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OP: Sudden Strike IV - Aug. 27-29, 2010 - Big Airsoft Event!



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Old July 8th, 2010, 14:15   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
OP: Sudden Strike IV - Aug. 27-29, 2010 - Big Airsoft Event!

What an honor it would be to get players down from Canada! I know you guys have certain restrictions with transporting guns, but I would definitely like to hear your thoughts on attending a game like this and how it would be feasible!

Who will be victorious this year at OP: Sudden Strike IV? Will it be the USA, the Warlord? or perhaps... The Soviets?! Check out Colorado Milsim to read up on OP: Sudden Strike IV! Early bird registration is now open! Sign up early and save $$$!

When: August 27-29, 2010
Expected Attendance: 120+ Nationally
Where: Colorado/Wyoming Border

Registration fee covers:
* Fully staffed airsoft military simulation on Aug 27 - 29, 2010
* On-Site Camping for the event
* Event commemorative T-Shirt
* Event commemorative unit patch
* Raffle ticket for Sunday raffle by our sponsors

Registration Fee:
$85.00 Includes Everything
$65.00 if you register from July 1 - July 10, 2010 during early bird registration!

Only participants are allowed at the AO, enforced by the Colorado Milsim game staff.

Uniform Requirements

* US Forces - Multicam, 3 Color Desert, or ACU
* Soviet Forces - Woodland, Russian Uniforms (green) or Tigerstripe
* Insurgents (No Camo)

Learn more and register online at:

This event is an low/mid cap magazine only event. No Exceptions, please do not ask.

The Storyline

Since 2001 the United States Military has been battling terrorist groups on the Afghanistan and Pakistan border. After the brutal assault from one of the more powerful Warlords in Afghanistan last year, the US Forces found themselves spread thin and fighting many enemies. Over the past nine years the US and Soviet relations have also been interrupted, especially after the 2010 cold war era spy ring breakup on US Soil. Spy's on the ground in Afghanistan for the Soviets have managed to persuade many warlord's that they have the same interests in mind, and have even supplied them with weapons. With the new discovery of valuable minerals in Afghanistan and deteriorating relationships between the US and Soviets, the Soviets have developed a strategy to once again fight for this territory.

With the USFOR spread out too thin from all the fighting The Soviet Forces has decided to invade Afghanistan thinking the US will unable to stop it. Without an effective warning, Soviet Forces invade Afghanistan...

Learn more and register online at:
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Old July 8th, 2010, 14:33   #2
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If you wanted to have Canadians there, you'd have to arrange some sort of rental hut, etc, because we can't bring our guns back into Canada (and we wouldn't want to paint our tips red to bring them into the US).

Airsoft Sales and Repair/Upgrade Services
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Old July 12th, 2010, 17:55   #3
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
I want to point out that unless you are bringing your airsoft gun to the US for sale, it does not require an orange tip. The orange tip required for transport is covered under the commerce section of the United States Code. The US Department of Commerce does not have jurisdiction over personal use and transportation.

As a note, I fly with airsoft guns, either personal ones or training samples, on a regular basis, and they don't have orange tips.

Note that this obviously has no bearing on trying to get it BACK into Canada! Yeah, rentals would be needed, like with OP Pine Plains each year.
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