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BB weight to distance



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Old June 20th, 2006, 23:41   #1
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BB weight to distance

Hey all, i'm trying to decide what weight BB i need, and the only info i fought was for big guns, not pistols. Does anyone have any estimates on distance/weight ratio, and possibly have any advice as to which weight would be the best?

Also, i've been looking for the best shipping price for BB's, from what i see all the online places are very expensive (20-45) except ASC which is about $8 and $20/$25 for a bag of BB's. Correct me if i'm wrong.

P.s. my pistol says 6mm, but the BB's on ASC are 8mm, or not specified, anyone care to explain.

sorry if any of this is accessable through search, i tried my hardest to research.

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Old June 20th, 2006, 23:56   #2
not hard enough
there are many topics about this. Several hundred actually.

very few guns use 8mm rounds. Usually shotguns, some sniper rifles, and some handguns. Few and far between. Everything else is 6mm

GBBs are designed for 0.25g BBs
guns chrony with 0.20g but for the most part, 0.25g out preform the 0.20g.

your not going to find exact numbers on range/weight, since every guns is different, but general rules apply. Heavier is more stable, less effected by wind, punches through the bush better, and I find they have better range.

Personally, you couldnt pay me to use 0.20g in my guns. If I ran out of 0.25g, Id rather use harsh language.

BBs are not cheap. BB bastard has some good prices...and again, buy in bulk, save money.

and this stuff doesnt belong in the general section. place it in the appropriate discussion section.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 00:52   #3
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Tx for the info Droc, would you happen to know how much BB bastard charges for shipping to ottawa?

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Old June 21st, 2006, 01:20   #4
nope. you could ask them
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Old June 21st, 2006, 02:38   #5
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ya i did but they haven't gotten back to me and i'm ansy i've used up all of the 30ish BB's that came with the gun, and now i'm sittin on the couch and starring at the bullseye being sad heh

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Old June 21st, 2006, 08:49   #6
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I bought a couple bags of 0.25g BBs from Scarecrow (BB Bastard), they were $15 each, total cost was $40 to my door.

Generally, for most smallish and not overly heavy items, Xpress Post (1-2 business days) costs $7.50 after tax.

As far as you answer regarding ammo weight vs. distance in pistols, check this out:

I've hit guys out to 120ft away with my Glock 19 and 0.30g BBs.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 14:50   #7
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
I bought a couple bags of 0.25g BBs from Scarecrow (BB Bastard), they were $15 each, total cost was $40 to my door.

Generally, for most smallish and not overly heavy items, Xpress Post (1-2 business days) costs $7.50 after tax.

As far as you answer regarding ammo weight vs. distance in pistols, check this out:

I've hit guys out to 120ft away with my Glock 19 and 0.30g BBs.
Wow that gun must be quite upgraded then
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Old June 21st, 2006, 16:02   #8
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Not really. Only have a tightbore barrel in it, enhanced hammer spring (only improves reliability in hot weather, not power), enhanced spring guide, metal mag catch and bigger O-ring to eliminate the inner barrel wobble. Only shoots I think around 300fps with 0.20g, maybe higher in hot weather (upgraded over the winter) but I also have a pretty much stock G19 and it shoots about the same too. All in the ability to try, nothing really in upgrades.

Saved my butt one day too a few games ago, I got ambushed by two guys about 40ft away from me, I did my usual "Matrix" thing onto my back, only hit on me was on my MP5, so I called gun hit, lying prone on my back and drew my G19, popped off a few shots at one guy through the brush, he got more bursts off at me but flew over me, I shot a few more and my 0.30g went through and hit him. He left to respawn, his buddy on the other side of the trail took off with him. I got out of there and used my G19 on my way to respawn to "get a new gun". Because I use heavier ammo, it cuts through brush better, and has longer range when needed. And, it hits harder so there is a better chance the guy will feel it and call hit.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 18:47   #9
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So I suck, and it didn't occur to me to put the size in our bb entry. Still so busy I haven't had time to update the photos yet. 6mm:




If you're in Toronto, local pickup is always an option to save some dinero.

As for your question... Indoors I'd go for .20 if you're looking for a close, fast game. They aren't as accurate as heavier rounds, but you get faster time to target.

In general, I use .25 for most guns, but .30's in my MK23 (propane). Slow (relative to .20's, say), but very accurate. .28's are a good compromise between .25 and .30.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 02:03   #10
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In general, I use .25 for most guns, but .30's in my MK23 (propane). Slow (relative to .20's, say), but very accurate. .28's are a good compromise between .25 and .30.
Interesting, always used .25's for my guns. As they punch through the veggies better. Whats your thoughts on using a .28 or .30 in a gun shooting 430 with .20s? Ive never shot a .30 so I am curious as to how the trade off of speed to target vs accuracy is.
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