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ESS Striker Tactical Prescription Insert


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Old September 14th, 2009, 08:23   #1
venture's Avatar
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ESS Striker Tactical Prescription Insert

I bought a set of Striker Tactical w/Turbofan and the prescription insert.

I take the insert to my Optometrist and tell them to put my lenses in it. "No problem", they say " takes about 7-10 business days."

I get a call later the same day from them. "The lab cannot make lenses for these inserts" because of the four pegs protruding from the frame. They said the pegs interfere with the machine they have that traces the lens shape.

Here is pic, notice the pegs that hold it in the goggles:

Well I already have $250 invested, so I come up with a solution. I tell them to cut the pegs off of the insert and use it to trace the lens shape. I will purchase another insert with intact pegs from Seals Action Gear(where I got the original kit, they are very good).

A week goes by and my new insert arrives, $42.00 with shipping. Now I am up to $300(almost) and still have to pay for my prescription. I am waiting with my new insert and the optometrist calls me on Friday and says "Sorry but the lab called again and there is no way to fit a lens into that frame. It will break as soon as they try. Cannot be done."

Well finally to my point and question: It seems strange that a respected company would sell an insert that is impossible to fit a lens to. I think someone would have noticed by now.

Question 1: Does anyone have the Striker goggles with prescription insert? Any problems??

Question 2: Optical lab in Dartmouth=bogus or not??

Thanks for reading.

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Last edited by venture; September 14th, 2009 at 08:29..
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Old September 14th, 2009, 11:12   #2
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You should try another optometrist, preferably some place with their own labaratory on site, and ask the tech your self.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old September 14th, 2009, 11:28   #3
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Red Deer, AB
I had the same problem. My opthemologist luckily had an older machine in his bone yard that could make the lenses. Ask around, someone there should be able to do them.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old September 14th, 2009, 11:57   #4
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Well, thanks for the replies and advice. I think I have this one under control, sometimes things just work out!!

Please note that these guys (the optometrist) don't have a lab because they are doctors. They sell glasses, but they are my eye doctors, not a lab. I just used them to deal with the lab where my glasses usually come from, plus I had a discount coming because I had recently purchased a pair of glasses from my latest prescription there.

Here is what happened next. I called the optometrist this morning to see if they had received my inserts back from the lab. They said they had them. I decided to drive in to get them and go to a different lab to find a place that could do them. I had the intention of getting a copy of my prescription from my doctor to take around with me.

I get in there and my doctor says here they are, let me just check to see if they are both in here. He opens the pack and I immediately notice 2 things. 1.the lenses are there fully finished, just not in the frames.

2. the lab has cut the pegs from the second set of inserts. ARRRRRRGH $$$42.00 more gone now!!!!!

So my brain comes up with another bright idea. I say to him, just continue not to charge me, but give me the lenses to cover the cut second insert. Either that or I must ask for the $42.00 to get another insert. Long story short in the end they agreed to give me the lenses ($113.00 w/ discount) for free, to cover the cost of the cut second insert. Very standup of them, they have been excellent, it has been the lab doing all the bullshit.

Now I have to order a third set of inserts and fit my new lenses myself, risking breaking the insert myself. Like I said to the doctor, if I break the new one, I will superglue the lens into the broken frame.

So, in a convoluted, frustrating, time consuming way this one works out for the best. I hope. I suppose, I may have already depleted all of Seals Action Gear's stock of inserts. Are there other Canadian ESS retailers?

Thanks again, venture.

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