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Beware: Compatibility issues - modify and madbull, ars rubber


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Old August 8th, 2011, 20:42   #1
McKee's Avatar
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Beware: Compatibility issues - modify and madbull, ars rubber

Not sure if there is a thread around but a warning about a few compatibility issues i've run into lately.

1. The madbull python (black) 6.03mm inner barrels do not fit snugly in the new modify accurate hop up chamber. The barrels outer diameter is somewhat smaller than that of other brands, including stock barrels, causing it to shift and will lead to inconsistent shots and possibly damaged rubber.

2. ARS hop-up rubbers dont work well with mad-bull ultimate hop up chambers. They will jam and fail to feed. I have tried this with two different types of inner barrel (promethius and mad bull) as well as two different ultimate hop up chambers, both yielding the same result.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 21:32   #2
THe_Silencer's Avatar
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Thanks for sharing. This should really help out since the brands in question are quite common.

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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:06   #3
Ming_the_Merciless's Avatar
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Thanks for the heads up, that's why airsoft gunsmithing can be a real PITA, part tolerances vary, even if it's the same manufacturer/batch there might be great variance, quality assurance leaves a lot to be desired, but then again they're just toys - not like people's lives are on the line. But I'll take working on a real gun over an airsoft gun any day. As a suggestion I've used some teflon tape a number of times, same tape you use to seal your PVC joints/pipes with, but in this case to sort of shim, to eliminate a slight play between inner and outer barrels, not sure if it will work for the hop up chamber, but doesn't hurt to try.
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; August 9th, 2011 at 22:10..
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Old August 14th, 2011, 14:28   #4
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Aftermarket companies make parts to work with the original guns and its parts. They are not responsible to be compatible with another aftermarket companies which is their competitor.

I suggest that you test the aftermarket part first with in place of the original part and if it does not fit, then you have a compatibility issue.
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