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Converting ICS CXP into a SAW


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Old October 27th, 2012, 15:02   #1
formerly Huge94
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Converting ICS CXP into a SAW

Hi there!

I've always liked SAWs and now that I've got an M4 (it's a CXP in fact, but you get the idea), I would like it to be able to convert into a SAW.

My basic idea would be along the lines of a Shrike such as this:

So, to convert an ICS CXP into a SAW like this one, what would I need?

So far as I can tell, the following:

- Drum mag (e-fed)
- Bipod
- A different flash hider so it looks mean

Now, obviously the CXP is different, with a shorter front end so it would be a very compact SAW. What do you guys think?

Finally, what about internal upgrades? Is the gun stock reliable enough to shoot the amount a SAW would without problem or should I upgrade something inside?

Thanks and sorry for the big ass question!
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Old October 27th, 2012, 15:51   #2
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Hmm.... the handguard looks like a custom job. Take the CXP handguard but probably need to tap some holes to fit extra rail panels and stuff. Take off the stock stock and install a new buffer tube/stock combo (Crane stock in that pic), I highly recommend the VFC Crane stock set, sells for about $70-ish IIRC, I forget how much I paid for mine (you don't have to go for that one but I think it's a very nice stock and well built).

The pistol grip on that one is an Ergo Grip. Not my favourite (because they're not designed for south paws) but I personally like the Tango Down grips.

As for internals, personally I'm torn. I like "off the shelf" products that work and just running them but I'm also a tinkerer at heart. Out of the box unless you get a lemon (ICS seems to have a fairly low lemon rate) it'll be fine for short bursts of directed full auto (just don't hold the trigger down for like 15 minutes straight and drain your battery, short 2-3 second bursts should be no problem).

If you do anything I'd say aim for around 370-380 and get an M100 or M110 spring depending on how good you can get your compression and such. Probably SHS 13:1 speed gears and a Lonex torque motor for instant trigger response while still maintaining a good ROF for suppression. Personally I run my rifle at ~12-14 RPS and that's actually really good for suppressing since you don't run out of ammo that fast and it still keeps peoples heads down. I honestly don't get what the hype is with 30+ RPS beasts (other than proof of concept of course).
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Old October 27th, 2012, 15:57   #3
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Don't know about games in QC, but all the ones I've see do not allow box/drum mag on a rifle. There's a reason why SAW can get box ammo big, long, heavy...
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:00   #4
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If you want to go that motif - Looking at it, I'd suggest keeping the stock 'RIS' that the CXP has, but putting a longer barrel onto it. You should be able to get an ICS 14.5 inner/outer barrel for it dirt-cheap - considering that some owners of ICS tend to mess with them modifications wise, and likely have the spare parts kicking around, including myself. It would get the appearance on the front end as you see in the photo - using the ICS CXP - there is no way you are going to get a true SAW replica (economically, anyway), but you can get convincingly creative enough.. it's airsoft after all.

Or you can sell the CXP, and get something else more appropriate for another hundred or two..
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:07   #5
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The main selling point on a Shrike is that it's a belt fed weapon. The picture of the Shrike you posted is about as close to an actual Shrike as a Nerf rocket launcher is to an RPG-7.

So if you're not going for an actual Shrike, what you're left with is an M4 with a drum mag: just get a C-Mag or something, get an SPR flash hider an a slightly longer inner barrel.
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:18   #6
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
So if you're not going for an actual Shrike, what you're left with is an M4 with a drum mag: just get a C-Mag or something, get an SPR flash hider an a slightly longer inner barrel.
or hey, get a real SAW or LMG to use a box/drum mag!
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:27   #7
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
or hey, get a real SAW or LMG to use a box/drum mag!
Oh sure, if you like taking the easy way out maybe :P
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:32   #8
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Oh sure, if you like taking the easy way out maybe :P
All but one of the shrikes I have seen all had a gremlin or have been jinxed. lol
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Old October 27th, 2012, 16:55   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Check your local field rules first.
Here in Mb, no field or game organizers allow AEG's with box mags unless they replicate real steel MG's such as (but not limited to) RPK, M249, M60, Shrike, and although I don't personally agree, the LMG36 is also allowed by most.
I dislike classifying the LMG36 as an LMG simply because it's never actually been in service with the bundeswehr. That and in airsoft it's nothing more than a G36 with a C mag lol
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Old October 27th, 2012, 17:31   #10
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Check your local field rules first.
Here in Mb, no field or game organizers allow AEG's with box mags unless they replicate real steel MG's such as (but not limited to) RPK, M249, M60, Shrike, and although I don't personally agree, the LMG36 is also allowed by most.
I dislike classifying the LMG36 as an LMG simply because it's never actually been in service with the bundeswehr. That and in airsoft it's nothing more than a G36 with a C mag lol
I was worry about some people will use LMG36 to get away from the "NO C-mag/Drum Mag/Box mag on rifle" rule for a long time...
Anyone actually did that in your local field?
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Old October 27th, 2012, 17:32   #11
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I agree, nice to look at, but dont like the idea of it on the field.
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Old October 27th, 2012, 18:15   #12
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
I was worry about some people will use LMG36 to get away from the "NO C-mag/Drum Mag/Box mag on rifle" rule for a long time...
Anyone actually did that in your local field?
I ran one for a few games.

It's more annoying to carry than a damn M249!

Longer, as heavy, and damn drum mags are a pain to find pouches!
Also the stock carry handle optics are crap.

If I was to organize and I had to decide, I would require them to use the stock optic (Normal or "railed" dual optic), full lenght barrel, handguard and BIPOD, stock "stock" or IDZ stock (no M4 bastard, No G&P battery stock) and NO battery box.

That limits to small 1600mAh-ish batteries or LiPos, making them less suitable for LMG, but still viable with controlled bursts. I ran mine that way, I was limited but more effective knowing I might run out of juice OR BBs. And could not "snipe" with the crap 3x scope or RDS (cannot rest on the stock to use it!)
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 27th, 2012, 18:18   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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And that's from the G36 junkie lol
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Old October 27th, 2012, 20:25   #14
formerly Huge94
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thanks for the replies everyone.

I think in the end I might just get a real SAW. I liked the idea of having two ''loadouts'' in one gun, but I think I'd prefer having them separated - especially if local fields do not allow drum mags on ''normal'' AEGs.


Last edited by Huge; October 27th, 2012 at 20:33..
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Old October 27th, 2012, 22:28   #15
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Cant go wrong with a SAW. Nothing beats the looks of the opposing team when they see 2 guys walk in wearing Multicam and carrying Paras
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