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V2 gear box break down?


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Old August 26th, 2009, 21:04   #1
CPT Spork
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V2 gear box break down?

So I took it apart..and now I don;t know how it goes back.

ok full story, I got a new spring for my Stunt studios M4. I know its a crappy gun but its what I got. Springs only a PDI 120 but the stock one seemed worn out. Gun came apart fine but when I took out the gear box everything went flying... the whole case is pooched. cracked and broken everywhere. Meaning I wasn;t able to take it apart slowly noteing where everything goes. It litteraly exploded.

I just spent 2 hours finding all the little pieces of plastic shrapnel and plastic welded my puzzle of a case back together. Agian.. I know thats ghetto... no need to tell me. I can't afford a new box or a new gun!! so please dont; say "Save up for a better gun". its out of the question, I've other more important things like school and rent.

Now I have a pile of gears, springs and cogs in front of me but I want to be sure I put them in correct because I probably only have one shot at this.

So doesn;t anybody have pics of a broken down/dissmantled V2 box?
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Old August 26th, 2009, 21:08   #2
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the box itself is broken? it'll likely break after the first shot once reassembled, save up and buy a complete v2 box if that's the case, or just buy a real gun
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Old August 26th, 2009, 21:08   #3
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Location: 11-30-24-1W5 would help. Other than that maybe make friends with a local gundoc and see if they can mentor you while you rebuild your gearbox.

The way it sounds the minimum you need to get is a new gearbox shell.

Something cheap like this:
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Old August 26th, 2009, 21:11   #4
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clean everything of the old grease. then hop on over to and watch the v2 videos. hope you found all the pieces. lol
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Old August 26th, 2009, 21:16   #5
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First of all, scrap the PDI 120% spring, it'll be a pain to install (likely), and it'll crack the front of your mechbox (a new reinforced mechbox, V2, can be had for $40) in a very short order. Don't know the fps you were hoping to get out of it, but get a Modify 90 spring from, it'll be easier to install, and make your mechbox happier too for longer. PDI has made crap inconsistant springs for the past years, I've dealt with a half dozen 150% springs, all ranged from 6 3/8" to 7", different metals and wire thicknesses, and have output between 350fps and 425fps. Go with Modify, and save yourself frustration and extra money to be spent for replacing more expensive parts.

A guide, lots out there, even videos, try youtube first, others here that are more familiar can link you with guides. I have a book for his, but also enough years with enough mechbox types and gun types under my belt that I don't need those references on my computer. I also know the inner workings on an intimate level, so it's easy for me to work my way around guns.

Best of luck, and enjoy your new puzzle!
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Old August 29th, 2009, 22:32   #6
CPT Spork
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ok I got it back together and my make shift fix on the plastic seems to be holding just fine... however I think I must have messed up somewhere on the re-assembly. with a fully loaded clip on semi or auto the gun would not fire anything. if I put one BB in the chamber and invert the gun after a couple pulls of the trigger it would fire. not with the clip in though.

so back apart it came I checked everything over and it seemed correct save for the barrel was slightly out of it clip. fixed that put it back together... now with the clip in it does any of these things...

fires 1 round properly
fires 2 rounds at the same time really weakly
lets 1 BB roll out the end of the barrel
fires 2 rounds very hard.....
fires 1 round very weakly

I'm confused...
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Old August 29th, 2009, 23:31   #7
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hmmmm...... I know DamageInc does gundoc work however since the gearbox is in pieces (and you tried doing it yourself) the cost is probably going to be quite steep.

I guess fiddling around with it a bit more couldn't hurt (you got it a bit better fiddling around with it) however you might inadvertently break it even more.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 23:35   #8
CPT Spork
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it just doesn;t seem to make sense to me.. the system is so simple...

I took it apart again made sure all the gears are timed correctly.. it still won;t fire unless I invert the gun.
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Old August 29th, 2009, 23:38   #9
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This isn't even a V2 gearbox.

It's an all plastic gearbox with what looks to be plastic gears.

Don't upgrade this gun... Save up, new gun.
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Old August 30th, 2009, 01:40   #10
CPT Spork
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I'm getting a new gun eventually but this is all I have for now. I just want it to work at this point. doesnt; even have to work well..just work!

Last edited by CPT Spork; August 30th, 2009 at 01:57..
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Old August 30th, 2009, 03:03   #11
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If you don't plan on playing any games anytime soon then u don't need this pos mpeg just save up and buy a real gun
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Old August 30th, 2009, 04:46   #12
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Wow great advice pusangani.

He's already said he's not looking for that answer, he's looking for help to get his gun fixed. If you feel that this is an 'unfixable situation' than state so from your gundoctoring experience and suggest it's better left be.

Originally Posted by CPT Spork View Post
it just doesn;t seem to make sense to me.. the system is so simple...

I took it apart again made sure all the gears are timed correctly.. it still won;t fire unless I invert the gun.
Does it fire completely normally when held inverted? If so, it would sound like a magazine issue (mag spring not releasing the BB's)

If Amos is correct and this isn't even a V2 box but some random conjuration than buying any replacement parts is out of the question.(and if he says so I believe him, I've personally never experienced this gun)

After googling the gun and reading some reviews on it; if the mechbox is the same type of plastic I'm thinking of I think it'll be too brittle to last very long, sorry. (BTW, what kind of glue did you use?)

If you are looking to go to some more organized games in your areas, see if you can get in touch with guys and look into borrowing or renting until you can afford a new gun, I really think that'd be your best bet.

However, if this is just for backyard plinking, I hate to say it but I'm starting to think your pooched for now.

Best of luck!
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Old August 30th, 2009, 06:31   #13
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Just to elaborate on the comment Amos made, the stunt studios M4 does not use a standard version 2 mechbox, it uses a smaller all plastic made mechbox which does not have the same dimensions of the standard V2.

Attempting to place an upgraded spring into the plastic mechbox will surely cause great stress on the already broken mechbox.

Options at this time are extremely limited, you cant even buy a new V2 mechbox and drop it in to the receiver due to the fact that the stunt studios body is smaller than that of a standard airsoft armalites.

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Old August 30th, 2009, 12:47   #14
CPT Spork
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hmm I had been told it was the same a V2.. just a really cheap copy. I think this gun will go into the box of broken stuff. if nothing else I got a spare stock and a battery out of it.

the mag is releasing BBs because when I remove it it drops 4 or 5 loose ones out. If inverted it only sometimes fire correctly. if you watch the BB while pulling the trigger it kind of bounces around in the chamber for a bit then fires...

the spring I was putting in wasn;t actually an upgrade. it was supposed to be around stock (least thats what I had been told by the guy behind the counter. He seemed to know his stuff though). I didnt; want to upgrade in fear of the box breaking... my fears were well warranted heh.

as for the glue I didnt; actually use glue. 1st I tried to plastic weld it but the case is to cheap to do that. I ended up using plastic solvent, it melts the plastic back together, then I put a layer of woven fiberglass over the damaged area (kayak glass). this was braced against the gun shell itself with a piece of metal plate and tube going to the back of the stock.... all that and it won;t fire hahaha
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Old August 30th, 2009, 13:14   #15
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Originally Posted by Cushak View Post
Wow great advice pusangani.

He's already said he's not looking for that answer, he's looking for help to get his gun fixed. If you feel that this is an 'unfixable situation' than state so from your gundoctoring experience!
wow, I didn't know it took years of gundoctoring experience to know how to use google properly
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