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Pétiton: Légalisation de l'importation de airsoft au Canada Legalization of the impo



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Old May 10th, 2008, 18:43   #1
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Post Pétiton: Légalisation de l'importation de airsoft au Canada Legalization of the impo


Une pétition pour la légalisation de l'importation de répliques airsoft au Canada est en cour, parlons tout d'une seul et même vois pour que nos dirigeants nous entende et que nous

puissions tous pratiquer notre sport en toute liberté.

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Old May 10th, 2008, 19:12   #2
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Post Pétiton: Legalization of the importation of airsoft in Canada


As you all know already, importing airsoft replicas in Canada is near impossible without the proper license. This makes replicas hard to find, and when you find them, they usually cost more than 3 times more than what they cost in Hon-kong and in the United States. Still, there are a lot of people playing airsoft across the nation, but what if importing airsft replicas was legal? This would make airsoft more accessible, and WAY cheaper . Here’s our chance to be able to import those legally. Sign this petition, not only it might make us save money, but it might aswell make a lot of people discover the great hobby that airsoft is.

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Old May 10th, 2008, 19:13   #3
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somehow i really dont think they will take a online petition very seriously
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Old May 10th, 2008, 19:22   #4
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It's amazing how many of us think that politicians will give a rats ass about a few hundred airsofters.

I read a good article in GUNS Magazine (Nov.1994) about how in the states (gun capitol of the world!) the owners of real steel are trying like mad to make sure that their REAL guns will remain in their hands. The article was borderline calling for armed revolution.

Here in peace loving Canada with millions LESS people we airsofters are a tiny drop in the bucket.

It's been said before that if you want to try to make a difference in our sports growth, get involved with REAL gun owners who actually have more of a realistic "lobby" chance.

Support "real steel" shooting sports across the country and educate people around you about airsoft, we are so small that we have to be grassroots.

I don't know.....I guess good luck with this anyway.
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Old May 10th, 2008, 19:25   #5
Brian McIlmoyle
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Importing airsoft guns

Is legal, with the appropriate licenses.

So right from the outset your position is doomed, because you don't know what you are asking for.

there are literally 100 threads on this site with ths exact same "initiatives" proposed.. read some of them to become familiar with the issues.

Also airsoft guns are not difficult to get.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 10th, 2008, 23:38   #6
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Combined your two threads. I think we can handle having two languages in one thread.

The only way I can see to make airsoft more legalized is to convince the politicians that having easy access is a good thing, such as if thugs were using these to hold people up there's less chance of them having a real gun and they would be less likely to actually shoot some one... of course you'll still have stupid soccer moms crying when johnny the thug gets shot for real but meh, it's darwin at work.
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Old May 11th, 2008, 00:11   #7
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Online petition. Addressed to the wrong federal entity. Asking for airsoft to be judged not by the fact that they don't shoot real bullets but only resemble perfectly prohibited firearms.


<sarcasm off>

Sérieusement, l'enthousiasme n'est jamais une mauvaise idée sauf quant elle provient du gars qui tente de te faire charger un bunker plein de nids de mitraillettes.

Sérieusement, pourquoi risquer un engagement avec les pouvoirs qui règnent sur ce pays pour tenter de payer nos fusil, quoi, 30% moins cher?

L'import de trucs coute quelque chose, nous ne verrons jamais des fusils d'airsoft au pays avec le même prix qu'à Hong Kong, c'est juste impossible à moins qu'on déménage les sweat shops ici.

L'opinion généralement partagé ici est qu'il vaut mieux se contenter de ce qu'on a (et dans le fond, seul les fusils et certains rares accessoires sont restreint) que de tenter notre chance avec de très mauvaises chances de réussite et de risquer de s'attirer l'attention d'un politicien qui désire scorer des points avec les femmes au foyer.

De toute façon, la prime supplémentaire que nous payons pour nos fusils faut emplement la peine quant on considère que tous les petits enfants de 13 ans qui veulent être cool ne peuvent importer.

Mais bon...
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Old May 11th, 2008, 23:58   #8
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Numero 114 - S Rivard, Number 114 - S Rivard.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 00:11   #9
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Les pétitions en ligne, ça ne fait pas sérieux. Je doute aussi que ceux Ã* qui elles sont destinées les lisent.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 22:30   #10
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Personally I'm all for it. Technically importation is 100% legal. The reason importation is so difficult is because CBSA doesn't want us to have them. I think they should leave the decision to the courts and the RCMP.

You have my signature.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 22:53   #11
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All I can say is that the very bottom line, every one of us who was foolish enough to spend however much money we have so far on this hobby should sign the petition. True similar attempt have been done in the past, which proved useless, but how else can we make a difference? At the very minimum, if everybody, I mean everyone, signs the petition, will we not see what our strenght really is as community? How the hell will the politicians every take us seriously if we do not look DETERMINED and have some kind of CONSISTANT SOLIDARITY? The lesson here is that we TRY and TRY until we succeed-as a SOLID COMMUNITY!
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Old May 13th, 2008, 19:48   #12
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Originally Posted by 5.56 View Post
All I can say is that the very bottom line, every one of us who was foolish enough to spend however much money we have so far on this hobby should sign the petition. True similar attempt have been done in the past, which proved useless, but how else can we make a difference? At the very minimum, if everybody, I mean everyone, signs the petition, will we not see what our strenght really is as community? How the hell will the politicians every take us seriously if we do not look DETERMINED and have some kind of CONSISTANT SOLIDARITY? The lesson here is that we TRY and TRY until we succeed-as a SOLID COMMUNITY!

And I was beginning to wonder if anyone else felt like this.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 19:58   #13
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+1 for solidarity.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 20:35   #14
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Originally Posted by ToTaL_oWnAgE View Post

And I was beginning to wonder if anyone else felt like this.
Because there are Idealists and Realists, fortunately there ARE realists here and they've been around longer.

Idealy we could all order what ever we wanted at any time.

Realisticly, we can't because there is fear of the items we wish to order by the GREATER public.

Idealy, people WOULD just see that its a clean honourable sport.

Realistically, there are a lot of young people that cheat, cause issues, and otherwise try to make short cuts for everything they see that get into our sport. One rotten apple kills the tree.

Idealy, airsoft could be very cheap, and played every weekend.

Realistically, if it gets TOO cheap MORE people that may not yet have the maturity will enter the sport and we get more hog wash. Also people have to work, that means we miss weekends time to time.

Idealy, women would always be nude, beer would be plentiful, and no one would ever get fat...

Realistically, every man would get bobbeted, beer costs money, and makes you fat...

Anyone got that ASC monster picture?

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Old May 13th, 2008, 21:18   #15
10 years and the same shit....over and over again.

Nothing changes.
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