April 21st, 2010, 15:33   #7
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Is there a VFC scar compatable tightbore that anyone would recommend getting? I belive what i am going to to do upgreade is add a tightbore, M120 spring, and if there is a better nizzle i belive i will replace that too. I have yet to open up my Mechbox as i would like to wait till i have all parts so i only need to do it once. I also would like to get a better hop up. I have read a lot about the hop up comatability and it seems like a systema one, as well as a lot of others are to large to fit and must be cut down. thoughts???

I would really like to hear from anyone that has a VFC scar and has done upgrades to it. Big or small ups it doesn't matter. But i would like first hand knowledge about what they did and how its all working. Please relpy or PM with what u did what u left alone and what parts would be the best to get and add to get this baby to 400fps and stay reliable.
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Old April 21st, 2010, 15:39   #8
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I have a VFC SCAR-L. I have asked around a lot and I am getting a Prometheus TBB along with Guard Soft Hop-up sleeve/bucking.

I am way too scared to open my mechbox because I know that thing will be extremely confusing. I thought the other internal parts were pretty simple until I ended up breaking my hop-up sleeve.

Originally Posted by Chayce View Post
I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old April 22nd, 2010, 23:22   #9
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trust me the VFC SCAR I have is shooting further than any gun I've ever had and it was completely stock when it was doing that - great gun OTB
"Creator of the Zombat Sniper - oh yeah baby"
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